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. 𝚙𝚕𝚞𝚜 𝚊 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚙𝚒𝚍 𝚓𝚘𝚔𝚎

       𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐀𝐓 𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐄 in the library (a place she rarely visits) one afternoon as she tried writing her essay. Classes had begun again, meaning George and Fred, along with Lee managed to get themselves detention and hence the reason she sat alone. (Percy was busy with girlfriend nowadays, spends hardly any time with Heather.) She pushed her glasses up, irritated that they kept sliding down her nose. She then wondered how Harry dealt with them, since he was practically blind without his glasses.

Her father had promised to tell her everything she wanted to know about today—her mother and the whole Sirius thing—though she was one hundred percent sure he won't tell her everything. Heather let out a groan of  frustration and she slammed her black rimmed glasses onto the table, accidentally breaking them and she sighed. Great. She thought as she plucked the shards out her skin, feeling the warm blood run down her hand and fingers. Just fucking great.

On the far side of the library, Harry watched as Heather painfully removed the pieces of glass from her skin. He wanted to help her, really he wanted to, but he was afraid she'd say something that will make him cry again. Fuck, he cried in front of her, it's no wonder she's avoiding him. Of course she wouldn't want a weakling like him, of course she'd want George, he's taller than him, bigger than him, older than him, muscular as well. George was everything he couldn't be.

Maybe he should just accept this defeat, seeing as that Heather isn't into famous people. That is what he is, right? The famous boy who lived, the famous one year old who killed the Dark Lord, the famous boy who has a scar on his forehead, the famous Harry Potter. Well, it was all unfair.

Why couldn't he have a normal childhood? Like Heather? He was sure she had a normal childhood, he was sure she didn't live in a cupboard under the stairs, he was sure she didn't have to hide and pretend she wasn't there, he was sure her father taught her about the wizarding world before she came to Hogwarts. He was sure Heather was as normal as they come.

He could see Malfoy walk up to Heather, a smug look on his face. He didn't know why Draco was bothering to get her attention this much, especially after that Hippogriff attack. He saw him coolly exchange words with a fuming Heather, who had her bleeding hand now wrapped around his throat. Harry knew he was going to hate himself later on for this, but he immediately sprinted towards them.

"—Malfoy!" He heard Heather growl and he instantly wanted to turn around due to the venom dripping off the word but he didn't.

"Look, your dashing hero has arrived!" Draco had yelled, laughing even though Heather's stocky fingers were tightly wrapped around his throat.

"The both of you can go fuck yourselves and I still wouldn't give a shit." Heather snarled, letting the pale Slytherin go before she gathered her things, along with her ruined glasses and stormed past them, ramming her shoulder into Goyle, who actually fell over.

"She has a bit of a nasty temper, that one." Draco muttered, shaking his head and Harry curled his fingers into fists.

"Don't talk about Heather Malfoy!" He growled at the boy, who clicked his tongue and shrugged, clearly not intimidated by the fuming boy who lived.

"And why do care Potter?" Draco asked, unbuttoning two buttons on his shirt and Harry's eyes flicked to his chest for a moment, seeing the blood and his pale skin, looking almost like it was shimmering like sliver glitter.

"It's not any of your business Malfoy." Harry growled at him and Draco only smirked. Harry returned to his table, heart pounding and confusion swimming in his brain. Did he just think Draco's skin was shimmering?


         "How many times do I have to tell you to take care of yourself Heather? You're not ten anymore, you're thirteen and for some reason, you have a boyfriend." Remus scolded his daughter that evening as they sat in the Gryffindor common room. He was busy bandaging (again) Heather's hand. The bandage Madam Pomfrey had given the pink haired witch went on a very interesting trip. From a clean cupboard, to the bleeding hand of a thirteen year old, to a bottle of ink, to mushroom soup, to a super dusty floor and lastly, to the trashcan.

"I was angry." Heather shrugged, tapping her wand against the table. "And maybe bored."

"And you thought cutting yourself with the glasses you need, might I add, would cure your boredom?" Remus raised a brow.

"No," Heather shrugged. "I did get to strangle Malfoy though, that was fun." Remus nearly fell over in his chair as he stared at her. She strangled someone?!

"Why did you strangle him this time?" Remus sighed, shaking his head. Sometimes you would swear Heather was the daughter of Sirius and James. She never took anything seriously, she took everything as a joke and she also had that mischievous smirk Sirius has, let's not forget that glint of mischief in her eyes.

"He was talking rudely about George and you. I had to do something dad, I won't let him basically mop the floor with me again this year. That's sh—" Remus shot her a look. "—rimp."

"But strangling him dear...." Remus then remembered during his seventh year, after Severus had called Lily a mudblood, Sirius and James had pranked him so bad. After that Severus grew angry and had charged at the pair, managing to punch James on the nose and Sirius returned the favor by punching him and slamming his face into a tree. He supposed that's why Severus hated them, that's excluding all the pranks, name calling and teasing. His daughter was unfortunately just like Sirius.

"Oh he isn't dead, is he?" Heather snorted. "Besides, it's Malfoy dad, you'd need an entire army plus those muggle grenade stuff to kill him." Heather snorted again, shaking her head. "Wait until his father hears about this."

Remus sighed, shaking his head though he let a smile wash over his face. "You're a handful, you know that?"

"Oh I know," Heather shrugged, smirking. "'Tis why you love me father."

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