Chapter 7

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Surprise !!!!! Two chapters in one day. Felt inspired to write. Enjoy ! 😁😁❤️❤️❤️

It was around 2am when Jake woke up, a weird feeling all over his body. A sudden urge to check if the door is locked washed over him. He slowly moved Tom away, careful not to wake him up. He walked over to the door, opening it, since it wasn't locked. He looked out to the hallway, not noticing anything strange. He got back in, locking the door just to be sure and to make the weird feeling go away. He layed back down, not being able to fall back asleep. He grabbed Tom again, finally starting to drift off as he felt him in his grip.

It was around 6am when an alarm went off in the hotel, waking up everyone. They were all forced to run out, a sudden evacuation process happening. As Tom and Jake got outside, they were joined by their friends, all five of them in their pyjamas.
,,What is going on ?" Liam asked, still half asleep.
,,I don't have a clue, but it is probably something serious, considering they evacuated the whole hotel." Tom replied, making all of them think and look around.

Suddenly an ambulance rushed over, three emergency workers rushing inside the hotel. After a short while, four police cars stopped near the hotel, sixteen policemen rushing inside.
,,What the fuck is going on ?" asked Sabrina scared.
,,I don't know, but maybe we should head to somewhere safe." Jake said, holding Toms waist protectively.
,,I agree." Liam replied, as all five of them started to run away from the hotel, seeing other people were running as well. They soon got to a small café, and were relieved to see that there was noone inside. They ordered waffles and coffee, Sabrina ordering churros and hot chocolate, because she is Sabrina. They turned on the TV in the café, switching to the news to see if there was a report on the situation, since it seemed so serious. And there sure was.

,,A murder of five people took place during the night at the Grand Hyatt Hotel. Two people were found at the scene, both of them pleading guilty. They were taken by the police right away. There have also been reports of Tom Holland, Jake Gyllenhaal, Iggy Azalea, Liam Payne and Sabrina Carpenter seen running from the scene during the evacuation, so fans can stay calm - your favorite celebs are okay."

,,Fuck me, a murder ?!" Liam exclaimed in shock, others disbelievingly shaking their heads.
,,I woke up at around 2am and felt this strange urge to lock the door. Wow, that's crazy." said Jake, all of them looking at him wide eyed.
Suddenly, Sabrina's phone rang. She excused herself and went outside to pick it up. After a few minutes, she came back.
,,Guys, management called. They said, that they are giving us a free day today and that all of our luggage has been collected and is currently in our coach. It is parked near the theatre where Charli will be playing her show tonight."
,,That's great. I was worried I'd be having to run around in these pyjamas the whole day." Iggy said, making everyone laugh.

They got out of the café, their car already waiting for them outside. After around 5 minutes of driving, they pulled up next to the theatre. They all got into the bus, changing into normal clothes. After that, they were escorted backstage and they met up with Charli.
,,Hey guys !" she greeted them excitedly. ,,I'm so happy you chose my show."
,,No problem." Iggy answered kindly.

Soon after, they were all in heated discussions. Tom, Jake and Charli were talking about the pair being together, Charli wanting to know everything. Meanwhile, Sabrina was discussing lunch options with Liam and Iggy was talking with CupcakKe who was Charlis opening act. They were all having a pretty good time. They even got to see Charli and CupcakKe soundcheck. After the soundcheck was done, Charli persuaded Iggy, Sabrina and Liam into performing as well. They didn't even notice and it was 3pm already.

,,Oh man, I'm so fucking hungry. You guys, shall we get some pizza ?" Charli asked, getting a big wave of YES in response. After around 45 minutes, the pizza has arrived. They were all eating happily, when suddenly five security guards rushed in, locking all the doors that were in Charlis dressing room.
,,Yo, what's going on ?" CupcakKe asked, making everyones confusion more visible. She didn't get an answer from the security guards though. She got it from Charli herself, who was reading the news on her phone.
,,The two murderers from earlier today have ran away and are currently on the loose. Police are trying to find them right now and it is suspected that they are underway outside of Melbourne. Still, police advises to keep all buildings on lockdown and keeping your homes locked and not coming outside." she finished, looking horrified. ,,I think I'll have to cancell my show tonight. I don't want my fans in danger." and as she finished, she started typing away on
her instagram.

A few moments later, the atmosphere got a little calmer as the security guards have searched the theatre and haven't found anything, still keeping the building on lockdown though. The seven of them were still in Charlis dressing room, playing monopoly. Tom was winning so far, having the most money out of all of them. Meanwhile Jake has already lost and CupcakKe was close to loosing as well. They finished monopoly 2 hours later, Tom being the absolute winner. It was around 6pm now and they were slowly getting tired.

,,Is the lockdown still active ?" asked Jake one of the security guards.
,,Umm, I don't think so. Your coach driver has already gone off to the bus and told me, that he is ready to leave if you want." he answered.
,,Oh okay, thanks." Jake said, lightly smiling at the security guard, not getting the smile back.
He walked back to his friends.
,,Guys, the lockdown has been lifted so we can embark on the journey to Adelaide." Jake spoke, getting all the attention.
,,Wait, you guys are going to Adelaide ?" Charli asked, raising her eyebrows. ,,I'm performing there tomorrow.
,,Wow, that's great. We could come to the show there." Tom said, Charli and CupcakKe smiling widely.
,,See y'all there then." CupcakKe said, while she and Charli left the dressing room, their car to the airport waiting outside.

After they left, the group of five slowly collected all of their things and got into their coach. They embarked on the journey, 8 hours on the road in front of them. All of them slowly went to the bedroom, except Tom. He stayed in the kitchen, making hot chocolate. He then sat down on the couch, watching the sunset through the big windows. As he was sitting there, Jake suddenly came over, hugging him from the back. Tom instantly melted into the hug, leaning back against Jake, letting him hide his head into his neck and plant small kisses on it.
,,Jake" Tom breathed out, holding in a chuckle. ,,It tickles."
,,I know." Jake said, smiling into Toms neck.

Jake jumped over the couch, sitting down next to Tom.
,,What are you thinking about ?" he asked, snaking his hand over his shoulder, Tom instantly leaning into his touch.
,,Nothing, just how much I'm grateful for you. And for the fact that we survived today." he said, smiling up at Jake.
Jake smiled back, pulling him into a loving kiss. They stayed like this for a while, pulling away when they needed to breathe.
,,Shall we get to bed babe ?" Jake asked, Toms eyes widening at how Jake called him.
,,Please, don't call me that ever again." Tom said, making them both burst out laughing.
,,Yeah, I agree, that was really weird." Jake replied, pulling Tom into a kiss once again. ,,But for real, let's get to sleep." Jake said, both of them standing up and heading towards the sleeping area.

A few minutes later they were both done with showering, Tom ditching his own bed and sleeping with Jake. He didn't want to spend the night alone after two nights of being held like a baby. Once they were in bed, Tom snuggled up against Jakes chest, feeling like nothing could hurt him.
,,Good night Jakey. Love you." Tom mumbled before pulling even closer to Jake.
,,Good night Tom. Love you too."

And with that, they both fell asleep, their safe place not being broken even on a tour bus.

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