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Elizabeth's pov

I hopped off the bed, "what do you mean by that? Explain." He sighed, "Liz, it's not safe for Clint's kids, you, the baby or Nat." Nat huffed, "don't throw this back at us. I told you I would go anywhere with you." I turned my head to look at my redhead soulmate. She sighed, "Liz, we've talked about this." Bruce sighed, "you are both the most important people in my life. You know that." Nat huffed, "don't leave us." Bruce ran a hand through his hair, "Nat," I crossed my arms, "no. Bruce she's right. Why are you wanting to leave?" He sighed, "baby, i don't want to. It's what's best." I walked up to him and laced my hand through his, "how?" Nat sat next to him and grabbed his other hand, "Bruce," He pulled us both into a hug. I relaxed and sighed, "you've both sacrificed so much for me. I'll be okay if you really want to leave." Bruce sighed, "we didn't sacrifice anything."

Nat smiled sadly at me, "baby, we've known we were soulmates for years." Bruce sighed, "we knew before-." He cut himself off. Nat sighed, "We don't talk about this stuff enough with you." Bruce kissed both of our heads, "El, you're the one who brought us together." I frowned, "why?" Bruce chuckled, "you have a lot of questions today." Nat grabbed my hand, "we're fine. You don't have to worry so much." I sighed, "everyone is saying that today." Bruce chuckled, "you've got that look." Nat nodded, "it's the worried look but also the I'm stuck in thoughts look." I rolled my eyes at my two soulmates. Nat stuck her tongue out at me. I gasped, "Bruce, Nat stuck her tongue out at me." Bruce chuckled, "you two are so adorable." I smiled and snuggled into his side. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach it felt like the baby was kicking way to hard, "ow. Hey, didn't we talk about not hurting mommy." Bruce looked down at me and stood up. He helped me stand up and I realized what was happening. Bruce picked me up and put me on the bed, "Nat, go get the others, I need hot rags and the medical bag from the ship the baby is coming." I grabbed his hand, "Bruce, I probably should change into something else." he sighed and nodded, "everything is going to be okay. I'll make sure of it." I smiled, "I know." Steve was the first one here he sat behind me and kissed my head, "everything is going to be okay." I rolled my eyes, "can one of you help me change?" Laura and Nat ran into the room right when I said that. Nat helped me up, "I've got you." She helped me into the bathroom and I started taking my clothes off. She shook her head, "this shouldn't be happening like this. I sighed, "Bruce has delivered babies before and besides I have all of you here. I'm fine and all of you need to relax." I actually felt fine walking around instead of sitting down. Bruce's t-shirt went down past my knees and was super comfortable.

When we walked back into the room there were 3 chairs set up by the bed, a heart monitor, a crib, and new sheets on the bed. I smiled as I shook my head. Laura smiled at me, "4 years as head nurse you learn a thing or two. I've been stopping by the store more recently to prepare for little Luca." I smiled, "thank you." She waved me off. I felt another pain. Laura frowned, "You need to lay down so we can see how far dilated you are." Clint grabbed my hand as he told Nat to get Steve and Tony go get what ever Bruce needed. I squeezed Clint's hand as the next wave of pain hit.

Time skip 8 hours later.

Bruce ran his thumbs over my ankles, "he's almost here, just a few more pushes." I nodded. Clint kissed my head, "you've got this. Okay? Only a few more pushes and you get to hold that baby boy." I smiled weakly as Bruce said, "Ready. Push!" I screamed. Bruce said, "Keep pushing, I see his head." I grabbed my knees as I continued to push this child out of me. I screamed on last time before I heard a soft cry. I instantly relaxed. I closed my eyes as I smiled. Bruce looked at Clint, "you want to cut the umbilical cord?" Clint smiled, "I want you, his other dad, to do it." Bruce looked stunned, "what?" Clint smiled, "we've all talked about this, man, why are you being all weird?" Bruce looked at me stunned, "Clint, this is a serious thing... it's the umbilical cord-." I nodded, "and you are the reason he is here. He has multiple parents no matter who is biological." Clint and Bruce both walked into the bathroom with my baby. 45 min later they came back with him all rapped up in a cute little blanket. I smiled as they put him on my chest. I started crying as I felt his skin on mine.

Bruce and Clint smiled. They both kissed my head before walking out of the room to give me and my son privacy. I smiled, "my handsome Luca, oh my baby boy. You have no idea how hard it's been not being able to hold you. I can't believe your in my arms, baby." "He's beautiful." I smiled as I heard my red headed soulmates voice, "you want to hold our son?" She smiled and sat next to me, "c-can I?" I nodded and handed him to her. She kissed my head, "I can't believe he's actually here." I nodded, "it's so insane." She laughed, "you need rest." I sighed, "I know." She kissed my head, "you want me to tell the others to wait to come in or come in now?" I sighed, "they can come in no-." Before I could finish my sentence Tony was standing in front of me, "hey baby." I smiled, "who are you talking to?" He chuckled, "oof now I have to think of a new nickname for you..." I smiled and shook my head, "guys you can all come in." Tony sat by my feet.

Steve came in slowly, "are you sure?" I smiled, "Steve," he smiled, "you look beautiful." I shook my head, "liar." He shook his head and kissed my head, "never." He sat in one of the chairs next to the bed. Clint sat behind me, "you okay?" I nodded, "I'm perfect." Bruce sat in the other chair, "are you sure? I can go get pain killer-." "Bruce, Laura has it under control. Relax, everything is fine." There was a knock on the door before I heard my dad say, "that's good because I would like to meet my newest grandson." I smiled, "daddy."

Nat stood up and handed Steve the baby while my dad sat next to me and kissed my head, "you did good." I smiled, "thanks." He chuckled, "what's my grandsons name?" I smiled softly, "Luca Charles Barton." Clint smiled as Luca was paced to him. Dad smiled, "a strong name for a strong kid." I smiled as Clint handed my dad little Luca. Dad smiled softly, "hey, buddy. I'm your grandpa, your grandmas and auntie are going to be so excited to meet you. You little man, have a lot of love in your life. You make sure you remember that." He kissed luca's head and then mine, "get some rest little momma." I laughed softly, "you all better take care of him." Dad waved me off while each of my soulmates kissed my head.

Time skip (again I know!) 13 hours later

I woke up to The door opening and a cloth being whipped over my forehead. I opened my eyes to see Violet. She went to walk out of the room, "vi, where are the others?" She sat next to me, "they had to leave. Luca is asleep with mom and it's my turn to check on you." I frowned, "what do you mean check on me?" She smiled, "Liz, you were and still look to be exhausted. You've been asleep for 13 hours." I sighed, "have you heard from them yet?" She shook her head, "no but your dad said he was going to help." I nodded, "you'll let me know if you hear anything?" "Of course but you should really get back to sleep." I smiled and drifted off into a deep sleep.

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You will always be my forever (Book 1) the avengers soulmate series Where stories live. Discover now