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"Hey baby!" I said, I was so excited to see him after a week of not being able to see him. He kept saying he was busy or too tired to come out because of his training and family stuff. "Hey." He said, he looked really tired and kinda annoyed. I hugged him, he didn't hug back though. "You okay?" I said, I was pretty worried because he was acting pretty weird. "Yeah I'm fine." He sighed. "Yo Y/Bf!" One of his friends said walking past. "I'll see you later." Y/Bf said walking off. He looked way happier with his friends. My heart broke a little as I thought about him wanting to break up with me. I tried to push those thoughts away and went to class. I saw Y/Bsf but I wasn't really in the mood to talk. "Y/N you okay?" I just nodded and walked into class. I got into my seat, which was pretty far from Y/Bsf. I guess that's good because I didn't really feel like talking. I couldn't stop thinking about him and what might happen. I got through the lesson and waited outside class for Y/Bsf. "Y/N what's up?" She asked me. "Nothing. Just leave it!" I said. She hugged me. "Sorry." I said holding back tears. "Let's go get food." We got food and decided to walk around the school for the rest of lunch. We walked past Y/Bf at one point and I almost ran past him. I didn't want to talk to him right now. "Y/N?" Y/Bsf said catching up with me. "I think your boyfriend wants to speak to you." I nodded and sat on the nearest bench to us. She sat next to me and hugged me. Y/Bf walked up to us. "Hey guys." He said. I stayed quiet and Y/Bsf said "Hey." "Well Y/N I need to talk to you about something." He said standing in front of me. I looked up at him. "Yeah." I was trying to hold back tears, I could feel where this was going. "Okay, I'm not gonna lie to you." I just nodded and looked at him as he spoke. "You're not enough for me. I feel like you can't give me what I want and need. I don't think I love you anymore. I'm sorry." I just sat there. I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. I felt like I'd been stabbed in my heart. We had so many good memories. I mean we were together for a year; and he wanted to end it like this. I just nodded. He looked at me for a bit longer and then walked off. He didn't even look a bit hurt. I burst into tears and Y/Bsf hugged me. "What an asshole!" She said. I couldn't speak, I had no words. I thought he would be the love of my life. I thought what we had would last forever. I felt scarred. I just sat there crying. Luckily, it was Friday and we only had to do one lesson before we could leave because the rest of the day was free periods. "Let's get you cleaned up and then get through last period. I can ask my dad to pick us up if you want." I let her take me to the toilets. I looked into the mirror, who was I kidding, obviously a girl like me would never be enough for a guy like him. He used to make me feel so good about myself, but now I just feel worthless again. I wiped the mascara from under my eyes. I looked so disgusting right now, but I honestly couldn't care less. I walked out and Y/Bsf took my hand and practically dragged me to our lesson. I couldn't focus on the teacher. My mind was so full of thoughts. I felt like I'd lost everything. He said we would be together for the rest of our lives, that was a lie. I'd never fell for someone as hard as I had fallen for him. Deep down I still felt the same, I guess I can never stop loving someone I would have gave everything for. The bell rang and got me out of my thoughts. "Hey, my dad's coming to pick us up. Wanna go get ice cream?" I shook my head "No. I kinda want to be alone right now." She nodded, understanding what I was trying to say. "But I'm not letting you go home alone." She said putting her arm over my shoulders. "Fine." I whispered. She barely spoke to me in the car. I think it's because she knows I'm not ready to speak about it yet.

