"Do you like the painting?" a guy with long brown hair with bangs to the left. He had a bit of beard making him look a bit older.

"I'm trying to understand it. " she answered sipping a bit of her champagne while looking at him. He was elegantly dressed and smelled like men cologne.

"The painting or the artist?" he asked looking at her with interest.

"Both actually.The boy's look seems bemused. But maybe that was the artist's purpose  when working on it.It's common for artists to express their feelings with their work. Like Frida Kahlo did."

"Bemused? Is that a word?" he asked.

"Yes, it means bewildered or confused. I write poems, so I like learning new vocabulary. "

"Someone is calling me, please excuse me. I'll be right back."he said walking away.

Dana looked again at the painting and after analyzing the boy's features she realized it was the same guy she was talking with:they both had the same light brown eyes and chin, and the same thick  lips. She looked at the small card indicating the name of the artist and its work. 

Work: "Growing Up"

Artist: Liam Pierce

Dana was hoping he would come back and ask him about the painting,why did he named it that way and why was his look so distant,speciallyat such short age, but he was nowhere to be seen.She waited fifteen minutes for him but he didn't come back. She took a quick picture of the painting and the card, hoping she could locate him somehow and satisfy her curiosity.Since she promised her parents she would be early she went to the parking lot and drove back home.

Following her aunt Beth's advice Amy tried to remain calm and serene, even though in her inside she was exploding like a volcano. She knew she would not be able to make a show, not with her aunt or Ms. Reynolds's parents. She was hoping for the night to end and be at the apartment to tell Sean how she felt. After two hours she and Sean drove back to the apartment in silence, he inmediately guessed something wrong was with his sister. 

"Aims, is everything okay? You barely spoke tonight."

"No, I'm not okay." she answered in a low voice.

"What is it?"

"It's better to talk this at the apartment."

The silence between the siblings happened again, and as soon as both them entered the apartment and Sean locked the door he approached Amy. 

"Why are you so upset?" he asked placing his coat on the couch.

"How should I feel after finding out , that after so many years, you had a pair of mom's earrings and never told me? And not only that, that you have them to your fiancee instead of me?" she asked facing him placing her hands on her hips.

"I wanted Hannah to feel close to Mom, as she will never meet her. That's it. I have two other pairs as well, you can have them. Let me go look for them." 

"Don't treat me as if I'm a charity case and you're giving me leftovers. I never expected you to be so self-centered! " she exclaimed angrily.

"You think I'm self-centered? I have been the one who has raised you and tried to give you everything you need. You should some grattitude in your attitude, missy."  he answered raising his voice."

"And that's gives you the right to place me in second place to your fiancee?Thanks a lot."

"You have never been second place in my life, I worked my ass off for you since our parents passed away.All you have is because of me, don't forget that." he said crossing his arms. 

"I guess you'll be always be rubbing it on my face, right?"  she said looking away. 

"I have never done that and you know it, but I do believe you need a reality check. "

"What I need is to leave and live my own life.Don't worry, I'll be gone by the morning." she answered walking to her room. 

"Amy Lynn Wilkes, don't you dare walk away from me! " Sean said to her but she ignored him and walked to her room locking the door.

Amy didn't want Sean to see her cry, but now that she was alone she could let those feelings out. She grabbed her phone and texted her aunt, she knew she was probably asleep by now as she was not the type of person who stayed late, but she would read it on the morning and would eventually answer. 

A: I can't live with Sean anymore, can I please live you? I promise I won't be be a burden. 

Amy pressed sent and crossed her fingers her aunt would accept. Either way she would have to move sooner or later since Sean was getting married, and maybe it was better to leave sooner as it was Sean's place after all.She waited for Sean to get into his room and not come out, when she was sure he would stay there she went to the bathroom to wash her face and her teeth getting ready to go to bed.

A/N: Time for new characters introduction, in case you want to know who I imagine as Liam you can see him below. He'll continue appearing on the book for a while.Thanks for all your support.

                                                                                     Cody Christian as Liam Pierce 

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