[24]- Airplane food

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Today was the first day of the school holidays, and like Billie had planned, it was going to be the day that we all flew down to New York to start the tour and see Tyler. It was about 3am and we were all getting up.

"We'll get breakfast at the airport" Billie yawned "Have you packed your suitcase?".

"Yeah, got everything" I pulled my suitcase out from my room and wheeled it down stairs. "Goodmorning" Joey mumbled as he put his iPod in his pocket. "Morning" I replied as I sat down next to him. It was about 1 hour to the airport, seeing that there was no traffic. When we got there, Joey, Jakob and Adrienne said goodbye to us. They said that they will be catching the next plane up. I don't know why, but I heard something about the plane being booked out.

"C'mon then" Billie said as we went to go check in our bags. "Are you a fan of planes?" He asked me.

"No, not really. I kind of hate them" I said as I put my suitcase on the scales.

"Don't worry about it, Mike hate's them too, but it's gotta be done" Billie told me "We have a tour bus for the rest of the tour"

"Cool. Where is Mike and Tre anyway?"

"They're getting us some breakfast, we will catch up with them by the time we go through security". After we fininshed checking our bags in, we went through security. I placed my iPod and laptop on the tray and walked trough the metal detector. Thankfully, it didn't beep. I hated airports. Billie walked through after me and got through fine. We collected our stuff and walked to the food court to meet up with Tre and Mike.

"Hello guys" Billie said as he sat down on the table next to Tre. I took a seat next to Mike.

"Hey Billie, hello Scooby" Tre said. I said Hello back to Tre.

"Hello guys....I hate airports...whens the plane gonna board anyway?" Mike said taking sips of his coffee.

"That make's two of us" I replied. Mike handed me and Billie a cup of coffee that he got from the starbucks. "Thanks" I said as I took a sip.

"The plane boards in half an hour, so we better get going" Billie said as he took a bit of the cookie that Tre had gotten us. I ate mine quickly, and then we all got up and walked over to the gate that we were told to go to. This is when it hit me. I did not like planes. Not one bit.

"You alright?" Billie asked me. I shook my head. "Take one of the pills that you got, that should help with the anxiety". Billie handed me the pill from my bag and gave my a bottle of water to swallow it. "Thanks, hopefully that helps" I said.


"Welcome aboard passangers, the plane will be taking off now. We should arrive to New York in around five hours and twenty minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for take off". I held on to the arm-rests. Mike and Billie were on the seats behind us, and Tre was sitting next to me. The plane started to move forward.

"Are you okay Scooby?" Tre asked in a concerned voice

"Huh? Yeah...no...I don't know" I replied. Tre turned around and looked at Billie.

"Billie? Is Dakota okay?" He asked. "Dakota?" Billie asked. "...yeah?". At this point I was freaking out. I looked back over at Billie who looked worried. Mike was sitting next to him, also freaking out. I remember that Mike said he hated planes aswell. Billie was trying to calm Mike down aswell as me, seeing Tre didn't really know what to do.

"Tre, I'm not allowed to get up, so you have to make sure she is okay."

"Okay. Scooby? Don't worry Uncle Tre is here"

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