*This Morning*

"JIMIN!" Julia called her son, scared of how she was going to tell her beloved baby that he was being taken in less than an hour and all his time will be spent with Korea's most dangerous man's son, Jungkook. "COMING MOM!" Jimin ran down the stairs excited to speak with his mom after a long day of being bored home alone. Their eyes met as he made his way down the last step of the stair. He could see it in her eyes that something was wrong. He knew his mother better than she knew herself and he knew that bad things happened a lot but this time he felt like it was different, bigger.

 "Sweetie I need to talk to you about some business." His mom tried to spit out the most sugar coding it would take to get through this without tears and anger, even though she knew she was going to fail she had to try. "Of course mom, what's wrong? You're worrying me." Jimin's words came out slow but steady, he knew what was coming, he knew it was time for him to go. He never thought the day where his mom pushed a little too hard, hard enough that she had to lose him. He had a feeling that there was more to the story than just that though. "As you know I have a huge debt with Jungkook, the Korean Mafia leader that had your dad killed. I have given everything to him and I still am. I paid a payment today at exactly 12 pm on the dot. I did everything right." 

Before she could continue to get the rest of the words out a tear slipped out. Jimin wiped it away and urged her to continue talking, holding back a tear himself. " I gave it to the normal lady who always gives it to Jungkook because he never sees me personally except that one time, when you went with me, that was a rare occasion all around. However I got a call at 12:30 pm saying he never received the payment. I knew what that meant. She stole the money, I had no other money to pay him so he said he is sending someone to take my last prized possession, you." By time she had finished talking she was sobbing and Jimin had released a few tears while he was listening. He held her as long as he could.

Jimin couldn't breathe, he never knew that this day would actually come. He had nightmares and he had thoughts but he knew his mom would never intentionally let this happen. She would never let him be put in danger without fighting for her life to prevent it. He was okay though, he needed to do this for his mom, he knows she'll do whatever it takes to get him back and until then he'd have to endure some work for Jungkook but he knew he could do it, for her he could do anything. He loved his mom.

Suga came and collected Jimin and blindfolded him and handcuffed them like they did everyone that was sold to them to pay off debt. When you're out of a lot of money you would be surprised how much being sold a person would help ease the workload around the house. Especially being Mafia leaders, the dirt piles up and sometimes just needs to be swept.


"Look at me when I'm talking to you." Jungkook snapped, he wasn't in the mood for the pity games that everyone seemed to want to play with him. Jimin didn't look up. He knew this was coming and yet somehow you can never prepare for something this heart racing. Before Jimin could even blink there was another pair of feet next to him and something cold on his chin. Next thing he knows he's staring into Jungkook's eyes.

They were brown, and they felt warm to look at. He looked down at what was under his chin to come to face with a pen. Engraved with the initials, J.J. The pen was slowly removed and before he knew it Jungkook was back in his seat across the long table again. They stared at each other once Jimin lifted his head back up. The stare was filled with so many things yet no words slipped out to ruin the moment. After what felt like eternity to Jimin he finally spoke up quick and calm, "My name is Jimin, but considering you know who my mom is you probably already knew that so I don't know why you asked." Jungkook smirked, he thought it was cute that Jimin thought he knew his name, Jungkook couldn't have cared less before this moment what his name was though.

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