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. 𝚙𝚕𝚞𝚜 𝚊 𝚌𝚘𝚘𝚕 𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚛

      𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 on ignoring Hermione, Harry, Ron and even Draco. She knew it was very childish of her, especially considering that she and Draco were mortal enemies, but she didn't give a damn at the moment. She spent time with Percy and his girlfriend, Penelope Clearwater, who turned out to be very nice. She also spent a lot of time with the Weasley twins, Lee Jordan and Dean Thomas. They weren't her friends, but she enjoyed their company a lot.

Heather currently sat with George, her feet propped on his lap as he rubbed them. She was against the idea but the redhead boy forcefully took her shoes off as well as her socks and began rubbing her feet. She was trying to read something, occasionally pushing her glasses up her nose and cursing when she reached a particular word.

"So Pinkberry, Gred and I have been thinking you know—" He began and Heather snorted.

"Now that's dangerous." She said and George snorted, rolling his golden eyes at the pink haired girl, who shrugged.

"Like I was trying to say, we were thinking about opening a joke store you know." He shrugged when Heather raised a brow at him. "We aren't really academically gifted like our dear siblings."

"Ron's a dumbass, Ginny as well." Heather pointed out and George chuckled a bit, shaking his head. "If it makes you feel any better, I'm also not that academically gifted. I'm not even in the top fifty."

George looked taken aback. "That must be harsh for you."

"Super harsh. But hey, still alive and kicking! " Heather grinned. "Don't rub my feet so violently! This is why Percy does it!" Heather yelled, throwing her book at George, who easily dodged it and it hit Lee instead, who had been asleep and the boy fluttered awake, looking around and his eyes landed on George and Heather, then trailed to George's hands on Heather's feet and he smirked at his best mate.

"So, you finally—" Heather didn't hear the rest of the sentence because George had lunged at Lee, elbowing him in the ribs and she stood up because she fell over.

Now what Lee wanted to say intrigued her, because she wanted to know what George finally did or said. Did he finally learn to cast a spell? Or did he finally tell some girl that he liked her? And if so, who was the lucky girl? Was it someone she knew? Was it someone in Gryffindor? Hufflepuff? Ravenclaw? Even Slytherin?

Like always, Heather began overthinking this. If George did like some girl, who could it be? Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet were lovely and they were very kind towards the Weasley twins. Then there was Hermione, Heather caught her staring at George once and she had turned red. In Hufflepuff, she didn't know that many people, except Park Chang, Cho's twin sister. She knew Park liked one of the Weasley twins, just didn't know which one. Penelope Clearwater was Percy's so she's scratched out, Cho as well because she has been eyeing Cedric Diggory. Luna was a bit lopey, and Padma Patil was romantically involved with Mallory Grimmon, although they tried to keep it a secret. Heather however found out. She was sure George would rather die than be seen with a Slytherin, so that's also ruled out.

Why didn't George like her? She was sure she was somewhat funny, and she and Snape don't get along, her father is a Professor, she's friends with his brothers, she hates Draco Malfoy just as much as he does, so why didn't he like her? Was it because of her hair? Didn't he like the color pink? Or was it because she had no mother? She really didn't know and it was driving her nuts.

"Heather!" Lee's voice suddenly bellowed right in front of her and she shrieked as she fell back. "We've been calling your name for minutes now!" The older Gryffindor shook his head and Heather flashed him an apologetic smile.

"I'll—I'll be down in the kitchens, doing homework. Yeah," She nodded. "Doing homework, so if you need me, you know where to find me."

"Before you go, can I see your scar?" Lee asked and Heather shook her head, suddenly feeling very insecure. She didn't want George to see her ugly scar, or her obnoxiously pale skin, he'd like her even less, but Lee gave her the puppy eyes and she couldn't refuse. She discarded her robes and pulled up her jersey and shirt, revealing the pink scar on her abdomen. "That's so cool! I wish I had a cool scar!"

Heather flushed a pink. "Right, I need to hand in my Transfiguration homework." That's how George knew something was wrong with Heather, but he said nothing as he watched the girl he liked walk away from him, still barefoot.

Lee shook his head at his best mate. "You need to tell her you idiot, just tell her."

George swallowed hard. "It's not that easy mate, it really isn't. She's amazing, beautiful and funny and what am I?"

"Well, don't say I have a crush on you or anything but you're also amazing, very handsome might I add and you're funny." Lee shook his head at George. "Tell her before the Christmas break, or ask her out on the next Hogsmeade outing. For me."

George looked at Lee, shaking his head. "I can't mate, I can't."

      "You've been ignoring me and I don't know why." Heather nearly forgot that she and Harry were Potions partners. "I don't know why but that somehow hurts me Lupin."

Heather didn't know how to respond or what to say. Here was the boy who lived who had admitted that she ignoring him hurt him. "Why do you care Potter?" She whispered, pushing her glasses up and ignoring the heat coming from her cheeks.

"I—um—don't." Harry replied, and he whipped away from her, picking up his backpack and ignored Snape as he called after him and deducted five points from him for leaving before the lesson ended.

Those words hurt Heather. Harry didn't care, George didn't care, nobody ever cared. She wasn't really paying attention to the lesson but she was wide awake when Snape said, "Turn to page three hundred and ninety four."

"Sir, that's about werewolves." Hermione had said and Heather's heart began pounding in her ears as Seamus and Dean glanced at her to see her reaction. Now she knew why her father had been coming to Snape. For Wolfsbane. Snape knew. Snape fucking knew her father is a werewolf. And the look Snape gave her, confirmed her suspicions.

Heather sucked in a ragged breath before she gathered her things quickly and barged out the door, trying to wipe away the image of Snape smirking at her but it was cemented in.

"Honey, are you okay?" It was her father, probably coming to Snape for more Wolfsbane and Heather felt something sit in the pit of her stomach.

"Snape?" She had asked and Remus sighed, opening his mouth to explain to his daughter but she had already stormed away and Remus saw Harry a little further away, also storming away. He had a lot of explaining to do.

Hey guys, I really hope you're enjoying the story so far. So I need help with coming up with a ship name for Heather and Harry, and for Heather and George. (Some people are going to hate me for what I'm about to say but know that George owns her heart... sorry.)
I personally, suck at ship names.
So I will share my horrible ship names :
Lurry (Lupin × Harry)
Geather (George × Heather)
And for a bonus!
Heco (it sucks, so I really need help, also, I'm not going to tell you who she's paired with there. It's a surprise.)
Also, I don't know if I should keep this a Harry Potter fanfiction or should I make it a George Weasley fanfiction because this is honestly owning my heart right now.

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