Chapter 40 Open Your Heart

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Paige was bored to death, Tracey and Jesse were talking about their modeling gigs, designers they had worked with, clothes, and everything related to their jobs. She would just drink small sips from her iced tea listening to what they said. 

"Oh Paige, you are so quiet. I hope you don't feel excluded from the conversation." Tracey said. 

"I'm all right, it's fascinating to listen about your modeling experience."

"Are you a beginner model?" she asked. 

 Jesse was the one answered for her. 

"Paige is into the fashion area, she's a talented designer. I have no doubt she'll be as big as the modern designers."

He said this smiling at her in a warm way, making Tracey be upset. Since the beginning it was clear she liked Jesse, and as much as she tried to not show how upset Paige was, it was pretty obvious that she didn't want her there. 

"Oh really? Maybe we'll be able to work together someday." Tracey answered sarcastically.

"Please excuse, I'll be right back." Paige said walking towards the restrooms.

She came inside and luckily for her it was empty. She took out her phone and dialed hoping the person she was calling would answer, as she had no idea who else to ask for help. 

"Hello Paige, what do I owe you the pleasure of your call?" Stacey said as she answered.

"I'm sorry for bothering you, but I need your help. I'm stuck with Jesse and one of his female friends, and I feel like a third wheel. Can you call me in five minutes so I can pretend to leave? I'll owe you big."

"Sure, I have no problem sending Bernard to pick you up. Send me the address, I'll send you a text instead when he's outside. If they ask tell, them I asked you to come for an urgent matter. That's it. When you arrive you can tell me everything."

"You can tell Bernard to take me to the campus, you might be busy."

"Not at all dear, I'll wait for you here."

Paige sent her the address and went back to the table. She was not wanting them to think she had been stuck inside. She sat back and they were still continuing on their conversation. Tracey was clearly unhappy she was back. The waitress placed on the table a whole pizza and garlic bread.

"Girls, feel free to eat. I'll pay." Jesse said grabbing one garlic bread. 

"I'll give you ten bucks." Paige said grabbing money from her purse and placing it on the table.

"That's not necessary." he said motioning her to grab it.

"I want to help, take it." 

The three of them started eating and ten minutes later she received Stacey's text message indicating Bernard was outside. She felt relieved as she was no longer wanted to see Tracey. 

"I have to leave guys but thank you for having me here." she said grabbing one last garlic bread.

"Wait, why?" Jesse asked concerned.

"Stacey texted me asking me for help in a business matter. "

"I can drive you right now, just let me ask for the check."

"Don't worry, she sent her chauffer for me. Thanks anyway and enjoy your evening."

Only he said goodbye, and she walked as fast as she could. She greeted Bernard and got inside the limo which was driven back to Stacey's house. Paige entered the house and was guided towards living room where Stacey was laying down on a masseuse bed with a woman massaging her legs. 

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