Chapter 4

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Melbourne. Oh sweet Melbourne. When Tom opened his eyes, he was greeted by a bright, sunlit coach. Everyone was already awake. The smell of coffee was everywhere and he didn't mind. He slowly got up, slipping a hoodie on, making his way towards the source of the coffee in the air. It was coming from none other than Jake. He made coffee for everyone, all of them sitting on a big sofa, staring out of the windows, watching their bus approach Melbourne. They could see the skyline already, excited to finally explore the city.

,,Hey guys." Tom greeted them, getting replies immediately.
,,Have you slept well ?" asked Jake with a light smile. ,,I didn't want to wake you up cause you looked like you were having a great dream." he said, an amused grin on his face.
,,Was I sleeptalking ?" Tom asked, getting nervous. What if he spilled some secrets in his sleep ?
,,Not really, just something about how much you love me." said Jake like it was nothing.
,,WHAT?!" Tom almost yelled, catching himself, not bringing the attention of their co-stars upon them.
,,I'm just messing with ya." said Jake, starting to laugh hysterically.
,,Oh you fucker." Tom started laughing as well, a huge sigh of relief coming out of his mouth.

After that, it was only a short while till they arrived to their hotel in Melbourne. They got out of the coach and were rushed inside through the staff entrance, tricking paparazzi. They were really grateful for this, not really wanting to be bugged at 9am. They got their hotel room keys, Liam ending up with Tom and Jake, since Shawn left and Iggy and Sabrina wanted to be left alone.

,,Damn" Tom said, after arriving at their hotel room, a harsh surprise waiting for them. There were only two beds, one single bed and one double bed.
,,Soooo, who is sleeping where ?" asked Liam, scrathing on his neck.
They all stared at each other for a short while, then all three of them rapidly sprinting to the single bed, the person getting there first would be sleeping on it. And of course, to Toms luck, it was Liam.
,,Whew, well, it looks like you two will have to do with that one." he shrugged, pointing his finger to the double bed.
,,I mean, as long as we will stay on our sides and won't be stealing duvets, I think we will be able to manage." said Jake awkwardly, making Liam laugh from his single bed.
,,Shut up" Tom rolled his eyes, while throwing a pillow at Liam. He then turned to face Jake ,,Yeah, let's stick to that plan."

30 minutes later, all three of them were sitting on the double bed, watching tv and talking occasionaly. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.
,,I'll get it." said Liam as he jumped off the bed and rushed to the door. As he opened the door, a loud yell was heard, Iggy and Sabrina appearing in the room.
,,DAY OFF BITCHES !" Iggy shouted, cracking up right after, Sabrina as well.
,,Are you two high ?" Jake asked amused, the urge of laughing taking him over.
,,No shit Sherlock. Maybe you should be the detective instead of Benedict." Sabrina said, pretending to be thinking thoroughly about it. ,,Anyway, you want to have some fun ? We found this really cool game under my bed. We haven't played it yet, it just looks cool." Sabrina said, while pulling out an ouija board.
,, SABRINA ! What the hell is wrong with you two ?" Tom asked exasparated. ,,We are not going to fuck around with that. That shit is dangerous."
,,Oh boo hoo, don't be scared. It will be fun. We could try and contact some dead celebrities." Sabrina said, making Tom roll his eyes.
,,I'm not scared. This is just not safe. Things could get dangerous real quick." Tom said, calmer now, still annoyed with Iggy and Sabrina for bringing an ouija board to their room.
,,Okay then." Sabrina said sadly, while putting down the ouija board. ,,What are we gonna do then ?"
,,Well, me and Jake wanted to do some shopping today. So we will probably be heading out soon." Tom said, looking up at Jake, who just smiled at him.
,,Ooohh, Melbourne shopping date, how romantic." Sabrina said, while cracking up again, this time Liam joining her.
,,Guys, come on, that's not funny. What if Tom made fun of you and Shawn being on a date in Sydney yesterday ?" Iggy said, sitting down next to Tom, squeezing his hand secretly.

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