Chapter 22

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It's been two weeks since the little visit Tom got from Jake. The ring was still sitting in the little box under the TV stand. Tom was thinking about a lot of things, especially how fake Jake must be. The sadness he felt was slowly leaving him to his surprise, getting replaced by anger instead. He was currently sitting on his couch, mindlessly scrolling through Netflix, looking for some good movies to watch. After around 20 minutes of unproductivity he decided to take a nap instead. He jogged up the stairs to his room, his brows slightly lifting in surprise as he heard a notifiaction go off on his phone. He unlocked it, letting a smile creep on his face as he saw a text from Iggy, inviting him to hang out with her, Sabrina and Liam.

Iggz💕 : Hey Tom ! I will totally understand if you say no, but I was wondering if you would like to hang out with us today. We haven't seen each other in a while and it would be cool if you wanted to come too. It's gonna be me, Sabrina and Liam, so let me know 😁. Bye for now 💕

'She's so sweet, oh my God. I should probably go, it will help me get things out of my head.' he thought for himself before replying.

Tom💀 : Hey, sure I'd love to. I missed you guys a lot so just send me the address and time and I'll be there 🥰

After that, he plugged his phone into the charger and sleep overpowered him.

After he woke up, he quickly checked the time, noticing he had a new message from Iggy as well.

Iggz💕 : Great ! We'll be hanging out at my house, so I'm sure you know the address. And you can come around 6pm. If you want you can come sooner and help me prepare some things for the party, but it's not really neccessary.

It was 2pm so he quickly took a shower, put on a pair of comfy gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt. He went downstairs and took a quick sip of water. He was slightly nervous from seeing his friends, he hasn't seen them in a long time and didn't really know what to expect. At 3pm he was leaving his LA apartment, taking the lift to the undergound parking garage. There was his driver waiting for him.

,,Hey Tom ! Long time no see, where are you heading ?"
,,Hey, I'm just going to hang out at Iggy's place. I have the permit to her gated community so we shouldn't have a problem getting there." said Tom, his driver nodding his head.

At 3:45pm Tom has officialy arrived at Iggy's house. The LA traffic was slow and annoying as usual on a Friday afternoon. When he got out of the car, Iggy was already waiting outside, pulling him into a hug.

,,TOM ! HEY ! I missed you so much." she said, pulling away and looking him up and down ,,although you could've gotten dressed better since we are having quite a big party tonight."
,,Wait what ?! I thought it was just going to be the four of us !" Tom panicked, his eyes going wide.
,,Well" Iggy dragged out, ,,I might have lied about that a little. I really wanted to get you out of the flat cause I know you were going crazy." she continued, grabbing Tom's shoulders and shaking him slightly.
,,I guess, who is invited except for Sabrina and Liam ?" Tom asked, praying and hoping Iggy didn't invite who he thought she would.
,,Don't worry. Jake is not coming. I would never do that to you. However, I invited Charli, CupcakKe, Kacey, Nick Jonas, Shawn with Camila, even though I didn't really want her here and Taylor with Selena. I'm pretty sure Ariana and Demi got the invites as well but they didn't respond just yet. Oh and I also invited Zayn." Iggy finished, leaving Tom baffled.
,,Amethyst Amelia Kelly ! Are you fucking kidding ?! I showed up to a party like this in SWEATPANTS AND A T-SHIRT ?!" Tom yelled out, his eyes threatening to fall out.
,,Chill out bestie" Iggy said, cracking herself up, ,,it's going to be a pool party anyways, so those white Calvins you have on will be just enough."

Tom stood infront of Iggy, baffled more by the fact, she knew he was wearing white Calvins.

,,How did you-"
,,We shared a room together on a tour once three years ago, remember ? I swear to god, you never once wore anything different."

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