Chapter 16

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In the evening of the same day, the crew decided to organize a big grill party, inviting their celebrity friends that were currently in Auckland. To their surprise, quite a lot of them showed up, including Charli XCX, CupcakKe, Kacey Musgraves, Chris Evans and Britney Spears with her fiancée Sam.

,,I can't believe you two actually came." Iggy said to Britney and Sam when they arrived.
,,Yea, we are vacationing here to get away from the public eye." Britney said.
,,Are you doing okay ? I know life has been tough recently." Iggy said, hugging Britney for a moment.
,,Yea, it's getting slowly better." she responded with a slight smile.

After the short convo, all of them gathered in the backyard around the big fireplace. Some of them even got into the pool since it was really hot. It was 6pm currently and the mood couldnt be better. Tom and Jake were sitting in the hot tub with Chris amd catching up, mainly Chris asking everything about how they got together and about their Australia adventures. Sam was talking with Shawn, exchanging workout tips and tricks. Sabrina and CupcakKe were having a pool war with water guns, after accidentaly shooting Tom in the face with a water gun, the tree men from the hot tub joined them, Tom being the judge cause he wasnt really able to move too much because of his shoulder.

,,Look at those kids." Iggy said, looking at the pool from the fireplace. She was sitting there with Kacey, Charli and Britney, talking about random stuff.
,,Let them have fun. I just hope Sam won't join them cause he would probably come and throw me in as well." Britney said with a chuckle, releasing a sigh of relief when she noticed Sam talking with Shawn on the porch.
,,I can't believe those two are 38. Like, how ?" Kacey said laughing.
,,I heard somewhere that the older men get, the bigger kids they become." Charli said, earning laughs from the other ladies.

Around 7pm, they all gathered around the fireplace, each of them roasting marshmellows and making s'mores. Meanwhile Sam was at the grill, making some steaks and fish. Soon they were all having a big dinner, sitting at a big table at their porch. There was a really nice atmosphere, all of them enjoying the presence of the others.

,,So, would you guys like to sleep over ? We have this house rented for 10 days and there are way too many bedrooms for all of us to fill." Tom asked, making their guests look at each other, slightly confused.
,,I'd love to. What do you say CupcakKe ?" Charli asked.
,,It's fine with me." CupcakKe agreed with a smile.
,,I'd love to stay but I have to get back to my hotel since I'm leaving tonight and I'm starting my Asian tour leg." Kacey said, slowly getting up and saying bye to all of them.

After Kacey left, Chris and Britney with Sam decided to stay as well.
,,Okay, so Charli and CupcakKe, you can take the guest room. Britney and Sam you can take our room and me, Tom and Chris would go to the beach house, if you don't mind, of course." Jake said, looking at Chris who shook his head no.
,,Then it's settled." Iggy cheered, all of them poured a last drink and headed towards their bedrooms.

,,Okay, so. This beach house has one double bed and a one single bed." Tom said.
,,Nice, when did you go there ?" Jake asked confused.
,,When you were unpacking us. It looks really nice." Tom answered as they were walking down the small path to the beach.
,,It is kinda scary here. Like, if these small lights wouldnt be here we would be lost." Chris said, looking around.
,,Yea, well, anyway, we are three strong men who can survive on our own. Right guys ?" Tom asked, turning around to see both Jake and Chris nod hard.
,,Of course." Jake said, puffing up his chest.
,,What's that on your back mate ?" Chris asked.
,,WHAT ? PUT IT AWAY ! KILL IT PLEASE !" Jake jumped and started shaking with himself wildly.

Tom and Jake both burst out in laughter.
,,No need to worry babe, there are no dangerous animals on New Zealand." Tom assured Jake, giving Chris a high five. ,,That was good man."
,,Thanks, appreciate it." Chris responded.
,,No problem." Tom said, fistbumping Chris this time.
,,Wouldn't you two like, want to sleep together tonight ?" Jake said, slightly sassy.
,,I mean if Chris wouldn't mind." Tom said, Chris playing along.
,,Of course not. I mean, it would be an hono-"
,,Okay, enough. You're sleeping with me." Jake said, rolling his eyes when the other two started to laugh.

They approached the beach house after a moment, Jake and Chris slightly shocked.
,,Damn, this is so nice." Jake said, earning nods from both men.
After a short while just looking around and searching stuff they decided to get inside the hot tub.

,,It's so nice sitting here and just looking at the ocean." Tom said.
,,Yea, it is. A moment of calmness for at least a while." Jake said, Tom leaning against him.
,,You two are so damn cute together. Hey, let's take a pic from this reunion." Chris said.
,,We already took a group pic up there, all of us. It's on our instagrams." Tom said, making Chris roll his eyes.
,,I don't have instagram you dumbass." Chris said, taking his phone from beside the hot tub. ,,C'mon guys."

And with that, the photo was taken. It showed all three of them behind Chris who, of course, had to be in the centre.
,,Damn we look good. Posting it right now." he said, while typing away a caption to the pic.
,,Anyway lads, I don' know about y'all but I'm damn tired so I'm heading off. Night." Tom said as he got out of the hot tub, the two older men waving him goodbye.

,,Congrats Jake. You really found a gem for yourself. Just be sure to keep it." Chris looked at Jake, Jake looking down knowingly.
,,You know, I was actually thinking of buying an official dating ring kinda ? You know, to like, show him that I really mean it."
,,That is a good idea actually. Do you need some help with picking it or ?" Chris asked, Jake throwing hopeful eyes at him.
,,Please." he pleaded, making Chris laugh.
,,Alright. Tomorrow then ?"
,,Yea why not. When are you leaving mate ?" Jake asked.
,,The day after tomorrow."
,,Oh, that's a shame. Well anyway, lets probably sleep as well, we need to have energy tomorrow." Jake said while getting out of the hot tub, followed by Chris.
,,Definitely. It needs to be perfect." Chris said with a wink while patting Jakes shoulder. ,,Anyway, goodnight man. See ya tomorrow."
,,Yea see ya, goodnight." Jake replied and headed to his room. He found Tom sitting on the bed, staring into his phone.

,,Where are you going tomorrow ?" he asked with a slight pout.
,,Oh don't worry, I'm just heading to town with Chris." Jake replied, jumping into the shower for a quick moment, then brushing his teeth and joining Tom soon after.
,,Any specific reason ?" Tom asked, cuddling close to Jake.
,,Not really. We just want to get to know each other, hit the gym, see the city."
,,Oh nice. Have fun then." Tom said with a smile, slowly drifting off to sleep. ,,Goodnight."
,,Goodnight to you too." Jake replied with a smile as he pressed a kiss into Toms hair.

And with that, they both fell asleep again, holding eachother close, the feeling of safety flowing through them.

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