Ch 22

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Authors note: So uhhh I'm not dead. I'ma try and not just fall off the face of the earth for two weeks again. Here's an extra long chapter for my dearest apologies. 

P.s I'm updating before work so it isn't edited 100% so if there's a typo you notice let me know<3 



The doctor was tall, brunette, and immaculate, dressed in a royal blue suit. It reminded me of Jumin's assistant, damn I forgot her name again. Her hair is swept up in an elegant chignon.

"Mr. Han." She shakes Jumin's hand.

"Thank you for making room to see us today," Jumin says.

"Thank you for making it worth my while, Mr. Han. Miss Niven." She smiles, her eyes cool and assessing.

We shake hands, and I know she is the type of woman to mean all business and doesn't tolerate any foolishness. She gives Jumin a pointed stare, and after an awkward second, he takes the hint.

"I'll be downstairs," he mumbles, and leaves me in the room that would be my bedroom.

"Well, Miss Niven. Mr. Han is paying me a small fortune to see you, so what can I do for you?"


After a thorough conversation and lengthy discussions, we decide on the pill. She writes me a prepaid prescription and instructs me to pick it up tomorrow.

"You don't need a prescription to get it, but this makes it so you don't have to pay for it."

I love her no-nonsense attitude. She lectured me until her face was about as blue as her dress about taking it the same time every day. I can tell she's curious of my relationship with Mr. Han. I don't give her any details. I don't think she would be super calm to find out about his red room. I flush as we pass its closed door and head back downstairs to the living room.

Jumin is on his phone, seated on the couch with his cat. For a moment he looks serene. He turns and glances at us when we enter and he smiles at me.

"Are you done?" he asks as if he is genuinely curious. Standing, he strolls towards us.

"Yes, Mr. Han. Look after her; she's a beautiful, bright young woman."

Jumin is taken aback, as am I. Is she giving him some kind of not-so-subtle warning. Jumin recovers himself.

"I fully intend to," he says bemused.

Looking at him, I shrug.

"I'll send you the bill," she says and shakes his hand.

"Good day, and good luck to you, Zoe." She smiles, her eyes crinkling as we shake hands.

Kim appears from nowhere to escort her through the doors and out to the elevator.

"How was it?" Jumin asks.

"Fine, thank you. She said I can't have sex for the next four week though."

Jumin looks at me very confused, I cannot keep a straight face and I laugh.

"I'm just fooling around."

He narrows his eyes, and I stop laughing.

He grabs me around my waist and pulls me up against him. "You are incorrigible, Miss Niven," he mumbles, staring down into my eyes as he weaves his fingers into my hair, holding me firmly in place. He kisses me hard, and I cling on to his arms for support.

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