I See What You Did There

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"Deflector power approaching maximum limits energy discharge in six seconds"  Geordi says "firing, sir"  Worf says a beam of bright light blue pulse of energy flows from the Enterprise towards the Borg ship "the Borg ship is undamaged"  Worf says ...

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"Deflector power approaching maximum limits energy discharge in six seconds"  Geordi says "firing, sir"  Worf says a beam of bright light blue pulse of energy flows from the Enterprise towards the Borg ship "the Borg ship is undamaged"  Worf says "impossible"  Shelby exclaims "not exactly remember what Picard knows they now know and he knows how each and every one of these people on this ship work and what they can and can't do so they know have that knowledge as well so they could have easily prepared for what is to come"  Dezirae states "warning warp reactor core primary coolant failure"  the computer chimes "I can't maintain it much longer, Commander"  Geordi says "warning exceeding reaction chamber thermal limit"  the computer chimes "cease fire"  Riker orders "shutting down warp engines"  Geordi says "they couldn't have adapted that quickly"  Riker says "in one ear out the other huh Commander!?! how "manly" of you!"  Dezirae teasingly mutters under her breath  "you should listen to your Ensign the knowledge and experience of the human Picard is part of us now it has prepared us for all possible courses of action your resistance is hopeless.... Number One"  Locutus says "curious!"  Dezirae whispers to herself "what is!?!"  Worf asks her within her mind as he looks at her curiously "he called me "Ensign".... why would one that doesn't care about any life form including their own protect me!?!"  she replies into his mind then says out loud in a soft voice "I need to go to my quarters.... I don't think I can stand much longer"  Worf nods at her hearing her Data turns and walks over to her then walks with her into the turbolift then walks her to their quarters and makes sure she rests "you should go back Data they're going to need you"  Dezirae says softly as she lays in the bed he had specifically placed in the room just for her he looks at her with a reluctant expression on his face "there is no reason for you to sit here and watch me sleep when there is more important work to be done like trying to figure out a way to get our friend back"  she says placing her hand over his he nods then stands up and starts to leave he stops when he hears her say in a low soft voice "I love you Data"  he replies "I love you as well Dezirae"  then he walks out of their room and heads back to the Bridge.... as she slept Dezirae pushed back the pain she feels from everything the Borg were doing to Picard her hand started to tingle a little bit and feel as your fingers would feel when they fell asleep but that was the worst of it.... a half an hour or so later Guinan watched as Dezirae wiped a tear from her eye "he's crying"  Dezirae whispers softly "can you watch over Ten Forward? there's something I must do"  Guinan asks Dezirae nods then Guinan walks out of the room heads towards the turbolift and rides up to the Bridge to speak with Riker.... "how is she!?!"  Guinan hears Data ask as she walks towards the ready room she smiles at him and replies "she's fine they're keeping her quite busy in Ten Forward"  Data nods then she presses the call button by the Ready Room door and waits to be allowed inside.... an hour or so later Dezirae helps Data in his lab with Locutus "sacrificing your circuits for the greater good once again Data!?!"  Dezirae teases Data opens his mouth to reply then closes it when he sees her smile then feels her lips caress his a small somewhat goofy smile spreads across his lips once hers let them go and they get to work.... a few minutes later they hear Riker ask through the com "what's your status?"  Data replies "the initial cybernetic connection into Captain Picard's neural net pathways has been established Dezirae is ready to process the Borg signal through the transport pattern buffer"  Riker says through the com "make it so with dispatch, Mister Data"  Data replies "proceeding immediately, sir Data out"  he walks over to where Deanna and Beverly wait and lowers the platform that once held Lal and now holds a half naked slightly hairy chested Locutus and Data says as Beverly attaches his neural network to the computer that is connected to Locutus "the neural link will be established in three stages Doctor, I suggest you closely observe Captain Picard's life signs, while at each stage Dezirae monitors my positronic matrix activity Counselor, hopefully, you will be able to determine whether I am reaching Captain Picard"  he looks over at a nervous worried looking Dezirae and smiles reassuring her that they both would be alright then he says "initiating first neural link"  Beverly says "the Captain's vital signs are stable"  Dezirae says "positronic activity unchanged"  Data says "first neural connection is confirmed I cannot report any significant access to the Borg consciousness"  he looks over at Deanna who shakes her head "second neural connection is confirmed I still cannot report any significant access proceeding with the final link"  Data says Locutus' head bobs up and down Data's head jolts upwards and Beverly says "significant increase in premotor area and hypothalamus activity his heartbeat is accelerating rapidly"  Dezirae says with a worried tone "Data your submicron matrix activity is increasing epidemically!"  still focused on what he was doing Data says "neural connections complete I have access to the Borg subspace signals processing processing"  Deanna says as she walks over to where Data stands "Data!"  Data replies "stand by processing processing fascinating the Borg group consciousness is divided into subcommands necessary to carry out all functions defense, communication, navigation-- they are all controlled by a root command implanted into ea...."  he stops as Locutus' eye shoot open and his head turns to face him and he (Data) freezes as Locutus tries to escape his "prison" "don't!"  Dezirae shouts as one of the security officers starts to rush up to the platform to stop Locutus the officer stops and looks at her Data grips Locutus' mechanical arm and pulls it away from the controls he was trying to connect with Locutus and Data end up in a sort of staring contest then Data breaks off the "hand" part of the mechanical arm then stares at it "Data, I'm picking up increased neural activity in Captain Picard, localized in the prefrontal and parietal lobes"  Beverly says as Locutus stares at the arm as though trying to figure out how he had lost a piece of it "welcome home Jean-Luc it's time to wake up from this terrible nightmare my friend"  Dezirae whispers softly as she turns and looks at Locutus/Picard who reaches over and grips Data's wrist with his human hand Data stares at it then him "you're not going to make him hit himself are you!?!"  Dezirae teases Beverly lets out a short soft chuckle as Deanna presses her combadge and says "Troi to Bridge Data has made first contact with Captain Picard"  and they hear Riker reply through the com "can you communicate with him, Data?"  Data replies  "I have been unable to create a neural path around the Borg implants, sir it is Captain Picard himself who has somehow managed to initiate contact"  Dezirae jokes "on second thought maybe you should make him slap himself!"  Deanna and Beverly chuckle their laughter dies down when they hear Worf say through the com "sir, the Borg have halted their approach to Earth"  Shelby says through the com "I think we got their attention"  Riker asks Wesley "time to intercept?"  Wesley replies "2 minutes, 4 seconds, sir"  Riker says "they're worried they're worried because we've got access to Picard Mister Data, we have two minutes to figure out what we can do with it"  Data replies "sir, it is clear the Borg are either unwilling or unable to terminate their subspace links"  Beverly says "that may be their Achilles heel, Captain-- their interdependency"  Riker asks "what do you mean, Doctor?"  Beverly replies "he's part of their collective consciousness now cutting him off would like asking one of us to disconnect an arm or a foot-- we can't do it"  Shelby says "they operate as a single mind"  Riker says "one jumps off a cliff, they all jump off? Data, is it possible to plant a command into the Borg collective consciousness?"  Data replies "it is conceivable, sir, but it would require altering the pathway from the root command to affect all iterative branch points in the...."  Riker says stopping him from continuing "make every effort, Mister Data"  Data hears Dezirae chuckle softly as he asks Riker "sir what command shall I try to plant?"  Riker replies "something straightforward, like "disarm your weapons systems".." .... 

