"Woohoo!" he shouted as he began to pump his arms up and down in excitement, not paying attention to the monsters that were coming up behind him. Clockwork jumped in and landed a blow from her dagger right into one's head, using it to secure and hold herself upright. She then grabbed the pistol that was latched onto her left him and shot down two others before the one that she was holding onto began to topple over. The brunette woman jumped off and ripped her dagger out of its head.

"Rogers, you're going to get yourself killed," she groaned as she turned around to face him.

"Awe, you know you love it~!" he teased as he poked her cheek. She grabbed his hand and pulled him down, slitting another monster's throat. She then tugged him behind her. Toby smirked beneath his mask and threw his hatchet at a shadow demon before grabbing a flair gun that was hitched to Clockwork's thigh and shot it. The light made it slowly diminish until it was no longer in sight. He then twirled the gun and placed it back in its holster.

"By the way, I would hate it if you tried to die on me. I am not afraid to beg Slender to revive you so I can rip you two shreds," she growled as she lunged at another enemy. Liu watched and listened as he was handling his fights. He had realized that those two had become very close since he was gone... Huh. He was somewhat envious at the thought of Toby being with a girl like Natalie: she was a fiercely loyal woman that would refuse to leave anyone behind unless they double-crossed her. If they messed with her... Oh, how terrifying that could be. Liu had watched Natalie on some of her first missions out. She had been ordered to dispose of all of those who had wronged her; it was a symbol of cutting ties that a majority of them had to go through. The way that she would pounce and attack... Slender called her a water spirit because of this fact. Honestly, Natalie somewhat terrified both Liu and Sully.

But, he highly doubted that Zalgo would share the same sentiment.

A swirl of black clouds began to circle mid-air. Liu felt his whole body freeze as he looked on at what was about to change the whole battle. From the void of shadows began to emerge one large horn and another that was a testament to his past fights, due to the top half of the horn is completely gone, but the bottom half being rigid and chipped. The horns and bodies that were appearing from the hole were black and red. It was a sight that was all too familiar and caused Liu's stomach to turn in anxiety and abash. He hated the sight. He hated it. He hated it. He hated it! He hated the fact that this man was the reason he had hurt her. He was pissed that this bastard was stronger than him and could sway him like that. He hated him...

"What are you all doing here?" Zalgo growled as he took a step closer.

"We have come to retrieve my proxy, [Name]," Slender replied as he watched his nemesis.

"You all have some gall to appear in my territory for a girl that you have yet to mark, old friend. You are not to come into my land and attempt to take something that is mine."

"She isn't yours!" Liu shouted. Zalgo turned and stared at him.

"Awe, well, if it isn't the pet," he snorted. "He does deserve some kind of punishment. I mean, even a mutt complains and whines less than you do."

"Well, a mutt has less self-respect than I do!" the brunette spat back.

"Where is [Name]?" [Sister's Name] asked as she walked in front of the group. Her hand gripped the hilt of her knife roughly. Her eyes were dark with anger and blood lust. She was ready to torture him. She was ready to make him bleed and beg for forgiveness. She was going to get her sister back, and she was going to give this man hell to pay for taking her.

"Oh, you mean my little toy?" He chuckled. "She is just getting her punishment for not doing as she was told." Another portal appeared behind him. Liu growled, seeing [Name] hanging there with shadows shackling her and holding her up. Her [hair color] locks fell over her unconscious face. Her skin looked pale, and new scars were littered across her body. "She has a fiery spirit. That is one of the reasons that I decided to have her over you, [Sister's Name]."

"You give her back, right now!" she screamed as Zalgo closed the portal behind him.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that. You see, I was promised a beautiful woman many years ago, but she ran away. I was linked to the shrine that stood in her home country and was unable to go after her." He growled. "I was promised that your mother would bear my children. We would have had powerful offspring, but some man from the outside world lured her away. There was chaos, afterward. It angered the more powerful gods and they began to wreak havoc on the rest of the village. I was benevolent, though. I began to mark people as my proxies, saving them from death. They began to travel around, finding other proxies for me. From this, I was able to become freer and travel on my own. That was when I found Liu. He had... Potential, but I noticed that he lived somewhat close to where my sacrifice was living, along with her children. I was planning on killing the whole family whilst using Liu as a medium, but [Sister's Name] left earlier that night, and [Name] was stronger than I expected. After I found her again, I realized that she would be the perfect replacement for what I was once promised oh so long ago."

"Shut up," Liu grumbled. "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up! We aren't interested in hearing your backstory! We came to save her and to rip you to pieces for taking her, so shut the hell up!" The demon hummed as he watched the human.

"Why, look at you. You have grown somewhat of a spine since I last used you. It will look great as a decoration on my bedside table."

"You will not be taking any of my children, Zalgo," Slenderman threatened as his tendrils spread out from his back.

"You are looking to start a war."

"No," the faceless man stated. "I'm here to end the war."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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