Chapter 50 Family Feud

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Victoria had asked for a glass of water to sober herself up. Not that she was drunk, but probably Jeremy would drink more, and she would have to drive back home. As she sat on her own, she meditated on how her life had been. Jason had told her what she wanted to hear several years ago, and if he would have, she would have accepted without a doubt. But it was different now. He was married, she had a boyfriend. She was no homewrecker, and she wouldn't separate Jason from his other children. She smiled to herself thinking how blessed she was to be Jeremy's mother, she wouldn't change anything from her life, even if that meant having Jason in her life. Steve came closer to her, and almost stumbled.

"Are you all right?" she asked placing a hand on his arm but he slapped her hand. 

"Don't you dare touch me, you filthy whore!"

He exclaimed this hard enough for everyone to listen and make them turn towards them curiously. Victoria felt her face reddening.

"Sweetheart, whatever made you upset we can talk it. Let's look for your mother..." she said speaking lowly but was interrupted.

"Don't you dare talk about my mother when you want to steal her husband and break apart my family. You and your bastard son have caused issues since the moment you both appeared. You can both go to hell."

It all happened really quick, and the next second Jeremy grabbed Steve's shoulder and punched him in the face making him fall to the ground where his nose started bleeding. Everyone was gasping in horror when seeing the scene. Jeremy kneeled down and pointed at his half brother.

" You can talk all the crap you want about me, but I won't let you disrespect my mother. I hope you learned your lesson."

He stood up and walked away with Victoria not looking back. He didn't care about any of that people, he just wanted to check on her. Jeremy knew Sterling was disappointed in him for what happened, but he didn't regret what he did. 

"Oh Jeremy, you shouldn't have done that." she said as she looked for something inside her purse when they had reached their car.

"I wasn't going to let that brat talk to you like that. He was out of place."

"But son, you'll miss the chance to bond with Sterling... "

"Look, I won't lie. I had a good time with him, but he was being my grandfather for the last hour, you have been my mom all my life. And I would never see someone disrespect you and do nothing."

Victoria wrapped her arms her son not wanting to let him go. Jeremy was certainly the best decision she had taken, and no one would ever change her mind. 

Amy was seated next to Connor, to her surprise as she had expected him to seat with Clarice, who was clearly not happy with her son seating next to his girlfriend. Amy decided to play oblivious. Everyone ordered and he grabbed her hand below the table. His warmth made her feel comfortable and safe. 

"So, how has school been?" James asked while drinking his water.

"I have felt stressed sometimes, but I try to do my best. And hopefully I can join soccer again."

"Sounds great." JP said smiling. 

"Again? Why?" Clarice asked looking shocked. 

"I like soccer, you know it. And I miss it."

"But how are you going to balance classes, your fraternity duties and soccer? Sounds tough, son."

"I know what I'm capable of, Mom." he answered with a short smile. 

"You are an excellent soccer player, if you try out, I'm sure you'll be on the team." Amy said squeezing his hand. 

"Do whatever you like son, I know you'll be doing great." James said raising his glass of water. 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 16 ⏰

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