Chapter 18

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Jake was shocked. He thought he didn't hear right at first, but when Chris assured him, he was stunned.

,,So wait, are you like-"
,,Bisexual, yeah." Chris finished, Jake nodding in understandment.
,,Damn. I didn't even think of that possibility. No offense." Jake said, making Chris chuckle a bit.
,,Yeah, people are always a bit surprised."
,,So, how long have you been dating ?"
,,A year I think ? I was planning on doing it sooner but I never got to it. And when you told me about your plan, I thought that it would be a great idea to use this vacation time for something that matters." he said, Jakes shock slowly washing off.
,,Oh damn. Well, congrats to you and I hope it goes well." Jake said while lightly squeezing his shoulder.
,,Thanks. I hope so too." Chris replied as Jake started the engine and they drove off.

When they arrived at the house, a magical smell hit them straight into the face.
,,That smells amazing." Jake said while taking a deep breath.
,,It sure does. This lunch is about to be bomb." Chris replied, making Jake nod in agreement.

When they walked in, Jake was greeted by Tom right away.
,,Hi babe." Tom said while rushing Jake into a hug.
,,Hey, why so fast ?" Jake asked, getting the answer immediately in the form of water going down his shirt. ,,You little-"
,,Love you too." Tom jumped into Jakes sentence, calming him down by a kiss right away.
,,Okay okay, that made up for it." Jake said while smiling into the kiss.

,,Sorry to interrupt, but what is for lunch ? It smells delicious." Chris asked.
,,Oh, Sam made salmon. We are all really hungry but he said that the lunch ain't ready yet." Tom responded.
,,Oh nice, thanks."
,,No problem. So, how was your day ?" Tom asked.
,,It was fine, we walked around the city a bit, also went to a shopping centre." Jake answered.
,,Nice. Chris, did you buy it ?" Tom asked, getting a nod.
,,Show me, please." Tom said, dragging out the 'please'.
,,Of course," Chris said as he pulled out the two rings.
,,Oh my God, these are so beautiful. Where are you going to do it ?" Tom asked, making Chris think for a second.
,,When I get back to LA, I'm probably going to take him out and I don't know. I haven't planned it yet." Chris admitted.

After a while, all of them gathered in the dining room, a deliciously smelling meal on the table.
,,Okay guys, I hope you'll like it. Don't stuff yourself too much, there is also dessert." Sam said as they all sat down and started to eat.
,,Sam, oh my, this is amazing." Tom said, while stuffing salmon into his mouth.
,,Thanks, I tried." Sam amswered, earning a few chuckles.

After they finished the salmon, they had a short pause, talking about their plans for the next days.
,,Well, I will be flying away tomorrow to continue my tour in Asia. And CupcakKe will be going on her own tour in the USA." Charli explained.
,,I'm flying back to USA." Chris said with a small smile playing on his lips.
,,Me and Sam will be staying here for a month, away from the press, thank God." Britney said while rolling her eyes.

Suddenly, Sam walked in with plates.
,,These are chocolate lava cakes, enjoy."
And they sure did. The chocolate lava cakes disappeared as soon as they appeared. After they were done eating lunch, they all went to the cinema room that the house had, Jake connecting the huge screen with his notebook and opening Netflix. They didn't really know what to watch so Jake was just scrolling through Netflix until they would find something interesting to watch.

,,This seems interesting. Rim Of The World. Should we watch it ?" Jake asked, not really getting negative responses, so he turned it on. It wasnt bad actually, and they pretty much enjoyed it. After it ended, all of their visitors started to leave. They all said their goodbyes and thanked them for staying over as well.

