Just then, the nurse burst in. You and Spencer jumped, ripping your hands away from each other.

"Great to see you're awake!" the nurse exclaimed. Spencer turned to look at him.

"Her cognitive function seems to be fine. Just some retrograde amnesia."

The nurse looked confusedly at Reid and then back at you.

"And how's your pain level? Are you comfortable?"

"Yeah, I'm definitely fine," you said nonchalantly. Definitely fine if you didn't move. Or breathe.

"She almost cried from the pain a few minutes ago."

You shot a glare at him. Traitor. You had a high pain tolerance; you could get used to it. You preferred not to take medicine if you didn't have to. Mama didn't raise no bitch. Spencer raised his eyebrows at you as if to say "so what?"

The nurse came and fiddled around with your IV before stepping back.

"This should help. It'll do you well to sleep a little bit longer. Let us know when she wakes up again."

Spencer nodded at the nurse as he left, only to turn and see the incredulous look you were giving him.

"I do not need to be sedated, Spencer." You were starting to feel tired already. Spencer chuckled, leaning in to smirk at you right as you were closing your eyes.

"Actually, it's Doctor."


Surprisingly, you weren't in the hospital for very long. Non-fatal stab wounds aside, your internal bleeding had been minimal and you only had a mild concussion. You just had to go back to a hospital to get the stitches out later.

Derek was driving the both of you to the jet. You found it surprising that he had volunteered so quickly. The more you thought about it, you realized that Derek had trained you in the field. Perhaps he felt responsible for you getting hurt.

"Thanks again for driving me," you said from the passenger seat. Derek looked over and smiled at you.

"It's really no problem, girl. I'm just glad you're okay."

It was quiet for a moment before you decided to finally ask.

"Derek, what actually happened? All I heard was that I got stabbed. Nobody else will tell me the whole story but I think I deserve to know what happened, considering I almost died."

Derek sighed.

"I figured you would ask again. You really don't remember anything after you and Spencer split up?"

"Nothing at all."

Derek paused.

"With traumatic events like this, with retrograde amnesia, many times the memories will come back later. I think the team just doesn't want to give you memories that aren't how you remember them."

"Wouldn't it be easier to tell me, to prepare me so that I know what happened? So that I can process it correctly once I see it?"

"The thing is," Derek started, "none of us were there. Only Reid. We only know what he told us."

"What did he say?"

There was a long moment of silence as if Derek was formulating and editing what he wanted to say. You had almost given up on learning the truth when he spoke.

"Spencer said that right when he got there, Daniel rushed him. You were already down on the floor. Reid said he was going to lose the fight, but that you shot the unsub and then collapsed. When we found him, he was pressing your wound so that you wouldn't bleed out. He rode with you in the ambulance to the hospital. That's all I know."

Annoyance (Spencer Reid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now