Chapter 32

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chapter 32
Elphaba's POV
5 years later (sorry for the massive jump ahead I just couldn't think of things to do in between 12 months and 3 with Terrance)
Terrance was 4 and until now we had kept him hidden in isolation from the outside world.
I was sitting on the floor playing with Terrance and Fiyero was sleeping on the couch next to us. Glinda finally moved back to the Emerald City and things for her were a lot better, she was fit and healthy. Terrance was playful and extremely lively, for a little green baby he was cute.
Fiyero was acting strange lately...always going out and looking anxious around me and the baby boy.
I put Terrance to bed and Fiyero had just woken up.
As he only just woke up I let his eyes adjust and rest for a minute before I talked to him..
He sat up at my we-need-to-talk stare as I sat down on the couch next to him.
"Yero...are you okay? we haven't talked in over a week..." I stared at him as his tired eyes started closing..
"oh no you don't!" I quickly pulled him into a quick kiss to wake him up..there. but I was still curious.. "and you seem to be going out a lot.......wait. are you cheating on me?" I asked..shocked to even think he would do such a thing.
"what?! no Fae.... I've just not been 100% lately but your jumping to conclusions too quickly..why would I do such a thing?" Fiyero sat up straight at that and cupped my face in his hands.
"it's just. your recently awkward and won't speak to me, if you said you were poorly then I would have helped you get just have to tell me. to trust me too" I added as I took his hands away from my face and back on my lap.

Fiyero's POV
I need to ask her now...right now so she isn't so goddam curious next time the little tinker.
"speaking of trusting" I quickly broke in.
Do it now. before it's too late.
I got up from the couch and got down on my one knee.
I pulled out the ring from my trouser pocket (which by the way wasn't in there when I was hidden under the sofa when I slept)
"Fae..." I looked at her as she looked gobsmacked and staring at me in utter suprise
"Elphaba. Elphie. Fae and the one we both don't like Fabala.
she laughed.
"yes" she suddenly whispered.
"yes!" I said
"yes" we both said together. all we could both do was smile.
she took my face in her hands as she knelt down to kiss me.
I placed the vintage emerald ring on her delicate finger. I couldn't believe it. I was going to he her husband.

Elphaba's POV
I couldn't believe it!
I was going to be a wife! and to Fiyero! all my dreams have come true! I couldn't be happier! I smiled at Fiyero and went to call Glinda to tell her the good news.....wait. Glinda was engaged to Fiyero before I returned. and I ruined their engagement party.. I'll wait. she's probably in a fancy meeting anyway.
I looked at my ring that diamond was huge! so it all makes sense now, that's why he was so anxious and awkward aw bless him! I love him so much. my fiancé. I can't believe I'm acting this way! I just can't help smiling at him, with his dorky smirk and his eyes you can get lost into and the muscles.. okay concentrate Elphaba.
I walked over to Fiyero and embraced him. I couldn't believe that I nearly lost him.

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