Chapter 44 Entrepeneur

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N/A: I apologize for taking so long in updating, I have been quite busy at work and last week I had a short trip to the US making it impossible to update. I hope you all enjoy this new chapter.

Amy was getting inside her car when she received a call from her aunt asking her to buy some milk before arriving home. She grabbed a cart and placed the milk carton and some snacks for her and Aunt Beth. When it was her turn to pay at the cashier, a small round white object with a smiley face on it fell from her purse as she took out her wallet to pay. She picked it and looked at it not recognizing it. 

"It's thirty and sixty-nine cents." the cashier said. 

"Sure." she answered handing the money. 

As she took the bag in one hand, she clutched the strange object in her other hand. She placed the bag in the bag while studying the small object. She knew didn't have it before as it wasn't hers, and then remembered the man who bumped her when she was talking to Sean on the phone. He must have placed it on her purse faking it as an accident. She walked to the nearest trashcan and threw it there before taking a picture of it. She got inside her car looking around to check no one was looking at her. When she felt safe, she slowly started the car and drove back home. When arriving, she tried calling Jeremy, but it sent her to voice mail. So, she sent him a text and attached the picture she took.

A: Hey Jeremy. I found a strange object inside my purse, it seemed somehow technological, and I wanted to ask you if you could help me know what it is since it freaked me out. 

She waited for a response but since it didn't come, she went to bed hoping there was nothing to worry about.

"So, at what time is your flight?" Jesse was asking on the phone. 

"At ten. Thanks again for taking me to the airport." Paige asked while preparing a small suitcase in her dorm. 

"You are welcome. We can stop to have breakfast before your flight."

"Thanks Jesse. "

"You are welcome. I'm miss you in the holidays."

"Same. But we'll see each other soon."

"I wanted to ask, what did your dad say about us?"

"He's actually cool with it. Why?"  

"Just curious."

"Don't tell me you are nervous that my dad doesn't likes you." she asked gasping.

" I do want him to like me, to know that I am no player and don't want to fool around with her daughter."

"Chill, my dad is nice. And I promise I'll put a good word to him about you."

"Thanks a lot."

"So, have you told your parents about me?" she asked curious.

"Not yet. My relationship with them is complicated, but I'll tell them soon."

They both said goodbye and hanged the call. She heard a knock on her door and opened it, to which her surprise it was Stacey.

"Hello Stacey, what are you doing here?" she asked.

"I wanted to surprise you with a gift." Stacey answered her extending a white envelope to her. 

Paige knew very well it was a check, and as much as she appreciated Stacey's help, she felt she was taking advantage of her help. 

"Common love, take it. It won't bite." Stacey answered seeing the hesitation in her. 

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