Chapter 24- Study Date

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I quickly walked out of that mess and went straight to my class. Those 2 are dead meat!

My 1st class was History.


I entered my history class and seated myself in the usual seat. I was alone in this class which was a relief. Soon students started entering the class. A girl came and sat beside me. I wasn’t quite paying attention because I was engrossed in my book. As soon as she greeted me, I freezed.

“Hey! I’m Martha and I am a new student. You are…” she trailed off, bringing me back to my senses.

“Umm… Aurelia,” I said, shaking her extended hand.

“I have heard about you from Zach. We met before 2 days and he showed me around the campus. He kept on ranting about you and some other girl Sydney. Let me tell you, you are exactly like I imagined,” she said in one go.

“Did Zach tell you bad things about me?” I quickly asked.

“No! I meant that you are just the way he described. Anyways, it was nice to meet you,” she said with a huge grin. There was this weird vibe radiating off her which made my subconscious want to stay away from her but I had to behave properly because of that idiot.

She looked exactly like her, the same brown eyes, long, silky black hair, defined cheeks except for the nose. Her nose was different.

“Earth to Aurelia!” she said, bringing me out of my world.

“Umm… Sorry. And please don’t take the efforts of calling me Aurelia. Just get it over with a short Aury.”

She just laughed it out. That’s not something you laugh at!

The class got finished in no time, well maybe it did feel like eternity but anyways. I walked to my next class and thankfully, it was Calculus. I did a mental dance. I had to vent about Martha to somebody and the somebody was most probably going to be Ryder.

Soon the calculus class began. Students started pouring into the classroom, I was the second one to enter. I kept doodling on the last page of my notebook, not bothering to look at anyone.

After a while, the seat beside me was occupied. That someone beside me snapped my book close. I glared at him. By him I mean the one and only Ryder Kierston. That Martha girl was still revolving around my head like butterflies. Something about her was making me question her kindness towards me. I kept trying to divert my attention to my doodling but was unable to because of Ryder. Has he signed some contract to irritate me? He again snapped my book close.

“You do that one more…”

I was interrupted by Ms. Dorthy clearing her throat. Whole class was looking at me. God I hate attention. I didn’t even realise I was shouting so I looked down and started playing with my hands.

“Were you trying to say something, Aury?” Ryder whispered almost after going inside my brain through my ear.

“Why didn’t you tell me, the teacher was inside the class?” I spoke through clenched teeth.

“I was about to say so, but someone was on their period and got annoyed too soon.”

I just ignored him the whole slot till lunch.

As usual, Syd and I were sitting with boys. I saw Martha approaching our table. God please don’t make her sit on our table. I have started hating her guts. Nobody tried to start a conversation with me other than Syd, and neither did I try to. School ended as usual with I being one of the last ones to leave. I heard Martha whispering on the phone ‘I’m on it. Keeping’ an eye on both of them’. It sounded creepy like hell. Today again, Aarold was my ride home.

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