Chapter 4 Hurt Again

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Jeremy was soon getting along really well with  Jamie. He called her once to ask her something related to the location of a building and she was nice enought to solve his doubt, just like any other he could have. He felt relieved as he was having another friend beside Micah, his roommate, who was also his classmate. One night that he was finishing an assignment Micah came hurried into the room. 

"Yo, Jeremy.I want you to tell me something. Are you dating Jamie Evans, the Sophomore?" Micah asked leaning a hand on the desk.

"Are people saying that?" Jeremy asked lifting his sight from his laptop.

"Is it true?" Micah asked raising an eyebrow.

"No, we are friends only." Jeremy answered shaking his head.

"I thought you were since you seem to be really close. Are you planning on asking her out? If you do let me tell you need to hurry up. Several guys have layed their eyes on her."

"She's great, but I have my girlfriend, and i love her.Jamie and I are only friends. "

"Let me guess, long distance?" Micah asked taking off his shirt and looking for a new on his closet.

"Yes, but why do people seem to have a bad idea about it? It's not easy but not impossible either."

"Just let me tell you, if I had a friend like Jamie I would find it hard to focus on a long distance girlfriend. " Micah answered putting a gray shirt.

"Don't you think a woman and a man can be only friends with no romantic feelings in between?"

"I would like to say yes, but it can be complicated even if you don't want to. But I applaud the loyalty you have for your girl."

Micah opened one of his textbooks and started reading while laying on his pillow leaving Jeremy thinking. He knew feelings could change. He remembered thinking Dana was obnoxious and never planned dating her, as it was Amy the one he was interested at first and things turned out unexpectedly for both Dana and him when they started dating. But he had learned to care about Dana and wouldn't think in dumping her. Jeremy decided to forget his conversation with Micah, and grabbed his phone to speak with Dana as he would go buy some pizza. Listening to her voice would make his day.

Amy was trying on the blue dress her aunt gave her. She matched them with black heels and black flower earrings. She finished placing her makeup and some perfume when she came out, Sean was seated wearing a black suit being busy with his phone but raised his sight when seeing his sister. 

"Is that a new dress? I have not seen it before. "

"Aunt Beth gave it to me. "she answered twirling.

"It's cute. Ready to go?"

Sean drove to an Italian restaurant. When they arrived Ms. Reynolds was already there, Aunt Beth arrived five minutes later kissing and greeting everyone else. 

"Your parents couldn't come?" Sean asked Hannah. 

"They will be joining us later, please excuse them." she answered.

"Tell me, what plans do you have for the wedding?" Aunt Beth asked after the waitress took their orders and left.

"We discussed it and we want a small wedding, just family and close friends. We are looking for venues right now. " Sean said while grabbing his fiancee's hand which showed the sparkling diamond ring on her hand. 

"If I can be helpful in any way please tell me. By the way Hannah, your earrings are lovely. I had no idea you were born on February. " Aunt Beth said smiling. Her comment made Amy look at Ms. Reynold's earrings. They were purple oval stones which delicately hanged from her ears.

"My birthday is on April, why did you think I was born on February?" she asked curiously.

"I'm sorry, it's my mistake. Your earrings are made from Amethyst, the birthstone for people born on February. I know it because my sister Maddison had some earrings made from that stone, as she was born on February. She gifted me some Turquoise earrings as I was born in July. Those are quite similar to the ones my sister had."

"I had no idea they were Amethyst, Sean gave them to me. " Hannah answered delicately touching one.

"I need to make a confession, the earrings you are wearing belonged to my mom. " Sean said drinking his water.

"How come you never told me?" Hannah asked.  

" I knew that you wouldn't take them if I told you, so I kept it a secret. And I gave them to you because I knew you would cherish them, and that way you can feel a connection to her even though  you didn't have the chance to meet her."

She gave him a kiss, which he reciprocated. Amy felt uncomfortable with Sean's confession. She was  young when their parents died, and she knew Sean took some of their stuff before they went to live with their aunt, like their father's Rolex watches. But it hurted her that he had not given her their mother's jewelry, and instead decided to give the earrings to his girlfriend. It made her wonder if he had any more stuff belonging to her and had not told her.She tried to control herself as she was starting to feel angry but couldn't be able to say something at the moment. She excused herself going to the restroom trying to calm herself before she did something she would regret later. Two minutes later her aunt opened the door and saw Amy looking at herself on the mirror.

"Amy, is everything all right?" she asked placing her hands on her niece's shoulders.

"Yes." Amy said nodding.

"Sweetie, if you need to talk I'm right here. I noticed..."

Amy hugged her aunt and started crying in her arms, while her aunt just holded her closer and caressed Amy's head trying to calm her down.

"I had no idea Sean had my mom's earrings, and it pisses me he preferred to give them to her instead of me! How could he? I don't have anything that reminds me of her."

Amy was not angry at Ms. Reynolds, she was not to blame for what happened. Her anger was towards Sean, she felt he was being selfish with his attitude. A part of her didn't even feel of coming back to the table and just go home. 

"It's okay to take all out, you'll feel better. Take your time and go out when you feel ready." Aunt Beth said giving Amy a kiss on the head. 

"I can't, I must look horrible. " Amy said imagining how her makeup looked and confirmed it looking at the mirror.

"No worries, iI have my makeup with me. " Her aunt said opening her purse. " We don't have the same skin color but I'll help you look stunning as if nothing happened. I totally understand how you feel, but it's no good to explode towards your brother now. This is what you'll do."

Her aunt helped her with her makeup as she was telling her to calm down and to wait until Sean and her were alone. When they were she would explain to him how she felt and they would fix everything. Amy gave a hug to her aunt before both of them walked to their table.

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