Chapter 36 Challenge

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Amy was in her first self-defense class with Dana, both of them wearing sneakers, sweatpants, and sport tees. There were around other ten women, and she recognized a former school classmate, Helen Norton. She was having her hair shorter than she had it on her time on Mackenzie, and it was eerie to see her with different clothes as she was always wearing dresses or skirts. She looked like a different person now.

"You noticed Helen is here too?" Amy whispered to Dana.

"Where?" Dana whispered back.

"The blonde with black leggings and orange shirt." 

Helen seemed to have listened to them since she turned her head and saw them waving at them. They waved back. Amy and Dana partnered to make the exercises together, the latter did very well and made Amy fall several times, yet Amy struggled a lot.

"Common Amy, you can do better." Dana said from behind her friend using a chokehold.

"I'm trying." she said trying to use her elbows.

"You know, I don't know why Helen is here. She can defend herself well."


"Helen melted the front wheel of Paige's bike last year. She can use her ability to defend herself."

"You could say the same for me, and here I am. Not exactly, I can only hide. We can say hi and ask her."

"I pass. I don't like her." Dana said letting her go.

The girls had a fifteen-minute break, Dana decided to use the restroom and Amy decided to hydrate. She felt a small tap on her shoulder and turned to see who it was. 

"Hey Amy, long time no see." Helen said with a smile on her face.

"Same Helen, how have you been?" Amy said closing her water bottle.

"Can't complain. Such a coincidence that I encounter you and Dana here. Have you been all right?"

"Yeah, thanks for asking. You look great."

"So do you. You know, I'm at beauty school. If by any chance you need anything on your hair or nails, I would love to assist you. Let me give you one my cards."

As she left for a moment Amy felt for an instant the girl, she had in front of her was not the same girl that she met in high school and would follow Jenna Stone around like her shadow, during Junior year she was rude, snotty, and spoiled. Now she seemed a totally different person, sweet and nice. She came back with a small business card and hand it to Amy.

"It's on my house, so it's something small but I think you'll like my work."

"Thanks, I'll consider it."

"And before I leave, I want to apologize for everything I did to hurt you. I'm not the same person I was when we graduated."

"Thanks Helen, it was nice seeing you."

Dana arrived seconds later, seemingly surprised to see her friend talking with Helen. 

"What did she say to you?"

"She apologized for what she did on high school and gave me a business card. She's at beauty school now."

"Maybe she has changed after all."

"People do change, that's for sure."

The girls continued their exercises, hoping to really learn their best and defend themselves in any situation. 

Jeremy knew his friends were planning something for his birthday, which was next day, since whenever he reunited with them, they would be quiet. But he pretended to play oblivious. He sat with them to eat lunch at the cafeteria and Micah stopped talking with his friend Nate.

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