
Kiara groaned as she leaned against a tree and clutched her cramped side. She could hear Hiccup beside her, heaving breaths like she was. "We lost them," he said, his voice light with triumph. "Well, for now."

"Yep," she said, "and it only cost a ruptured lung or two."

"And with that charming visual," he snickered, "let's get to the dragons and get the hell out."


Trudging forward, they felt their way through plants and trees. The branches above them were black splatters that blocked out most of the stars. No hunter came near, and their only company seemed to be a solitary owl who hooted now and then. It was... calm. The adrenaline dissipated from the rider's bodies and their hyper-awareness retreated with it, allowing them to get lost in their minds. The dark and quiet didn't feel as desolate as it should with the riders' unspoken thoughts crowding the air around them. Kiara bit her lip, debating on whether to apologise or not. The disaster she'd gotten them in was less than ideal. "It was necessary! I've finally got answers in reach," she argued with herself, "AND we made it out of there!" but even so she felt the all-to-familiar weight of guilt in her stomach.

"Why didn't he stop us?" Hiccup mumbled, barely louder than the twigs that crunched under their feet.

"Hmm?" Kiara glanced at him, forgetting her train of thought.

"The hunter you ran into," he replied, "he should have stopped us, but he didn't even attempt to... Why?"

Kiara held a branch as her feet shuffled over gnarled roots. When she was past them, she spoke. "That was Harald, the guy who told me that the dragon-eye held the crystal's secrets."

"And his words were true..." Hiccup trudged forward a few paces in thoughtful silence. "So, he's a friend?"

"Eh, he was. And then turns out he's a hunter. And then, THIS." She lifted her arms in a large shrug.

"He's a mystery," he said.

"Hmm." A thoughtful pause. "Not really."

"Oh, so you have him all figured out, huh? Miss detective?"

"Well duh, Sherlock," she said, smirking. "Anyway." She grew sombre. "From what I've gathered, Harald does what he believes is right. He gave me information because I saved his life and he felt he owed me. Even his job, he does for his family and tribe's wellbeing."

"He doesn't realise the suffering it causes," Hiccup agreed.

They reached a small creek and jumped across it, before continuing.

"Hiccup," Kiara said quietly. He hummed in reply. "I wish we could make them realise."

"That dragons shouldn't be caged, used and killed?" he clarified.

"Yes," she said with a single nod.

"Yeah." He sighed. "If only that would stop them."

"Why not?" she countered, frowning. "It stopped Berk, didn't it?"

"Berk never did it for profit," he explained. "Hunters do what they do for money. Throwing 'dragons are friendly if you leave them be' at them won't make a difference."

She huffed, not liking the hopelessness of that statement. Then her eyes softened and her gaze fell to the roots on the ground. "I wish you were wrong," she mumbled.

"I do too," he said in a whisper. The pair continued onto a patch of land where the trees were further apart, allowing the stars to peak in and scrutinise them. Kiara stopped in her tracks as a panicked voice entered her head. "Kiara, are you near?" Whiplash asked.

"I'm coming," she replied hurriedly. "Like 7 minutes away. What's wrong?"

"There's a swarm of them. They're coming towards us."

The sting of fear rushed through her limbs.

"Kiara?" said Hiccup as he shook her shoulder. She looked at him and could see his mounting dread just as he could see her's. As she forced the words out, the fear solidified into something cold and hard, gripping her heart. "The hunters are heading for our dragons," she said. "Too many..."

Hiccup's face paled. "Toothless can't fly," he said, stepping away. "He can't escape. He'll get— I need to—"

"Easy, Hiccup." She grabbed his arm, not sure if she was steadying him or herself. "He can defend himself."

"Yeah, yeah," Hiccup agreed shakily. "So can Whiplash."

"Yes. And she won't leave his side," Kiara assured.

"I've got his back," Whiplash promised, since her presence was still in Kiara's mind.

"She gives you her word."

Hiccup nodded.

The riders charged on, fueled by a force that would drive them through cramps and aching lungs like they don't exist, and armies like they mean nothing. The force was fear.

A different fear.

Fear of losing their better half.




He's like the sweetest, conflict-hating, wouldn't-hurt-a-fly soul. He could never kill on purpose. Dragon or human. He must never kill by accident either. I don't think he could live with that. So isn't it fitting that the only weapon he carries is one that cauterises any wound it as it inflicts it? So you can't bleed out and die from a (superficial) wound from it? To add to that, the sword is permanently sterile, what with all that burning monstrous nightmare gel, so no infected wounds are coming from that baby! Was this his intention all along?

My take: He's smart. He is capable. He could make and carry a bunch of different weapons to different missions—arrows shot like Batman Beyond's batarangs, spinning scythes, you name it—but he sticks with his one and only Inferno. It is awesome, don't get me wrong. But I like to think that Inferno's anti-fatal abilities are a major reason he sticks with it and nothing else.

To add to its anti-violence shtick, the thing has evolved a disarming gap by the second movie! no arms? no fights to the deaths.

To add to its anti-violence shtick, the thing has evolved a disarming gap by the second movie! no arms? no fights to the deaths

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booya B)

Sweet! Now a quick apology: soz for not letting u know before dropping off the grid for months (aGAiN). I just got snatched by Morpheus for a bit. (My college did not take it easy lol)

Stay safe and pay your respects to Chicken

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Stay safe and pay your respects to Chicken

till next time!


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