Chapter 1

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It was a long day. Very, very, long day. Starting off with interviews right away at 9am, Tom was obviously tired. He didn't get to do a press tour in a long time, so it was hard for him to get to used to it again. The fact that it was in Australia wasn't really helping either. He had just flown in the night before and the jet lag was still pretty much killing him. This could have been all tolerable though.

It could have been tolerable if he was matched with the one and only, Jake Gyllenhaal for the press tour. But he wasn't. Don't get him wrong, he loves his co-stars, and he wouldn't change them for anything. But he was also madly in love with Jake, only keeping it to himself and trying to supress the feelings anytime they showed up. He was currently stuck in another interview. Same boring questions as usual, same boring answers. He was sick of it, and it was only the first day. He started zoning out again, but suddenly he felt a strong punch in his side, followed by an australian voice.

,,Don't you dare falling asleep. I'm not here to do a solo intrview." Iggy whispered. They currently had a small break and a bit of time for themselves.
,,Don't worry Iggs, I'm not falling asleep, just thinking bout stuff."
,,Yea, I'm not buying that. You wanna get out of here huh ?"
,,Of course I want to get out of here. I'm jet lagged, stuck in a day full of interviews with the same boring questions again and again. Aren't you sick of it ?"

Tom vented out everything that was bothering him, stopping himself just in time to not reveal his feelings. They were new to him. Of course everyone remembers their ,,romance" from the Far From Home days, and the joke of them getting married was still thrown around and they didn't mind, gladly confirming their marriage whenever asked about it. The only thing Jake didn't know is that Tom really wished they were in a relationship. But Tom was ashamed of his feelings. He wanted them to go away, scared of the reaction he would get from anyone if he would confess them. But it was too much for him to handle. He had to tell someone, or else he would break. And he definitely didn't need that. So he decided he would tell his current promo mate, none other than Iggy.

,,Hey, Iggy, could I talk to you about something in private ?"
,,Yea sure."

Iggy got up, talked to her agent a bit and then came back.

,,We are done." she said with a smile, that made Tom calm down in an instant.
,,Thank you so much, how much time do we have left until the next one ?"
,,We don't have any interviews. I told my agent that you are not feeling good and that I don't want to do press alone so he cancelled all of them."
,,Iggy, oh my god, you are awesome !"

Tom got up to hug Iggy for a little while and then they both left to the limousine that was waiting for them. They got in, blocked the drivers window, so he could not hear them and just sat there in silence. Then Tom started talking.

,,So, I don't know if you know about this, but I am bi." he started and Iggy just nodded.
,,Well, I've had this one secret for a long time and I was not planning on telling it to anybody, but I really trust you and decided that it would be better if at least someone else except me knew about it." he paused for a short while and then continued.
,,I have a crush on Jake." he quickly rushed the words out and felt the blush creeping up on his cheeks. He nervously looked at Iggy and she just smiled at him and pulled him into a hug.
,,Thank you for trusting me, don't worry, it will stay safe with me. And please don't get me wrong but I think it is kinda obvious. I mean, you were all over him on set. And you two just look so happy together. I'd bet he is in love with you as well."
,,I'm not in love with him ! It's just a little crush, nothing else."
,,And are you sure about it ? Cause it doesn't look like just a crush to me."

Tom started blushing, but then noticed Iggy was on the verge of laughing and he instantly calmed down and started laughing with her. They were laughing for solid 5 minutes nonstop, until they noticed that they have already arrived at their hotel. They quickly got out of the car and rushed through the crowd of fans and paparazzi outside, waiting for them to arrive. Once inside, they both let out a sigh of relief of having a little time for themselves only. They got inside the elevator and Tom pressed the button of their floor. He leaned back against the glass wall of the elvator and stared at the huge open lobby of the hotel. He looked to his right and saw that Iggy was busy texting someone, probably her boyfriend. She chuckled lightly at a text he sent her.

Tom suddenly caught himself smiling at her, quickly turning his head and looking in a different direction. He didn't want to admit it, but he was lowkey jealous of her. He wished he would have a partner to text, facetime or anything small but adorable that can brighten up the mood of anyone in a relationship in just a few seconds.

The elevator slowly got to their floor and he let Iggy out first, he is a gentleman of course. They hugged one more time, Tom thanking her for understanding.
,,No problem, if you need anything, advice or just helping with cheering up, you know where to find me." she said with a wink. They both laughed at it, waving each other goodbye and heading into their separate rooms.

When Tom arrived at the door, he started shuffling through his bag, looking for his room key, not being able to find it anywhere. He soon gave up and sat on the floor, deciding to wait for his roommate, none other than Jake to come back and open the door. As he sat down and leaned against the door, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from somewhere. He couldn't see anyone though and slowly started to think he was going mad. Then, to his surprise, there wasn't a door behind him anymore and he fell back hitting his head quite hard on the floor. When he looked up, he saw a kneeling Jake above his head, worried look on his face, asking too many questions, not getting any answers to them.

Suddenly he felt a strong grip on his hand that pulled him up. He found himself facing Jake.
,,Tom, can you hear me, are you alright ?"
,,Y-yeah, I'm okay, don't worry bout it."
,,Are you sure ? You didn't answer any of my questions. I thought you were knocked out for a second." Jake laughed a bit, making Tom giggle as well.
,,Why are you back so early ? I thought you were supposed to finish at 6pm. It's not even 2 yet." Jake asked, eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.
,,Well, I was falling asleep during one of our interviews so I told Iggy that I'm not feeling good. She talked to her agent and he cancelled all of our remaining interviews because she didn't want to do press alone. What about you ?"
,,Well, me and Liam only had two interviews today so we headed back to the hotel and had lunch, and I was just relaxing now before I heard someone at the door. And that someone turned out to be you." Jake said, his cheeks getting pink-ish as he talked about Tom.

After their little convo, Tom went over to his bed, slightly confused as why Jake was getting more and more awkward as they talked. He stripped out of his black ripped jeans and a tight with t-shirt and put some sweatpants on. He got into his bed, putting his headphones on and playing his music on shuffle. He closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep, hoping that the jet lag along with his ,,little" crush will be away as soon as he wakes up.

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