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Maria's pov


I looked around to see that my dad,  Momma and my other dad (loki) were all standing there along with a bunch of other people. Dad (Tony) raised an eyebrow, "Maria?" I tilted my head, "daddy?" Dad (tony) took a step towards me, "Marz," I looked at him confused, "h-how is this possible?" He continued to step towards me before he pulled me into a hug and I instantly relaxed and hugged him back, "daddy, it's really you." Dad sighed, "You're so grown up." I let out an airy laugh, "you have no idea." He pulled away, "It worked didn't it?" I gave a smile with tears in my eyes, "it worked." He whipped away my tears, "how are you?" I nodded, "I'm good. We're all good. Morgan is amazing and running around like crazy. Mom is well mom, she has her good and bad days but she's for the most part doing okay. Pep is good and making the company more propionate with the help of Cole." Dad raised an eyebrow, "my company with the help of your soulmate? Explain." I shrugged, "he is actually the CEO of his family business the company almost completely his. He has a board of executives which pep is on and he is on hers. They both want the business to be successful so they decided to work together instead of against each other. That would make holidays a little awkward don't you think?" Dad snickered, "I suppose so. So how are things with you and your soulmates?" I blushed, "amazing actually." Dad raised an eyebrow, "why do you say it like that?" I leaned into his side, "when they came back I was different and they were the same. For them it was 5 minutes for me it was 5 years. The initial shock was hard to get over and then you dying. Peter blamed himself he no matter how many times I tried to convince him other wise." Dad rolled his eyes, "he can be ridiculously sometimes." I nodded, "you can say that again." Dad chuckled and kissed my head.

Momma rolled her eyes, "okay it's my turn!" I laughed and ran into her arms. Momma hugged me, "oh my baby girl! I've missed you so much." I smiled, "I've missed you too momma." Momma pulled away, "are you being good? Still dancing?" I smiled, "of course. I'm actually doing more along the lines of trapeze work and silks but I still love dance." She raised an eyebrow, "you doing that with Cole?" I smiled, "when he has time he helps me practice. He's actually super good at everything involving dance."

A man I recognized at Cole's biological father looked at me and smiled, "you're Cole's soulmate?" I smiled softly, "yes."

(I really wanted to use Hugh Jackman but then it wouldn't make sense since he's wolverine and you never know with me considering I just throw in random characters

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(I really wanted to use Hugh Jackman but then it wouldn't make sense since he's wolverine and you never know with me considering I just throw in random characters... you might be seeing the X-men 🤷🏽‍♀️)

He smiled, "do me a favor?" I nodded. He looked at me with a hopeful look, "tell my boy that I love him and I am so proud of him." I smiled, "of course." He gave me a half smile, "be good to him." I nodded, "always." I heard a voice say, "Maria, baby, there's breakfast." I smiled. Cole's dad smiled at me while Dad chuckled and clapped my shoulder, "you better wake up before Cole freaks out." I shook my head, "he doesn't freak out... he will make me go to school in my pajamas." They both looked at what I was wearing. Dad shook his head, "and the fact that you are wearing a Pink Floyd t-shirt and shorts in the middle of winter is probably why he is waking you up." I shrugged, "there is that." Dad chuckled, "they have their hands full with you." I smirked, "I am my father's daughter." Dad smirked and sent me a wink, "that you are."

You will always be my forever (Book 1) the avengers soulmate series Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt