[20]- Bandages for healing

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I woke up the next morning feeling pretty good. I was still in the hospital and Billie was asleep with his head resting on the end of my bed.

"Biliie? Billie?" I tried nudging him with my foot to wake him up.

"Hmph? What happened? What did Tre break this time?" he mumbled half alseep "Oh, good morning Dakota, how are you feeling?"

"Better" I said "This kinda reminds me of the time when Tyler and I...yeah"

"What happened?"

"Tyler and I had to go to hospital once, this just reminded me of what's going on now"

"Oh, do you wanna go see Jakob?"

"Yeah sure". I stood up and walked over to the room next door. I was still in my clothes from the day of the accident, which were still covered in blood. My hands were clean though, thankfully.

"Hey Jakob, hows it going?" I asked. His leg had a bandage over it.

"Good, they found out what snake bit me, it wasn't too venemous, so I only need a few stitches"

"Thats good, we should be able to get out today"

"That sounds good to me, I hate hospitals". Billie started to talk to Adrienne and Jakob and I talked about baseball and the game that the A's were going to be playing on the weekend. "Dad? Can we go to the A's game this weekend?" Joey asked Billie.

"Yeah, I've already got tickets for everyone" Billie smiled "Have you ever been to a game before Dakota?"

"Nah, never, I would watch it on TV though, Mum wouldn't let us go to the games"

"That sucks!" Jakob exclaimed

"It did a bit"

"Is that my blood?" Jakob asked changing the subject. I looked down at my shirt "Yeah, I think it is" My shirt wasn't going to be clean again sadly, but I had other shirts.

"I ruined it, I'm sorry"

"It's okay. I have other shirts at home"

"I'll get you a new one. I promise"

"You don't have too" I said "It really doesn't matter".


At about three in the afternoon, we were able to go home. Joey had brought the car back and driven us all home, which was good, because Billie and Adrienne fell asleep.

"The school wants to know if everything is okay" Adrienne told Billie in the kitchen.

"They're better" Billie said as he sat on the couch trying to tune his guitar "They have the weekend to recover, if they need too". I brought my guitar over and sat next to Billie.

"I'll be fine, and Jakob just asked me if I wanted to go down to the skatepark with him, so I'm sure he is too"

"It's too wet, it's being raining all day" Adrienne said "Why don't you watch a movie or something?"

"Hmm, okay. I'll tell Jakob". I placed my guitar down on the table and ran upstairs to tell Jakob about the weather.

"Lets just watch a movie then"

"Yeah, they told us that would be they way to go" I said "What movie's do we have?"

"Uhm. We have some good ones" Jakob said as he reached over to the cabinet which was filled with DVD's. "How about Jaws?" he asked "The Godfather? iCuatro!?" he laughed at the DVD of Billie's band. "What about Jaws, never seen it" He passed me the DVD and stood up. He was still limping.

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