[39]- Houses up high

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"C'mon Dakota!" Jakob yelled "Hurry up!". Jakob and I were running through the woods. he told me that there was something he wanted to show me, but he wanted me to see it first. I tired to catch up to him.
"What....is....it" I said between breaths as Jakob finally stopped.
"Look up" he answered. I looked up, there was a treehouse. It was sitting in a huge tree that shaded the ground beneath it.
"Is this yours?"
"I guess" he shrugged "Dad said its been here for years and I've never seen any one else come here"
"How long have you know about it?" I asked
"Probably about 9 years. Joey and I used to hang out here, now it's just me. Wanna go up?". I nodded and followed him up the ladder. It was made out of wood and had a couple of chairs in it. The window was covered up by an A's flag and it had other things sitting in it. Like old chip wrappers and cans of coke.
"Nice place you got here" I said "we could make it look pretty cool y'know"
"That's what I was thinking. We could paint it maybe, make it hang out for us and the band"
"Do you have any paint?"
"I can ask the hardware store down the road, they sometimes have old paint that they give away"
"Let's go check them out then" I smiled.

"We have a couple of cans of red, and the rest is black. I'll give it to you for free" the man said as he puffed on his cigarette. we thanked him and carried the cans out to the treehouse. We out our change together and brought two paint brushes and started to paint it. We painted the outside red and the inside black. It took a couple of hours, but it looked great.

We walked back to the hardware store while it dried to see if we could pick up any wood to fix up the windows. We got a few pieces of wood which was plenty and walked back to the treehouse. We fixed the windows which were breaking and painted the wood black. It was about 11am, so we decided to go home for lunch.

"Hey Dad" Jakob and I said to Billie who was on the couch half asleep
"I made you guys some sushi" he yawned "it's on the bench". We grabbed the sushi and ate it, and it was pretty good. I never really had sushi before, and billie's hungover cooking was a good first impression.
"We can grab the old carpet from my room, the battery fan, and some things for curtains or something" Jakob said.
"Sounds good" I replied "It's gonna look awesome when we are done with it"

We grabbed our bikes and attached one of Jakob's old trailers to the back of one and filled it with a carpet, a fan, an American flag, and a rope ladder. We rode into the woods and started to set up the tree house. We put the carpet down, which happened to be red so it matched well, we out the fan in the corner, the American flag was attached to one of the branches and it flew in the wind, and we put the rope ladder in place because the old one was about to snap any time.

"This is a day well spent" I said looking up at the tree house "Should we call it a day?"
"I think so" Jakob said "How about we bring dinner here and have it here? Dad is being home Taco Bell"
"Awesome, we better go grab it then".

When we got home it was already six at night, and Billie had the Taco Bell on the bench. We told him we were going back to the tree house and he made a whale noise which sounded like an okay, so we rode our bikes over to the tree house.

We climbed up the rope and sat down in the chairs. We turned on the light and looked out the window at the stars.
"Do you miss your old life?" Jakob asked me
"I dunno" I shrugged "I guess I miss some things"
"Like what?"
"Tyler, my friends...I even miss my house sometimes" I said "it's stupid"
"No it's not" Jakob said "you grew up there"
"I guess"

After a little bit longer about talking about New York, we decided it was time to go home.

Authors Note
Three chapters in one day? I'm outta control. Anyway, I might not update tomorrow, I'm going up to Brisbane to see some cousins, but I might be able to update when I get home. And sadly, as much as it breaks my heart, tomorrow is the last day of the summer holidays for Australia, and I have to go back to the hell I call school. But as long as I bring my earphones, my iPod, and coffee, it should be okay. Thanks for getting me up to nearly 1,500 reads it's really awesome.

TacoTurtle2029's Pun #12
Two fish were having a race. The one who was ahead was stopped when it slammed into a hard, concrete wall. When the other fish asked what it was, the first fish says "damn".
Sorry it that was a bad pun, I don't have my pun book with me.

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