"Attempting to re-route subcommand paths, Captain defense systems are protected by access barriers"  Data says as he works with one hand since Locutus/Picard has yet to let his other one go "Borg attempting to lock on tractor beam"  they hear Worf say through the com "rotate shield frequencies Data, report?"  they hear Riker say through the com "I am unable to penetrate defense systems command structure captain"  Data replies "try the power systems, Data see if you can get them to power down"  Shelby orders "acknowledged  attempting new power subcommand path"  Data replies "want me to sing them a lullaby!?!"  Dezirae asks with a playfully teasing tone Data looks over at her with a confused expression on his face "what!?!.... I was just thinking about how I told Jean-Luc to wake up but what if we told them the opposite.... what if we ordered them to sleep!? after all they aren't going to listen to the order to stop a war they believe they have won before it was ever fought.... and you know me it gives me great pleasure to attempt to find anyway to undermine Shelby's authority as she has with Will from the moment she arrived on this ship!"  she asks ending with a tease Deanna and Beverly chuckle and Data looks from her to Locutus/Picard who he believes seemed to agree with her so he gives it a try and he says through the com "Data to Bridge Dezirae has made a peculiar suggestion which is why I am attempting to penetrate the Borg regenerative subcommand path it is a low priority system and may be accessible"  after a few seconds Data says into the com  "I successfully planted a command into the Borg collective consciousness, sir it misdirected them to believe it was time to regenerate in effect, I put them all to sleep"  Dezirae jokes "my lullaby would have been better!"  Data replies "indeed it would but...."  the sound of laughter is heard coming from both the lab and the Bridge and Data clamps his mouth closed then smiles when he begins to understand that she was once again joking.... a little while later Riker walks into the room after Shelby who was on the Borg ship told him of a possible self destruct sequence "there's no way to know what the destruction of the Borg ship will do to him"  Beverly tells Riker as he walks into the lab "we should also consider the advantages of further examination of the Borg and their vessel, sir"  Data adds "I don't think so Data, separate yourself from Captain Picard Away Team, get yourselves home Mister Crusher, upon their return move us to a safe position"  Riker orders "aye, sir"  Wesley replies through the com as Dezirae gently helps Picard let go of Data's wrist and detaches Data's neural network from the computer then she grips Picard's wrist as his body starts to seize Picard's eyes lock with hers and his body quiets "life signs are stable the DNA around the microcircuit fibre implants is returning to normal"  Beverly says as she checks Picard over with her tricorder "how do you feel?"  Deanna asks as Dezirae gently lets go of Picard's wrists and he and Deanna open the platform doors for him "almost human with just.... a bit of a headache"  Picard replies "oh like I do when Q's around!?!"  Dezirae jokes Picard chuckles then replies "no I believe those might be slightly worse than this"  Dezirae smiles "we'll get you to Sickbay we won't have any trouble getting these implants out now"  Beverly says "how much do you remember?"  Riker asks Picard who replies "everything including some brilliantly unorthodox strategy from a former first officer of mine"

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