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I was finally going to see him. After months of talking, and me slowly falling for him, I was going to see Y/bf. I waited in the airport with my parents who had come along to pick him up with me. "He should be here soon." I said checking my phone and then the board full of updates on flights. "His plane landed five minutes ago. Give him some time." My dad said. My mum had gone to find a shop selling food so we had snacks for the drive home. My phone vibrated in my hands and I checked it to see a message from Y/bf. 'got my luggage I'm omw now' I quickly replied with 'hurry up' and nervously waited. What if he thought I was ugly or he found me annoying? I started thinking about the worst things that could happen and then started to feel a little sick. I took a deep breath and started playing with my hands. Then I saw Y/bf come out from around the other side of the airport. He immediately looked at me and his face lit up. "Y/n!" He shouted walking faster. I waved at him and smiled bigger than I had done in months. "Hey Y/bf." I said as he approached us. "Hi." He said putting down his bags. He then moved closer to me a hugged me. I hugged him back tighter and he lifted me up a little. I laughed "great to finally see your beautiful face in person." He said in my ear making me blush. "Nice to see you too." I said as he put me down. He then turned to my dad and they both started talking. My mum walked over to us with a bag full of food and we all started to walk to the car park. My dad was pushing the trolley with his bags, after he insisted. Y/bf was walking behind me. "Don't get lost." I laughed as we approached a crowd of people. "I'm trying." Y/bc said laughing. He then grabbed my hand and locked our fingers together. We got through the car and to the lift for the car park. Y/bf  was still holding my hand. "I hate lifts." I whispered as we all huddled into the little box. Y/bf squeezed my hand as the lift started moving. We followed my parents to the car and I helped my dad get the luggage into the car. Y/bf was making sure he had his passport and talking to my mum. Once everything was done we all sat in the car. My dad started driving and we all talked for a while. It got silent after a bit so my dad turned on the radio and we all started singing and laughing. I looked at Y/bf, he looked so cute and handsome. He caught me staring and I quickly looked away, he laughed a little. "Y/n your family is so cool." He said. "Thank you for having me Mr and Mrs Y/L/N." I smiled. "It's our pleasure. And please just call us Y/D/N and Y/M/N." my mum said. "Here I got cookies and some chilled coffee." My mum said handing us two cans and a box of cookies. We shared them around and a quiz show came on the radio. We all shouted answers and had a great laugh. The last hour or so of the ride home was pretty quiet. I looked out the window watching other cars pass by. I was really looking forward to the rest of the week. If the car journey was this amazing the rest of the week was gonna be the best.
Hopefully I'm getting a new phone soon but idk yet. I'll have to use my old phone until I get one.

Y'all should follow me ;)

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