[30]- Sweet Halloween

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Billie's P.O.V

Jakob, Joey and Dakota were at school, so I decided to go to the post-office to pick up some stuff. The police who locked up Cassandra told be that some stuff would be sent over soon, so I'm guessing that's what I'm picking up.

I came home with an enevlope that had a video-tape inside. It was pretty old and written on it was 'Dakota and Tyler home video's' in messy hand writing. I picked it up and walked over to the TV, which was able to play tapes. I pushed it in and pressed play.

"Don't do it Tyler!" A younger version of Dakota yelled to Tyler who was on his skateboard. He was on the top the a roof.

"I'm doing it!" Tyler shouted back, pushing off. Tyler fell of the roof and landed on his arm.

"Tyler! Mom's gonna kill us" Dakota laughed as she helped Tyler up. Tyler laughed back.

I pressed next on the remote. Another video started. Dakota and Tyler were climbing out the window.

"Hello!" Tyler smiled into the camera "Where sneaking out ad going to a Green Day concert". They jumped out the window and walked to the place where we once had a concert.

The video paused and skipped to after the concert

"That was awesome Dakota!"

"I know right! It was worth all the work"

"Is Mom home yet?"

"Yeah, probably passed out".

Dakota and Jakob walked through the door. I quickly turned off the TV and walked over to them. They were sitting down at the table talking.

"Are you guys going Trick or Treating tonight?" I asked them.

"Yeah, we're going with Hunter, Devyn and Blaise" Dakota said.

"Okay, you guys better get ready then" I said. Dakota and Jakob walked up to their room's to get ready.

Dakota's P.O.V

I was looking forward to halloween. Tyler and I did it every year, and we loved it. I was going as something simple, so I just did facepaint. Adrienne put a sugar-skull make-up on, and it turned out really well. I went downstairs and grabbed a pillow case for the candy.

We met Devyn, Hunter and Blaise at the front of the house. Hunter was a vampire, Devyn was dressed up as Alice in Wonderland and Blaise was dressed up as Sally and Jakob was Jack from A nightmare before Christmas, so they sorat matched. It was about 7pm, and we made our way through the streets to collect as much candy as we could before we had to go back. The first house we went to we got some pretty good stuff, a packet of sour-patch Kids and a lollipop. The next few house's gave us m&m's and that sort of stuff. The rest of the houses were probably the best, we got reece's pieces, hersey's and all this really good stuff and by the time we came back to Billie's, our pillow cases were filled.

Jakob went over to Blaise's for a halloween party so I invited Hunter and Devyn over, which Billie was fine with.

"Hey Dad" I said as I put my pillow-case of candy on the bench

"Hey Dakota" He replied "Hey Devyn, hello Hunter". I pured my pillow case onto the bench and started to sort it out.

"What are you doing?" Billie asked me.

"I'm sorting them out so I can trade" I explained "Tyler and I would do this than trade eachother's favorite candy". I sorted out the candy and Hunter and Devyn did the same, and we traded some. We grabbed our candy and went into the movie room where we turned on a scary movie to get into the mood of halloween night. We watched Scream 3 and The Shining before Devyn and Hunter had to go home. After I said goodbye I walked into the kitchen where Billie was sitting.

"Something came in the mail today" he told me.

"What was it?" I asked

"Well, the police sent over some of the things that they found in the house, and they sent us a home-video tape that I think Tyler and you made together"

"Really?" I asked "I remember making that, Mom took it away when she found out about it"

"We cna go and watch it if you like, it's all set up" Billie said as we walked out of the room and sat down in front of the Televison.

The video started playing.

"Dakota, i'll give you my pair of converse if you can do a kickflip without your shoes's on"

"Okay....i'll do it" I said. I landed the kickflip and Tyler took of his shoes and gave them to me. I gave him mine.

"Now that ladies and gentlemen" I spoke into the camera "Is how you get someone's shoes"

The video finished.

"Are those the same shoes you have on now?" Billie asked me looking down at the pair of red, torn up converse that I was wearing.

"Yeah..." I said "They still fit me"

"Tyler seemed like he would of been a wonderful son"

"He was a great brother". Billie smiled as he ruffled my floofy hair.

"How about you go get some sleep then?" He told me as we stood up. I nodded and went up to my room, got the makeup off my face and went to bed. I felt better now. I still missed Tyler, but I wasn't grieving now. It was all going to be better.

Author's Note

Hello guys. In celebration of 600+ reads.......YOU GET A PUN! YOU GET A PUN! EVERYONE GETS A PUN!

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft and I'll show you A-flat minor.

To write with a broken pencil is pointless.

A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tired.

When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds.

I used to be a tap dancer until I fell in the sink.

Just you wait, the number of puns is gonna be huge when I reach 1,000 reads.


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