Chapter 46: Provisional Exams Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

"Well then, let's do that provisional license thing... I'm Mera from the Heroes Public Safety Commission. The kind of sleep I like is non-REM sleep... Nice to meet you. I've been so busy that I haven't gotten much sleep... We're too short-staffed..."

You felt pity for the man in front of you, man he really needed sleep. Like right now.

"With that conviction, I will give you the orientation. About the content of the provisional license thing... Frankly, all 1,540 examinees here will have to win through a free-for-all exercise. Our society is currently said to be saturated with heroes, and ever since Stain was arrested, many have shown doubts about the current state of heroes.

Well, as a private citizen, no matter what the motivation, to tell someone risking their lives to save others not to seek any reward is... It's the ruthless story of these modern times... But anyway, whether it's for compensation or for loyalty and courage... the result of many heroes working hard together to help people and defeat villains is that right now, the time from when an incident begins to when it is resolved is so short that it'd make you sick.

You all are about you receive your provisional licenses and finally throw yourselves into those rapids. Those who can't keep up with that speed will frankly have it tough. Accordingly, what you'll be tested on is speed!"

It was quite a long speech for someone as exhausted as him. You admired that and now you started idolizing him. If you were that guy, you already have fallen asleep before you could finish one sentence.

Words appeared on the screen and it read: Number to pass 1st Test> 100 people.

"The first hundred to fulfill the requirements will pass." Your lips were slightly open but your expression remained serious. There were 1000+ examinees who'll compete and only a hundred of them could pass. That's way too much but it also makes sense. There were way too much people and they could probably just handle like a hundred of them. It was easier.

"Well, a lot's happened in the world, and you know, about luck and everything... So anyway, here are the requirements. The examinee will put three of these targets on his or her body. They can go anywhere as long as it's an exposed area. You can't put them on the soles of your feet or on your armpits.

You will also have six of these balls. The targets are made to only light up if they're hit by these balls, and if all three of your targets light up, then you're out. The person who lights up your third target will have it count as their defeat. You get through this round by defeating two people. That's it for the rules."

All of a sudden, the ceiling opened up and the walls were fold down. There you saw different kinds of terrains. Buildings, waterfall, mountains, etc. It reminded you of the USJ and the thought pained you. The League attacked and Dadzawa was severely hurt. And of course, it was the first time you and Bakugo talked to each other.

"Anyway, we arranged for the terrain to be announced like that... But yeah, it's unnecessary."

You looked around the large dome and you spotted your Dad on one of the seats with Joke.

They look nice together. I wonder if she's going to be my new Mom?

"I can't believe you still have twenty-one students, though. It's unusual for you to not have expelled anyone. You like your class this time?"

"Not really." Joke bursted out in laughter, it's like everything Aizawa does is a funny joke. "Go out with me!"

"Shut up. I'm busy now that I have a daughter..." Aizawa muttered the last part. He was being careful since he didn't want to be teased again. "AHAHAHA-- Wait, WHAT?!"

Joke's eyes were as wide as Pacific Ocean, never did she know her friend had a daughter. She never even imagined him having a child with another woman. "You have a daughter?!"

Aizawa let out a sigh, he already spilled it and now he's gonna have to pay the price. "Hn."

"What's her name?"

He took a deep breath before answering bluntly, "Y/N Aizawa." Joke placed her finger on her chin trying to find out if she's heard that name before. Actually, she had.

"Y/N? I think I've heard that name before... Man, congrats, Eraser! Too bad I'm not the mother!" She laughed loudly again and Aizawa was beginning to get irritated. This was why he hated her in the first place.

"Hey, Eraser. Why did the chicken cross the road?"


"To get to the other side! HAHAHAHAHA!"

Will this woman ever shut up?


"Everyone, don't get too separated! Let's move as a group!" You found Midoriya's strategy as a good one so you nodded along. It was better to stay with the people you know, especially since you knew their quirks. It would be a go--

"Yeah right, this isn't a field trip!"

Bakugo suddenly grabbed your arm as he dragged you to where he wanted to go staying away from Midoriya and the others.

"Eh?! Oi, Hothead! Let me go!"

It's like that time when he dragged you out of the sea of students who were surrounding the door of your class. You blushed like an idiot and it was pretty visible since it was as red as Kirishima's hair. Speaking of Kirishima, he ran to the both of you to catch up.

"Wait up, lovebirds!"

You were surprised why he brought you along with him but it felt... nice. Staying with him while competing, it's romantic!

Wait, shut up! No, it's not romantic! It's problematic! Oh well, atleast I can calm this hothead down whenever he's out of control. I'm worried about myself though... what if I go crazy again? What if the strange power thing happens again? I just hope I won't pass out.

Also, I think it'd be difficult for us, UA students. They probably know our quirks by watching the sports festival. What if they have a plan to keep me from using telekinesis? Oh what am I saying? My quirk is probably unbeatable. Nothing can stop me from using my quirk since we're allowed on destroying the terrains.

Or maybe not?

~1730 words~

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