Camp vs. Camp Part 3

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A/N: I'm gonna be moving faster through the rest of these events because I'm gonna be writing forever if I don't

The third and final event of the first course was well underway. For such a simple concept, Pennant Capture was proving to be quite an exciting game. As the pokemon rushed to capture the pennants they ran as fast as they could slamming into opposing teams and expertly weaving around other pokemon to deliver them back to their drop-offs. One of the Team Oak pokemon, a Sneasel was particularly good at this game; on her turn, she had captured 9 flags which was the maximum amount of flags one could catch on their turn. Sneasel weaved effortlessly between her competition snatching up flags as they appeared one after the other.

By the final turn, Team Oak was at 32 flags total while Team Hill Valley was at 28 flags. The final team members were a Jolteon on Team Oak's side and a Raichu on Team Hill Valley's side.  Both pokemon sprinted out as the flag was dropped out in the field; they slammed into each other trying to push the other out of the way but Jolteon was a little bit stronger and that made all the difference as he pushed away Raichu and snatched the flag. Jolteon proved too formidable an opponent for Raichu as he very quicky snatched up the last two flags they needed to win the game.

Team Oak supporters cheered in triumph for their team and the Team Oak members high five and celebrated as well. "And that's it folks; the winner of the pennant capture and the 1st round is Team Oak!" cried Professor Oak.

The supporters let out another cheer in response. "This is just the beginning though, after a brief interlude we shall begin the second round and the first game will be Ring Drop!" continued Professor Oak.

After that, people who wanted to go to the bathroom or get a snack went and did so and then the next event of the 2nd round began. Ring Drop is an event that is very much like a sumo match; 5 members are on each team and there are one-on-one matches between the teams, best out of 5 wins.

The first matchup was between a Machoke on Team Oak's side and a Floatzel on Team Hill Valley's side. Despite the seemingly obvious strength advantage on Team Oak's side the match was pretty close. But they weren't that close, Machoke managed to get up underneath Floatzel and grabbed him by the waist and then hurled him out of the ring. Team Oak supporters cheered in triumph, they had the first point, they had the advantage.

Unfortunately their advantage didn't last long, Team Hill Valley's next two pokemon, a Quagsire and an Ursaring, made a clean sweep of their team members. The image of Ursaring hurling a poor Shuckle into the lake was one that would remain with both camps for ages. So was that of Quagsire sending Donphan rolling into a tree. Ethan recognized Ursaring by a scar on his shoulder, it belonged to Silver but he wasn't the one competing this round. Silver must've lent Ursaring to the competing trainer, what a filthy snake.

They still had two more matches to bring it back though so they were hopeful that their team members could pull through. The next matchup was Slowbro (Team Oak) vs Wobbuffet (Team Hill Valley). The two pokemon immediately got into it pushing one another with everything they had. Unlike the previous matches, these pokemon were more evenly matched; just when you thought one had the advantage, the other would push back and regain ground.

This continued for about 10 minutes. The determining factor in this match was stamina and the crowd found out quickly which pokemon had more. Both pokemon were fatigued but Slowbro was definitely more fatigued than Wobbuffet and this became his undoing. Wobbuffet gained leverage over Slowbrow and step by step pushed him out of the ring, Hill Valley had won the game.

"And the first game goes to Hill Valley!" Kevin said proudly.

Hill Valley supporters cheered in response with some Team Oak supporters booing. Team Oak was starting off down a game again but they still had two more games this round, they could still pull this off. Next came a relay run, both teams consisted of teams of 3 and both teams seemed very fit for the competition.

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