Chapter 17

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It was around 6am when Jake was woken up by a pair of hands shaking with him. He slowly opened his eyes, facing Chris.
,,Hey, sorry to wake you up, but I was thinking you would maybe like to come and have a run with me this morning ?" he asked, Jake furrowing his eyebrows.
,,Why ?" Jake asked with a deep voice since he just woke up.
,,I don't know, to keep healthy ?" Chris said as if it was obvious to Jake at 6am.
,,Nah, but thanks." Jake said while turning back to hold Tom.
,,Okay lazy ass." Chris said while quietly leaving their bedroom, making Jake chuckle slightly.

When Chris got out of the house he took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh sea air deep into his lungs. He slowly started running, enjoying his feet sinking into the wet sand, the cool sea water washing over his feet. As he ran, he though about his day with Jake, deciding to step up in his game as well, letting his mind wander to a person of his interest while he let his feet wander him further away from the beach house.

After around an hour he came back, stripped to his underwear and quickly ran to the ocean, jumping into it and cooling himself down. He swam for a while, getting out shortly after and wrapping a towel around his waist, taking off his wet underwear. He then went inside and took a quick shower, putting some grey sweats on and a white t-shirt. He then went to the kitchen, deciding to prepare a surprise breakfast for his friends. He made pancakes with Nutella and strawberries, also adding whipped cream. It was around 9am now. He made coffee as well, taking his portion of the pancakes and coffee outside. After a short while, Tom and Jake joined him.

,,Morning mate." Tom said as he walked out with his breakfast, followed by Jake. ,,How was your workout ?"
,,It was alright. How did you two sleep ?" Chris asked.
,,Pretty nicely if I say so myself." Jake said looking at Tom, recieving a nod of agreement from the younger man.
,,By the way Chris, where did you get Nutella, strawberries and whipped cream from ? Heck, where did you get pancake mix from ?" Tom asked confused.
,,Oh." Chris said while laughing slightly ,,I stopped at a supermarket on my way back from the run."
,,Ohhh, that explains it." Tom answered, still a bit sleepy.

After they finished their breakfast, Jake and Chris got ready to head out, meanwhile Tom was watching Nailed It on Netflix. Something about the show just clicked for him. The amateurs fucking up the cakes made him laugh hysterically, Jake smiling fondly at him from the small hallway.

,,Okay babe, we are leaving. If you need anything, just give me a call or go visit the others in the upper house." Jake said, walking into the living room and pressing a quick kiss into Toms hair.
,,Okay, have fun and stay safe guys. Love ya babe." Tom replied, getting up amd kissing Jake on the lips. They kissed for a while, not realizing how much time has passed until Chris coughed a little.
,,Guys, I don't mean to interrupt you but it's been 5 minutes and I did not sign up for a live action porn." Chris said, making Tom blush and Jake laugh.
,,Okay, okay. I'm coming bye Tom."
,,Bye guys, have fun." Tom said while resuming his position on the couch, his Nailed It marathon beginning now.

After around a 10 minute ride, Chris and Jake got out of their car infront of a big shopping centre. They got inside, talking casually, searching through shops and picking some things for themselves as well. They stumbled upon a Hollister shop, spending at least an hour there. After searching through some more shops and not really finding anything Tom-worthy, they decided to head to the city centre and look for some shops there. They got into their car and drove off.

When it struck 12, Tom decided to end his Netflix-filled lazy morning and head to the upper house. Once he entered it, he was hit by an amazing smell.
,,What is that ?" he asked in awe.
,,Oh, that's just Sam making salmon." he got an answer, Shawn walking out from the living room. ,,How was the night at the beach house ?"
,,It was alright, Chris made us breakfast as well." Tom said, watching Shawn raise his eyebrows.
,,Damn, really ? Oh, where are those two by the way ?"
,,They went out to the city to explore and get to know each other better." Tom answered, making Shawn give him a suspicious look. ,,What's wrong ?"
,,Nothing. Just, look out for Chris." Shawn said.
,,Oh hell no. Chris wouldn't do that. He was one of the first people to congratulate us when we went public. Plus, he is not single so no need to worry about anything."

Chris and Jake arrived in the city centre, walking down a long street full of shops.
,,If I won't find a ring for him here, I won't find it anywhere." Jake chuckled, making. Chris laugh as well.
,,Yeah, it looks like they have everything here." Chris looked around, immediately getting attracted to a candy shop window. ,,Oh man, look at those sweets. I've never seen those." he said while pointing to a bag of mixed sweets.
,,Well, we aren't here to buy sweets, remember ?"
,,Yes, Sir." Chris replied, bringing his hand to his forehead, making Jake burst out in laughter.
,,Stop, people are going to think we are crazy." Jake said in between his laughs.

After a short while they stumbled upon a jewellery shop. They got inside, taking off their disguise as well since there was noone there.
,,Hello, I would like to get an official dating ring for my boyfriend." Jake said, deciding to say boyfriend since there was an old man working who probably didn't know him anyway.
,,Of course, of course. What price range are we talking about ?" the cashier asked.
,,I don't know, but like, something silver with a diamond maybe ?" Jake said, making the cashier think.
,,Well, I have this one here. These are the last two from the collection." the old man said as he pulled out two silver rings coated with a lot of tiny diamonds.
,,Oh wow, those are beautiful. I'd pick them as well." Chris said as he leaned over his shoulder.
,,Yeah, you are right. Okay, I will take them." Jake said, the man nodding.

He payed 12k for both rings, heading out of the shop while putting his disguise back on. He waited outside for Chris for a little while, eventually the man came out.
,,What took you so long ?" Jake asked.
,,Nothing don't worry, just got caught up looking at some jewellery.

Then Jake noticed Chris had a bag as well.
,,Come on. You can tell me. What did you buy ?" Jake asked.
Chris hesitated for a while but gave up soon after.
,,Okay then, I bought rings as well. Engagement rings." he said with a low voice as they got in their car, a silver Bentley from the rented house.
,,Oh nice, for who ? I didn't know you were dating anyone." Jake said shocked, but happy for his new friend.
,,Yeah, we kept it quiet and out of the public eye. I don't need no reporters and media up in my personal life." he said, while shuffling lightly with the bag. ,,Do you think they are alright ?" he asked while handling Jake the rings.

As Jake pulled the rings out of the bag, a check fell out, saying that they cost 40k both.
,,Damn bro, 40k ?" Jake asked, eyes wide in disbelief.
,,Yeah, they were 20k each." Chris said while scratching his neck.

Jake looked at the rings. They were made from gold, a diamond on top, encased in an emerald which was encased in another diamond, diamonds running along the ring as well. There was also a letter in each of the rings, engraved on the inner side.

,,C and S ? What does that mean ?" Jake asked.
,,Our initials. The C one is mine obviously." Chris answered.
,,And who is S ? Sarah ? Scarlett ? Simone ?" Jake was spitting out names at Chris.
,,Yea sure, Scarlett Johansson." Chris said with a laugh, Jake laughing as well.
,,But no really. Come on. Who is she ? Samantha ? Sophia ?"


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