I'm okay with how everything is at this point, I'm just living day to day.

Pulling me out of my thoughts Dr. James, the ER doctor I work for walks up to me. He says "Ellie, how's our patients doing today?"

I smile at him, he's so attractive for a older gentleman, his wife is an Pharmacist in the hospital as well and she's just as gorgeous, "Everyone's doing okay, good as they can be in the ER; I'm actually finishing up this paperwork before I get off at eight."

He says "That's my head nurse!" while walking off towards the main hall. After working my butt of these past few months I quickly got promoted to head nurse. The pay increase has helped me in paying for the babies, you never really understand how expensive it is to raise children until you're the one doing it by yourself.

I didn't even know how much two of everything is, two car seats, two mouths to feed, two bodies to clothe but most importantly two babies to love.

My dad offered money to me times and times again but, I could never take it. I don't believe in taking money without working for it and that was no exception.

Logan, the paramedic on my rotation comes up behind me and starts "I have a patient coming in on the ambulance, he's a big guy so your going to need to prepare a big bed, we think it's a concussion" while walking towards the doors.

I quickly shift into high gear, telling all my ladies what to do. We gather up two twin beds pushing them together and changing the settings for up to 500 pounds. I doubt the patient will weigh that much but seeing everyone and anyone does not have it's limits.

As the doors come rushing open I turn as my pager goes off. It's the ICU upstairs, they probably are wanting information on the woman who was sent there this morning for her heart attack, Mrs. Margo. I remember her coming in a few weeks ago with her husband.

Grabbing one of my RN girls I rattle off, "I've got to run upstairs, I was paged but I need you to settle in the patient and take the vitals before Dr. James get's back in exactly one minute. He was paged by me a few minutes ago, can you handle it?" She nods her head before walking off towards the doors.

I make my way upstairs and just as I suspected, the head nurse Jasmine, just wanted to ask me a few questions about Mrs. Margo's vitals, temperature ranges, and fluid levels. I respond back giving her all of the information. I update the file as well with her so that the hospital does not get in a lawsuit for unproperly charting.

She smiles and thanks me before I head downstairs to ER. I love working down here, It can be challenging but I like how quick the pace is. I check my watch it's 7:47 thank god I only have 13 more minutes until I'm off my feet.

As the elevator opens I walk to the nurses station. Finding the report of the patient who just came I don't bother looking at it, I like to get to know them before reading the file with their medical history. People tell you a lot about them by just talking to you.

I walk to the glass door of their room and knock before sliding it open. I always do this as I prepare to meet my new patients.

The man starts, "I just got tackled it's no big deal". That's his manly and raspy voice, that's the guy I cried about for two years. That's the guy I was going to marry.

The same voice I heard in my sleep for an entire year, the same face I see everyday when my son yells "MAMMA!" At the top of his lungs. The same voice that holds my heart still.

I know his voice is speaking with the doctor; he's actually here, after all of these years. Turning back towards the door because his curtain is still closed I open it and am almost out when Dr. James starts "Nurse Zimmerman?"

Tanner's Torment (Kingston Series #2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now