"Come on Y/N! Let me in." It was Y/Bsf. I had literally been sitting in my room since yesterday evening. All I did was cry and think about him and everything. I was falling apart inside. I couldn't eat or drink. I couldn't sleep. "Y/N please." I gave in and unlocked my room. "Here. I brought you an energy drink and some leftover pizza that mum ordered last night." I took it and put it on my desk. "Thanks." I sat back on my bed. "You better eat that." Y/Bsf said getting all the stuff off my desk and putting it in front of me. "Don't feel like it." I had, it was true, I felt quite sick to be honest. "I don't care! You're gonna eat right now and we're going out later. Like it or not!" She hugged me. I sighed and decided to listen to her. I didn't really wanna go out later but I don't really have a choice. I ate the food and Y/bsf put a movie on. "We're going to a party later. I brought some make up and stuff. We should probably start getting ready soon." I just nodded; I wasn't really in the mood to go to this party. I stared at the TV screen, and then I thought "Is Y/Bf gonna be there?" "I don't actually know..." Y/Bsf said. I didn't actually realise I said it out loud, so I didn't respond to her. "Who cares anyway! You deserve way better!" I felt tears roll down my face again.  "No! He deserves way better. I don't understand how I didn't see that before." Y/Bsf rolled her eyes. "You got that all wrong. Anyway, go shower so we can start getting ready." I stood up and went into the bathroom. I tried to be quick but it's hard when you keep breaking down into tears and forget where you are for a moment. "You done?" Y/Bsf shouted pulling me out of my thoughts. I turned off the shower and put my clothes on quickly. I walked out into my room; Y/Bsf had set up an outfit, makeup and her straighteners. She was already ready and she looked even prettier than usual. "Damn girl! You look good!" I said making us both burst out laughing. "Thanks! Now let's make you look more stunning!" She said giving me the outfit she set up. "I need some water. You get this on while I'm gone." I nodded and she left the room. I put on the outfit and looked into the mirror. Y/Bsf sure knew how to pick out an outfit; it looked great! "Y/n you ready?" She said walking into the room. "Damn girl! You on fire!" She said. I smiled weakly at her and she hugged me. She sat me into my bed and sat in front of me. She straightened my hair and did my makeup. "All done!" She said after a few minutes. She smiled at me as I looked into the mirror. "Thoughts?" She said still smiling. "It's good! Still not sure about going out tonight though." I said. "No choice. We're going to that party. End of." I sighed. I wanted to cry but I held back my tears so I didn't ruin Y/Bsf's hard work.

"Hey guys!" One of the guys said opening the door. I smiled at him. He was pretty cute, and drunk. I giggled as he walked off. "Let's go have some fun!" Y/Bsf said winking and dragging me to where the drinks were. I was acting as happy as I could, but actually I felt so sad and all I could think about was him. Y/Bsf handed me a cup full of something, I didn't know what it was but took it anyway. It smelt strong. I decided to just drink it. It burnt my throat a little, but that's probably because I don't really drink. I downed the whole thing and poured myself more. Y/Bsf was in the crowd somewhere. I decided to find her in a bit. I stayed in the kitchen, looking around. This was a typical party; drugs, drinks, drunk people dancing on each other and deafening music. Y/bsf eventually found her way back to me. It was clear she had drunk quite a bit. But so had I; the thoughts of Y/Bf had gone out of my mind and I didn't feel heartbroken. "We're getting drunk tonight!" Y/Bsf slurred. I nodded and she took my cup and filled it up to the top again. I drank it all and dragged Y/Bsf into the crowd of dancing people. We almost toppled over quite a few times. I talked to a few guys but always rejected them if they asked to take me home. Y/Bsf was making out with a guy. I couldn't recognise him. "Hey Y/n!" It was Y/Bf. I rolled my eyes, I may have been drunk but I was smart enough to try and avoid speaking to him. "Didn't know you did parties." He laughed. "I don't." I slurred, I took his half empty cup and drank the rest handing him the cup back. He laughed "you're hot when you're drunk." I rolled my eyes and tried to walk away. He grabbed my wrist and whispered in my ear. "Come on babygirl. Let's dance." I shook my head. Y/Bsf must have saw because she came up to me. "Y/n look who's here!" She took my hand and took me to the kitchen. "Y/bsf." I slurred. She nodded, she wasn't as drunk as me. "Let's go home." She said trying to help me walk. "Not yet!" I said. I filled another cup and drank it all in one sip. I then took a shot. "Okay let's leave now! You're gonna regret this tomorrow." She helped me walk outside. She called us a cab. We waited outside, it was kinda cold but I was fine. I threw up a few times and Y/Bsf held my hair back and helped me. Luckily I didn't get it all over my clothes. "I'm staying at yours tonight. Oh you're gonna regret drinking this much." I didn't really care. I was drunk and it kept my mind off Y/Bf.
It's pretty long but I hope you guys like it 😂

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