Chapter 38 Walk Away

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Victoria Price was seated on her couch watching a movie, it was the first time during her son's birthday that she felt lonely. December 14th was always one of her favorite dates, because it was a day for her to remember how life blessed with her son. Now that he was away it felt horrible. She took her phone and called Michael, hoping he would be available.

"Hey Vic, what's up?"

"Are you free?"

"Is everything all right?"

"No. Today is Jeremy's birthday, and I can't celebrate with him. It makes me really sad not to be with him today."

"I'll be there in five minutes."

Michael Stewart arrived at his girlfriend's home as soon as he could and gave her a huge hug seating next to her. 

"You miss your son?" he asked grabbing her hand.

"I do, I never imagined it would be so hard. Is it the same for you missing Paige?"

"It is. Even though I had been a terrible parent to her she found forgiveness in her heart and gave me a second choice. If I told you how horrible I was to her I don't think you would want to see me again."

"It's enough for me to know your daughter cares about you. From what I have seen she loves you. That shows you are a good man."

"Thanks. I do understand what you say about missing Jeremy, it's hard not having Paige around. Last time I spoke to her she told me she considers transferring to Parsons."

"Parsons? The design school?"

"That one. I told her she has my full support. It has been her dream since she was a kid to be a designer."

"For real?" she asked.

"I remember her dressing her dolls with anything she found. I remember her making dresses with a napkins and plastic bags. She has always been so creative."

"I'm sure she is. Thanks for coming, I do feel better talking with you. At least tomorrow Jeremy will spend time with his dad."

"And you are okay with that? You told me how he never wanted anything with you or him."

"I forgave him already, and I can't deny him getting to know his son. And I know deep inside Jeremy wants to know him too, as much as he denies it. I think it will make them good to share time together. Even though sometimes I fear he'll love him more than me."

"You can't be serious, Jeremy adores you. And he might grow closer to Jason but he'll never change his feelings toward you." he expressed kissing her on the cheek.

"Thanks. I needed that."

"You know, we can't be miserable talking about our kids. We should go out. It's my treat."

They both went out feeling better about themselves and their kids.

Next day Jeremy was about to see Jason on a restaurant for lunch. Somehow seeing him made him feel uneasy, not knowing what to expect. He appreciated his effort of traveling to see him, but at the same he felt nervous. Would they really click? His thoughts were interrupted by Micah, who had lost the game last night to Jeremy, just like the other guys. Jeremy had used his instincts and his ability to understand where the other guys were and used it to his advantage. 

"Getting ready to see your dad?" Micah said.

"I'm not sure if I should call him dad, but yeah." he said placing on his glasses. 

"Why don't you use your contact lenses anymore?" 

"I want to rest my eyes a bit, I have been using them several days in a row."

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