5/❤︎ʜɪs ᴘᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ ᴘʟᴀɴɴɪɴɢ❤︎

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"Voglio che tu informi Melody che sitamo portando qualcuno con noi," Alessandro orders Samuel when they reached the lobby of their hotel

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Voglio che tu informi Melody che sitamo portando qualcuno con noi," Alessandro orders Samuel when they reached the lobby of their hotel.

("I want you to inform Melody that we are bringing someone with us.")

"Di cosa parli capo?" Samuel asks with a perplexed expression.

("What are you talking about boss?")

Bianca is also shocked to hear such an order. Samuel and Bianca both know the Italian language so it's not hard for them to understand Alessandro's words.

"Ho intenzione di apportare alcune modifiche all'accordo," Alessandro replies while walking towards the elevator. They get in the elevator and press their floor number.

("I am going to have some changes done in the deal.")

"Cosa combia?" This time it is Bianca who asks the question.

("What changes?")

Because as much as she knew, there was nothing to change. But knowing Alessandro, you can never guess what goes in that mind of his.

"La voglio come mia moglie," Alessandro replies casually as if he is discussing about weather.

("I want her as my wife.")

Both Samuel and Bianca's eyes get wide like saucers. They follow Alessandro when the elevator door opens in front of their floor.

"Di chi parli?" Bianca asks with a frightened voice when they stop in front of Alessandro's hotel room.

("Who are you talking about?")

He opens the room and three of them go inside. While Bianca and Samuel sits down on the couch, Alessandro moves near the window to look at the city. For some time he doesn't say anything but when he does, both Bianca and Samuel can't believe what they are listening to.

"Anhuphama Sengupta."

A few hours back

Anupama is feeling very happy as she is getting unexpected attention from everyone, especially from the guests. It seems like they are not strangers but the dear ones who she knows for a very long time. Although, she is feeling a little uncomfortable because as if someone has decided not to remove his intense gaze from her. On the other hand, Alessandro is unaware of the fact that he is making Anupama anxious because he is so busy in admiring her. But he is not liking the way she is avoiding him as if he is not important enough to have her attention. He doesn't know why he wants her attention so much because it's not in his nature. Not for once in his 32 years of existence he has felt this way for any other woman before. As if his gut is telling him to protect her at any cost.

Suddenly, Bianca turns towards Indrajit and asks if she can have a tour of the mansion. Indrajit says that she doesn't need to ask for permission to have a look at the house. At the very moment, Nayantara Devi suggests that Riya will be giving Bianca the tour but Bianca politely refuses the offer. She says that she wants Anupama to give her a tour because she likes Anupama's company better. Jasmine and Subho starts to fake cough to hide their laughter because it's not every day that someone can decline Nayantara Devi's words. Soon the girls leave from there.

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