"Can I help you ma'am?" a young blonde walks up to me asking. "Yes actually, I want this one does it run small?"

"It does unfortunately but, we carry sizes up to X-Large. You however would fit into a medium, your very tiny" she rasps out to me.

"I wish, I like it though so thank you" I tell her while she smiles at me.

"I know it's not my business but I can look at you and tell your a size six, those medium underwear in your basket will fit but, if you want something sexier grab the see through G-string in a small, it leaves enough out but shows just enough too, if you know what I mean" she tells me while winking.

I know my face is blood red so I say a quick "Thanks" and grab the suit.

Out of curiosity I find the see through G-string and place it in the bottom of the basket with the bodysuit. I place all of Tan's picks on top and reach for my phone to tell him I'm ready to checkout.

Looking for his contact I realize I never unblocked him. I quickly unblock him and his family before calling his number, I hope he still has the same one, I didn't even ask him.

It rings three times before he answers it "So, you unblocked me finally" he asks while laughing.

"Yes, now get your hot behind in here before I rip the eyes out of all the girls undressing you mentally" I tell him and hang up as I see girl's turning their heads towards the entrance.

Like clockwork they start checking him out. I'm not the jealous type but this is pissing me off, he's mine only. I've spent enough time without him because of a stupid girl before and it's not happening again.

When he reaches me and grabs my hip in his palm I turn and push my tongue into his mouth. Let those bitches see who he's with. I grip his hair in my hand and grab his back as I suck his tongue with mine and bite his bottom lip.

"What was that about?" he asks while pulling away to breathe and wipes his lip from where I bit it.

"I'm marking what's mine" I tell him into his ear before he laughs and goes to the register and gives them his credit card. "Turn around so you don't see" I tell him as the lady who helped me takes everything out and places it into a signature stripped bag.

She smiles as she sees the see through g-strong and Tanner's back to us. "Your total is going to be 278.66" I nod and she swipes the card handing it back to me. I smile at her before pulling Tanner around and placing it in his hand. Everything's in the bag now with the receipt so I don't have to worry about him seeing anything.

"Have a nice day!" she smiles at me as I grab the bag and say "Thanks girl" while winking. I place Tanner's hand in mine walking out of the door.

"So let's go get you some real clothes now" Tanner says low into my ear as we make our way into a few stores.


After we finish shopping about two hours later, I have a complete new wardrobe and so do the kids. We went to American Eagle for jeans and they actually had tall pants so Tan bought me a few pair. We went to many other small stores as well and I should be good now considering I wear scrubs most days.

"So what are we going to do tomorrow with the twins I have to go to work at 8 in the morning and I don't get off until 8 at night, I can take them to daycare if you want" I ask Tanner as he pulls out of the mall.

Tanner's Torment (Kingston Series #2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now