,,So, that would be two days killed. What about the next eight ?" Tom asked, all six of them thinking thoroughly.
,,Well, I was hoping you would maybe like to go on a date with me tomorrow ?" Jake asked, Toms eyes widening, the others staring expectantly.
,,Yea, sure, why not. Like, a real public date ?" Tom asked, not really sure about it since they didn't really confirm the relationship publicly, just photos. And some people still think it's only a bromance. But on the other hand, he shouldn't feel embarrassed for it. He should be proud. Like damn, his man is fucking Jake Gyllenhaal. And so he decided to go with it. ,,Yea okay, let's do it."
,,Great. Excited." said Jake, who looked like a huge stone just fell off of him.

,,Well, with you two heading out, how about we have a little celebration ?" Iggy asked the others, Shawn, Liam and Sabrina cheering loudly.
,,We will need some alcohol though. Sab ? Wanna go to the supermarket with me ?" Shawn asked, Sabrina nodding her head happily. And with that, they left the house.
,,Damn, are they seriously going to buy alcohol for tomorrow now ? I thought they would go, like, in the morning." Liam said and Tom laughed. ,,What's funny ?"
,,Oh Liam, we are going to get wrecked tonight since we won't be here with you tomorrow." Tom said.
,,No no no. You are not drinking tonight. It always ends bad." Jake said, making Iggy and Liam laugh.
,,Jake is right Tom, you don't know where your limit is." Iggy said.
,,Oh shut up. I know damn well where my limit is. And I'll show you tonight."

Fast forward to 5 hours later, it was around 8pm currently. They were all sitting in the huge living room, music blasting from somewhere as they were playing Spin The Bottle with an empty wine bottle, that Shawn and Sabrina downed together. Jake spinned the bottle and it landed on Tom.

,,Do you have Joes number ?" Jake asked, not finding anything wrong wit unidentifying 'Joe'. I mean, Joe Jonas right ? It's obvious.
,,Who is Joe ?" Tom asked confused, the others sharing his confusion.
,,Joe Jonas, duh." Jake said while rolling his eyes dramatically.
,,Oh, no, no I don't. Why ?" Tom answered.
,,Damn it. Well, then I dare you to post an ass pic on your instagram story." Jake said with a smirk, watching Toms eyes widen.
,,I'm not doing that." he answered as he tried to make himself look serious.
,,If you don't want to do that, you can do a naked jump from the roof to the pool." Jake said, cracking up at his genius idea.
,,What if some paparazzi take pics tho ?" Tom said, not really wanting to do anything of the two.
,,Well, does it matter ? Your ass would be in public in both of those."

15 minutes later, Tom was standing on the roof, naked, preparing to jump.
,,You can do it babe." Jake shouted.
He took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment. And with that he lunched forward.

It didn't take long. Suddenly, he was in the air, only for a short while though. He soon felt water all around him. As he swam up for fresh air, he noticed all 5 of them recording him.
,,Don't even try, you assheads." he said as he got out of the pool, taking a towel from a laughing Jake.
,,Too late babe, the whole world is about to see you jump into a pool naked. At least you covered your dick." Jake said, all of their co-stars cracking up.
,,And at least there is a spare bedroom for you to sleep in tonight." Tom said sassily before joining them with laughter as well when he saw the video.

And hour later, and they were all drunk. They played Spin The Bottle until like 11pm, making Shawn and Liam make out, Iggy give Jake a lap dance, Sabrina prankcall her dad saying she is lost in a forest and Jake deepthroat a TV remote. After they finished, they all went to their rooms, Jake going to his own bedroom for this night.

As he was about to fall asleep, there was a knock on the door.
,,Come in." he said quietly, the door slowly opening, a sleepy Tom appearing in the doorway.
,,I really missed you. Can I sleep with you ?" he asked, slightly drunk, slightly sleepy.
,,Of course babe, come here." Jake said, while pulling Tom into the bed.
,,Thanks. I probably wouldn't be able to fall asleep without you. I'm excited for our date tomorrow." Tom said, making Jake smile into the back of his neck.
,,I'm excited too. Now get some rest. Love you."
,,Love you too."

And with that, they both fell asleep, Jake getting ready to change Toms life around, Tom not even knowing what was waiting for him. For them.

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