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. 𝚙𝚕𝚞𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚠𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚍 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚢 𝚓𝚊𝚛

                "𝐎𝐇—𝐎𝐇, 𝐀𝐌 𝐈 disturbing something Wood?" Heather asked, a smirk on her lips as she looked at the Quidditch captain as he hastily pulled away from the girl he was kissing. The girl blushed, surpassing Heather's hair. Oliver actually smiled at Heather and pushed the girl away.

"Not at all Lupin." He said, smile still on his face. "Lovely Seline was leaving, right?" The girl—Seline—nodded and that's when Heather recognized her. She was Luna Lovegood's older sister, how she didn't recognize the big, misty gray eyes at first, was a mystery. (Probably because they were closed and she was busy sucking Oliver's face off.)

"R–right. See you later Oliver, you too Heather." And off she went, not once looking behind her even when she tripped and went sprawling to the floor.

"Neat choice Ollie." Heather teased and she saw the older boy roll his brown eyes at her before he stuck out his tongue. "Didn't know you liked the demented."

"She's not demented, she's quite lovely." Oliver pointed out and Heather laughed, shaking her head.

"Just like Luna is when she's busy spraying that damned spray she carries around." Oliver chuckled at this.

"Couldn't have said it better. Anyway, why'd you come looking for me? Tired of Percy already?" He arched a brow at Heather, who snorted.

"You wish Wood." She shook her head. "Anyway, remember when you said that you forgot something in your dorm and you had to come find it real quick and warned us not to try anything stupid or fly without you around?" Oliver nodded, confused as he didn't see where the pink haired girl was going with this. "Funny story is, I didn't listen, did a few tricks, Fred and George sang a muggle song with me, Harry got jealous, challenged me to race him, Angelina and Alicia urged me to accept, I won, but that was pretty obvious from the start but Harry is currently a mangled mess of blood and bones. I swear I didn't do anything, except all that."

Oliver sighed. "When I set certain rules Heather, I expect you all to follow them." Heather nervously chuckled.

"Technically everyone else followed the rules." She pointed out and Oliver rolled his eyes, and he rushed out to the Quidditch Pitch, where he found his team hunched over the body of Harry, who wasn't mangled or bloodied like Heather so dramatically said.

"Oi Harry, what's the problem here?" Oliver asked, peering down at Harry as he pushed away the Weasley twins, who dramatically gasped at the action. He bent down, touching the leg of Harry, the only part of his body that was weirdly bent. "It's just an ankle. Be grateful." He stood up to face Heather. "This is all on you Lupin, I expected better from you."

"I never said Harry should get jealous and challenge me! And I sure as hell didn't want to accept either! That's all on Angelinson and Alicinnet!" Heather cried out, face matching her bright pink hair and she huffed out, blowing a lock of hair away from her eyes.

"Sorry Lupin, but you're sitting this game out. Inform Katie that she's the Chaser for the next game." Oliver calmly said and Heather scrunched up her face.

"Do it yourself you big wanker!" With that, she marched away from Oliver, her face burning as she tried to keep in the tears. She didn't bother changing out of her Quidditch clothes, she just marched towards the common room, where she rudely told the fat lady the password, and the fat lady chipped her leg when she entered. Heather nearly punched the portrait but a hand stopped her and she realized that it was Percy.

"Are you alright?" Percy asked, concern swimming in his eyes and Heather shook her head before Percy engulfed her in a hug. "It's alright." He whispered to her and she sobbed even harder.

          "But it's unfair dad! I didn't tell Harry to join me!" Heather cried out, shaking her head and her father sighed as he sat down at his desk. "Oliver's just being a prassy son of a bitc—"

"Heather, let it go." Remus sighed once more and he took out a glass jar. "Money, now."

Heather angrily flung two Galleons in the jar and noticed it was almost full. "You're also being unfair dad! I didn't even say the word!"

"I'll take two more Galleons if you talk to me like that." Heather opened her mouth to say something but Remus shook his head and she clamped her mouth shut, still angry. "Now go down to eat, I'll be there in a bit, I have to go to Professor Snape for something."

"Watch out, that bastard might poison you." Heather angrily hissed under her breath and Remus, thanks to his enhanced hearing, heard her and took the jar once again out.

"Money Heather." Heather's face turned a bright pink, indicating that she wanted to cry but she kept it in, not wanting to break down in front of her father.

"That's all my money." She said, sniffing as she dropped the last of her money (actually the money Fred and George gave her) in the jar and she stood up before marching away from her father and down to the Great Hall, where everyone was already seated. She groaned when she noticed that the only space there was next to Harry and she decided to suck it up.

"Oh—er—hello Heather. How are you?" Harry asked and Heather glared at him, ready to cut him up with the fork he was holding in his hands.

"I only have three words for you, fuck off Potter." Harry blinked as he cast his eyes downwards. "Don't talk to me, don't look at me, don't even breathe near me. Just fuck the fuck off! I'm going to sit this game out because of you, so please Harry, just keep quiet."

Harry looked a bit uncomfortable as he cleared his throat. "I asked Oliver to put you back in because it was my fault an—"

"What a saint you are. You ruin people's lives and expect to do them right later on?" Heather asked, raising a brow at Harry, who turned the color of her hair.

"And he said if you wanted to play, you'd have to prove it." Harry whispered and Heather sighed, anger slowly deflating and she nodded.

"Thanks Potter." She whispered and Harry gulped, feeling as though something was busy running in circles inside his stomach.

"Er—you're welcome." He said, flashing her a smile and Heather felt heat travel up her cheeks before she flashed him a smile as well. For the first time, Heather didn't want to maul his eyes out.  And that got her thinking, why didn't she want to maul his eyes out? Before she could overthink this, like always, she slid out and forcefully sat next to Percy and George, who sent her a wink and she blushed again, hiding her face with Percy's arm. Unbeknownst to her, her father watched the whole thing and now he was going to murder George. And then murder her.

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 | G. WEASLEY✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt