Can't Believe It

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Melissa had awaken still in Michaels arms. She'd heard the front door open. She looked up to see Sam and Jason coming in.

'Had they been out all night?' she wondered.

Slowly and careful not to wake Michael, she got up and moved towards them both,"If you guys stayed away all night to give the two of us time to ourselves, that wasn't necessary. I don't want to be putting you guys out of your own home." she says.

Ignoring her, Sam glanced behind her at Michael,"How did the two of you sleep?"

"How is he?" Jason asked her.

Melissa glanced at Jason,"Did you two not hear a word I just said about not wanting to put you out of your own home?" she groaned.

"Yeah, we heard you. We're just deciding to ignore it." Sam laughs softly.

Shaking her head, Melissa stepped around them,"I'm going to hop in the shower. I'll be down soon." she said.

Michael was still fast asleep by the time Melissa got out of the shower and put on a change of clothes. She'd brushed her teeth, changed her clothes, washed her face and everything. She was just now brushing her hair up into a ponytail.

Michael had awaken to the sound of Jason and Sam talking softly. He sat up rubbing his eyes before slowly looking around.

"Hey. Good morning sleepy head. Sleep alright?" Sam asked.

He nodded,"Best sleep I had in a while." he says.

He began looking around before the memories of last night flooded his mind.

Melissa was awake.

Melissa was REALLY awake and she KISSED him.

He jumped up as if shocked by lightning.

"Michael? What is it?" Sam asked.

He met her gaze, his wild with an emotion she couldn't place,"Where is she?"

Before Sam could answer, Melissa comes descending the stairs as she is pulling her hair into a ponytail,"I don't think I've ever felt so clean before." she says before she finds herself being lifted off solid ground and into a pair of strong arms. All she could see was the back of his head as his arms around her seemed to tighten.

With a sigh, she ran her fingers through his hair before placing a kiss on his head, wrapping her arms around his neck. She could tell by the way he held her that he hadn't realized that she was really awake until a few moments ago.

"Hey, it's okay. Everythings okay. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. Not this time." she reassures him or at least tries as his arms tighten even more to the point she is crushed to his chest.

"Michael? Hey, look at me." she calls to him.


"Michael, will you please look at me for a moment? Please?" she pleads.

After a few seconds, he pulls his head back and meets her gaze. She smiles at him,"Hey. I know you're worried about me and that you're sceptic about this all being a horrible nightmare but it's not. I'm really awake and standing in your arms right now. I know I've been away for awhile but I am not going anywhere. Not again." she says,"Now that Molly, I'm sure by now, knows that we are half sisters, she'd kill me herself if I let anything like this happen to me again." she jokes.

He looks confused,"Half sisters? How?"

"I'm adopted. When I was seven I found out who my birth parents were. Mothers name was Emily and my fathers name was Julian Jerome." she says.

Michael's eyes widened as he glanced back at Sam who smiled,"Which makes you and Sam..."

"Half sisters. Isn't that cool? I have another little sister." Sam looks at Melissa,"And I HAVEN'T told Molly yet. I wanted to leave that privilege to you since she adores you so much."

Melissa's eyes widened,"She's going to go crazy! I don't think I can handle a crazy Molly." she laughs.

"You'll be fine. Michael, Jason and I and everyone else important to us will all be there. It would be better to tell everyone at once the news that at separate times. Less time consuming." Sam says.

"Is our father still alive?"

Sam nods,"He's here in Port Charles."

"Is there any chance that he will be there also?"

"Well, seeing as he is dating my mother...again, he will definitely be there."

"Good. I'd like to meet the man who knew nothing about me."

At The Metro Court:

Everyone had arrived on time at the Metro Court and Melissa was a bit nervous and excited about telling Molly and meeting her birth father.

"Hello, everyone, can I have your attention please?" Sam calls out.

Everyone turns to look at her as she took Melissa's hand in hers,"Melissa has an announcement she'd like to make." she says before turning to look at her,"The floor is all yours."

Melissa smiles at her before turning her gaze on everyone,"For those who don't know who I am my name is Melissa Harris. The reason I asked Sam and Jason to call you all together is because I wanted to tell everyone at once." she says.

"Tell us what, sweetie?" Carly askes.

"I was adopted. A few years ago I went in search of my biological parents."

"Did you find them?" Morgan asked.

She nods,"My mother died after I was born."

"And your father?" Kristina questioned.

"He never knew I existed. My mother and father had broken up before shecould tell him." she says.

"What are their names?" Sunny questioned.

"My mothers name is Emily Taylor?" she says, glancing over at a now shocked Julian.

"Emily Taylor was your mother?" he questioned.

She nods,"Yes."

"Your father, what's his name?" Carly asked.

Melissa took a deep breath, Sam gently squeezed her hand,"Julian...Jerome."she says, her gaze still on Julian who's eyes widened even more if possible.

Everyone glanced at Julian before glancing at Melissa,"Oh My God! How could I not have noticed this before!" Molly screams.

"Notice what, Molly?" Alexis asked.

"Look at them! Melissa looks just like the female version of Julian!" she screams.

Everyone looked between the two before agreeing with her. Julian then took a few steps in her direction, stopping only three feet from her,"I am so sorry I didn't - I've been looking for you ever since I found out Emily had a daughter." he says.

"You knew about me?"

He nods," You had to have been seven when I found out that she'd had a daughter. She'd gottwn pregnant around the same time we'd broken up. I went looking for you because I needed to know if you were mine."

Melissa takes a deep breath,"Now what? I'm your daughter." she says.

He hesitantly lifts a hand to her cheek,"If you let me, I would like to be a father to you." he says.

Melissa looked at Sam who smiled and nods. Sighing, she glances back at Julian,"I'd like that." she says.

A smile spread across his lips,"Thank you." he says.

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