Chapter 19

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Tom woke up, slightly confused as there wasn't a single trace of Jake. He slowly got up, and grabbed his phone, checking the time. It was 8am, very unusual for Jake to be up this early. Tom got up, putting some clothes on and walking towards the door.

As he stepped out of the room, a sweet scent of pancakes hit him straight in the face. His eyes widened, increasing his speed and rushing towards the kitchen. There he found Jake, wearing nothing but a white apron, making pancakes.

,,Good morning darling." Jake said in a terrible British accent, making Tom laugh.
,,Good morning to you as well. What's this all about ?" Tom asked, slightly confused.
,,Well, it is our special date day today. So I wanted to start it right. By making you pancakes." Jake replied, recieving a loving kiss from the younger man.
,,I don't deserve you mister Gyllenhaal. I seriously don't." Tom said, pressing another soft kiss onto Jakes lips.
,,Save that for later Holland." Jake replied, making Tom blush lightly.

A few hours later they were walking around the city, holding hands, covered by only sunglasses. They didn't care if anyone photographed them. They were ready to let the world know. After walking around the city for a bit, they went back to their car.

,,So what now ?" Tom asked, bored by just watching the sights.
,,Be patient. We have quite a bit of a ride in front of us now so just sit back and relax." Jake replied, starting up the car engine.
,,Okay, well, since this day is about me, and this ride is going to be I don't know how long, I should get to play the music." Tom said, making Jake chuckle, but agree with him.

3 hours have passed. They were almost there, according to Jake, even though Tom didn't really want the ride to end. Half an hour later, Jake parked near a small restaurant located in a small village in the middle of nowhere. He got out of the car first, rushing to open Toms door. He took his hand, intertwining their fingers. They walked inside, Tom surprised by the fact that the restaurant was empty.

,,I called yesterday and asked them to close it for us." Jake explained, recieving a nod of understandment as a response from Tom.

They both ordered their food, Jake drinking wine, Tom being less classy and having a diet coke with vodka. After their food arrived, they both quickly finished it, starving after the long journey. When they left the restaurant, Jake put a blindfold over Toms eyes, starting up the car once again. After around an hour they arrived at their final destination. It was currently around 6pm, the sky turning golden minute by minute.

,,Please don't peak. I'll be right back." Jake said, Tom nodding his head.
,,Don't worry, I won't." he replied, recieving a short kiss which only made him want more.

Meanwhile, Jake was busy preparing his surprise. It was a 5 minute walk from the car, through a small forest. There, on the other side was a small cottage with a beautiful view. It was located on the edge of a huge lake, the sunset creating a beautiful scenery. Jake was busy lighting candles, laying out rose petals and putting together a white outside bed with see-through curtains around it, covering the bed with rose petals as well. After around 20 minutes he was finished, admiring his work before running back to grab Tom. He opened the passenger seat door, still keeping Tom blindfolded. He carefully lead him through the forest, rubbing circles into Toms hand as he felt the younger man was a little stressed.

Once they arrived at the spot, Jake turned Tom towards the lake, carefully taking off his blindfold. Omce Toms eyes got used to the light, he couldn't believe his eyes.

,,Jake, this is beautiful. But why would yo-" Tom cut himself off when he turned around.

There he saw the bed, the candles, the cottage, everything. And infront of him was Jake, kneeling down, taking out a small box.

,,Listen, I know this all might look really cheesy, but let me explain. I realised, I never actually asked you to be my boyfriend. So I thought, that maybe I could do it big, you know ? So Tom, I'm asking, will you officialy be my boyfriend ?" Jake said, while opening the box revealing the ring.
,,Jake, you are fucking crazy. Of course I will be your official boyfriend." Tom said, feeling tears rush into his eyes.

Jake got up, quickly catching Toms lips in a loving kiss, a slow, passionate, soft. After a while when they both needed to catch a breath, Jake led Tom towards the bed, uncovering the rose petals all over it. He suddenly grabbed Tom, throwing them both down on the bed, kissing his boyfriend once again. His boyfriend. It sounded so right.

This time the kiss was more hungry, both of the men wanting more from eachother. Jake slid his tongue inside Toms mouth, fighting with his. Tom bit Jakes lip teasingly, earning a soft moan from the older. After a while they pulled away, breathing heavily, lips pink and swollen already.

,,Let's get this night started love. It better be the best night of our lives." Jake said, smirking down on the younger man below him.
,,If it won't be, I'm returning the ring." Tom said, biting his lip, making Jake rise his eyebrows, his shocked expression turning into a smirk soon after.
,,Well then let's get started." Jake said, diving down to kiss Tom some more.

And with that, they both embarked on their journey, both through the night and through life, as an official couple.

HEY GUUUUYS !!!! It's me, I'm back, after a long time, I know. But I'm here. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm really excited to continue this story, and I'm really happy to be back here. Okay, that's all. See y'all in the next one.

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