Chapter 12 Curse

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"I have a bad feeling about his conduct, I can feel it. He's hiding something. " Dana explained to Amy as she drank from her vanilla milkshake. She has asked her best friend to meet her and get off her chest everything she had inside at a new cafeteria. Amy understood how Dana felt, it was not  easy to be on a long distance relationship, and just like her knowing there is another girl getting close to her boyfriend was not thrilling to anyone. However she tried to do her best and cheer her up. 

"Jeremy adores you, and so do you. Don't think about it too much. Distance can make you feel and think the worst."

"I hope you are right, Am. I just never thought distance would be so hard. There must be a book that tells how to deal with it.This is a living hell. "

"I guess there are, we could google it. Who knows, you may write one book about it someday. " Amy said eating her cherry.

"Nah, if I ever write a book it would be one with my poems. Nothing else. I hope you and Connor are better than Jeremy and me." she said raising her hands up.

"Connor wants me to visit him on Thanksgiving, but i haven't decided if to go or not."

"What is stopping you?" Dana asked placing aside her drink.

"Connor offered to buy my ticket plane, but I feel it is too much to ask. And if I do accept I'll have to tell Sean I won't be for Thanksgiving dinner.It will be awkard."

"I see your dilemma, but you should decide what you think is best. I know Sean is your brother and you love him, but you can see him anyday. It's not the same with Connor. And he's kind enough to buy it, that shows how eager he is to see you."

"So you think I should go?" Amy asked taking a sip of the chocolate milkshake. 

"I think you should. If I had the chance to visit Jeremy I would do it with no doubt. I didn't have the chance to ask him if he's coming for Thanksgiving."

"I have an idea, why don't you plan a special date with him? You can place on some candles for a more romantic environment and just talk. "

"That's actually a good idea. I have felt so far away from him lately. Thanks. "

"You're welcome. I want to propose a toast to us, strong women making our best for our relationships to work. "

Both of them clinked their glasses and drank to the bottom. 

Paige was finishing an essay for one of her classes at her dorm when she received a phone call from Stacey, making her wonder the motive as she would barely never called her.

"Hello?" Paige said pressing the save button on her laptop with her free hand. 

"Sorry to bother you so late, but I need to ask you a huge favor. My perfume commercial is being filmed on  Friday, and i would like you to be here as well. I know you have a morning class but I promise I'll be speaking with the Dean or whoever I need to speak so you don't get behind in class. I'll give you anything you want, a perfume bottle, a dress or money. Or all three. Your pick."

"I understand, I can't wait to see how the commercial comes out. "

"You are an angel, I owe you one. Have a great night."

Paige checked her phone, it was almost eight. She wondered if Dylan would accept going out with her for some ice cream. There was an ice cream not so far from the campus, and she wanted to cross the friendship line already. She had a long sigh before calling Dylan who answer after three rings. 

"Hey Paige, how are you?"

"Hi, there is an ice cream store not far from here, and I wanted to know if you would like to go with me."

"Sorry Paige, I made plans  to go bowling. But why don't you come too? The more the merrier. "

"Are you sure about that? I don't want to interrupt anything."

"Of course not, wait for me outside your dorm building."

One hour later Paige was with Dylan's friends at the bowling alley. Most of them were guys, and one girl who was sitting on one of the guys' legs.The game was turning well, when she suddenly saw a black haired girl dressed in a blue dress and white wedges who approached and said hi to everyone. She said hi to Dylan for last, and it seemed they didn't see each other for a long time as he wouldn't let him go. She was very pretty, making Paige feel insecure. By looking at them it was clear they had some history.Dylan came close to Paige with his arm entwined with the new girl and introduced them. 

"Paige, this is Lucy Clark

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"Paige, this is Lucy Clark. Lucy, she's my good friend Paige. "

"Nice to meet you. " Paige said shaking her hand but Lucy gave her a hug instead. 

"Nice to meet you too. Love your shirt, where did you get it?"

"Thanks, I made it myself." Paige answered with a smile. 

"Paige is doing an internship with my mom, she's a talented designer. " Dylan said squeezing Paige's shoulder.

"Have you told her already? " Lucy asked placing her hair back. 

"Not yet, she has been quite busy lately. Paige, excuse us for a moment please."

Paige felt an ex vibe, but wasn't quite sure. Curiosity got the best of her and asked a guy called Logan. However she thought her question twice before making it too obvious.

"So, Lucy and Dylan seem to know each other a lot. Are they childhood friends?"

"Not exactly, they know each other since fourth grade but started dating on high school. They broke up last year for an unknown reason and it seems they are reconnecting again. "

It was clear they did, they were talking on a corner as if they were the only people in the place and no one else existed. Paige felt no more desire to be there and just wanted to leave, but didn't know what to do as she came with Dylan but didn't want to interrupt his conversation with Lucy or get closer to them. She decided to speak to  Logan and let him know she was leaving. 

"Please do me a favor and tell Dylan I had to leave. I'm having a headache and i want to rest. I would tell him myself but I don't want to interrupt his conversation. "

"No problem. "

She hold on the tears on her eyes not wanting anybody to see her cry. At the end Dylan just saw her as a friend, just like Trent did before him. Paige started to believe somehow she had a curse and because of that she couldn't just leave the friend role. She called an Uber and waited outside for it. Ten minutes later it was parked on the other side of the street and she felt relieved when she saw it, so much she forgot to check both sides of the street and almost got hit by a car. It startled her but luckily the driver stopped in time and came out checking on her.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" he asked coming closer to her. He was tall and burly, with his hair combed upwards. He gave her a model vibe by looking at him.

"I'm the who should apologize, it is my fault for not looking. I'm sorry. "

"Are you sure you're okay? Do you need help with anything?" he asked studying her face.

"I'm good, I was just waiting for my Uber. Again, I'm sorry. Have a good night. "

She waved her hand at him and walked to the Uber not wanting to embarass herself anymore, and  opened the car door and getting in. Paige noticed the guy got inside his car until she did and then drove again, just like the Uber taking her back to the campus. 

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