Chapter 20

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Three years. It was now officially three years since Jake asked Tom to be his boyfriend. On this day three years ago, Tom had the best night of his life.

One year. It was now officially one year since Jake broke up with Tom. On this day one year ago, Tom had his heart broken like never before. It was very hard. To this day he still wondered if he did something wrong. Like order that pizza a day before that Jake said was too spicy. Or maybe play that song two days earlier that caused Jake a headache.

Sometimes he went over the texts they exchanged.  And then he came over the last one which made him hurt the most. ,,It's over"

Yes. Jake indeed did break up with Tom over a text. And Tom got stuck. Stuck in that moment when out of nowhere, he got the text he never expected. Stuck in the moment in which the water glass fell out of his hand. Stuck in the moment in which Jake came over to collect his clothes and left. Forever. And he didn't know how to move on.

And there he was again. Sitting on the couch, on the couch he and Jake used to watch movies on and cuddle while it was raining outside. He let out a sigh. His phone beeped as he was staring at the empty wall. Jake took the TV cause he bought it. His phone beeped. He picked it up, looking at the name.


Ashley became his best friend after they met in London. She was playing a show at the O2. He loves her and truly appreciates conversations with her. But the only reason he goes out with her is to get wasted and be able to forget Jake. At least for the few hours.

Ashley : Hey
Ashley : You alright ? Haven't heard of ya in a few days.
Tom : I'm fine. You need anything ?
Ashley : I thought we could go out maybe ? Grab a coffee and just chill ? Walk a little ?
Tom : I'm not really in the mood rn
Tom : How about a night in ?
Ashley : Okay, no problem. Should I bring anything ?
Tom : Wine please
Ashley : Sure thing 👍🏿
Tom : 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️

4 hours later and Tom was alone again. Ashley had to leave for the night, as she was flying to Sweden to record some new music. He wanted to go with her but he didn't have the energy for travelling. He filled up the bathtub, stripping down and submersing himself into the hot water. After a while, he came up for air, closing his eyes and thinking.

"If I try to drown myself and end up in the hospital, maybe Jake would care again."
"No. That won't work. Cause he's actually over you."

Tom snapped his eyes open, shaking his head lightly. He opened the small window above the bathtub, letting the cold air balance the hot. After 2 hours spent relaxing, he got out, grabbing a pair of black sweatpants he went to bed. He took his phone, re-reading his messages with Jake. He decided to check his social media, breaking his no stalking rule.

He went to his instagram, feeling his tears collect as he scrolled through Jakes profile. Jake had a new partner. A girl. He didn't know her. He scrolled some more, finally letting his tears fall as he realized Jake deleted the posts of them together.

After a while of scrolling, he put his phone away, turning the lights off. His king-size bed never felt this lonely. Staring into the roof for a while, thinking about nothing, he finally closed his eyes. He didn't fall asleep though. He was just laying there. Laying there after he finally fell asleep, way past midnight.

He woke up at around 9am, opening his phone first thing. He had 2 texts. One from Ashley, telling him to keep safe and take care of himself. He wished her a safe journey and lots if creativity. The second text shocked him. So much the phone fell from his hands.

💔 : i miss u
💔 : can we talk please ?

Well, i kinda forgot i had wattpad and just didnt feel like doing anything
Hope you liked the chapter
As you may have noticed, I also changed my username as I might be writing stories about more celebs as well, we'll see.
Anyway, love yall and talk to you soon ❤️❤️❤️

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