Counselors At Last

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"That was a cute little trick you pulled," Silver seethed.

"Pfft, cute? I thought it was adorable," Ethan mocked.

"Don't you push me you little sh**. Your joke cost us a hundred dollars in damage apiece."

"Yeah and I should've done more."

Silver stepped up the Ethan ready to break his nose. This time he was fully prepared to do it. Oh, how great it sounded to pound the boy's face in. He had dreamt of doing it for years. "OK stop!" Lyra said stepping in between the two boys.

Ethan looked at his girlfriend surprised as she spoke. "Get out of my way," Silver snarled.

"No, I'm not gonna sit by and let you jerks do as you please. I'm tired of you guys always acting like you're better than us," Lyra snapped back.

"I'm warning you," Silver said getting even angrier, "stay out of this or else I'll hurt you even worse."

"Don't you dare, Silver," Ethan seethed pulling her close.

"You know what? You're right, I've gotta save every ounce of my energy for when I pound you into the ground. After what you pulled we all want to get a piece of you. So Lyra better consider herself lucky she wasn't involved."

"I was involved!" Lyra shouted surprising them, "I got into it because I wanted to be one to wipe that smug smile off your voice."

"Oh really?" Silver said raising his voice.


"Alright, fine then!"

Silver reeled back and slapped Lyra across the face as hard as he could causing her to cry out in pain and fall to the ground. She held her hand up to her cheek trying to ease the pain.

That did it, Silver had gone too far this time. Something inside Ethan snapped, he charged at Silver and knocked him down. Ethan got on top of the redhead and started wailing on him punch after furious punch. Silver punched him back trying to get him off but Ethan wouldn't budge, he pushed through the pain and continued landing punch after punch. Feraligatr growled and moved toward the two ready to take action. Before he could do anything he was halted by Ethan's Typhlosion coming out of its Pokeball. Typhlosion was looking not only to defend his trainer but also settle the score with Feraligatr. The two stared each other down viciously before lunging at each other and having their own fight.

Silver was being left a bloody mess, as the pounding continued the only thing he could see was the look of absolute fury plastered on Ethan's face. Ethan's relentless beating was abruptly ended when Justin's buddies grabbed him by the arms and pulled him off. "Come on, get him up," Justin commanded.

The guys pulled him to his feet and kept a strong grip on his arms. They struggled to keep him in place as Justin stood in front of him getting into a fighting stance. "It's finally my turn," he said, "I've been wanting to kick your a** all summer."

Justin hit him with a hard right hook. Ethan grunted in pain but didn't waver, the guys pulled him back to his feet and Justin hit him again. The guys pulled him to his feet again but this time, Ethan kicks Justin away and elbows the guys holding onto him, escaping their grasp. Now it was Ethan's time to fight back.


"Are we there yet?" Yellow asked tiredly.

After a long, hard walk, Red, Leaf, and Yellow were almost to the top. Yellow had to ride the last stretch of the walk on the back of her Dodrio having used up all her energy. Red and Leaf were tired as well but not as tired as Yellow was. "This is it just up the hill," said Red.

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