Who Is She?

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Three Days Later:

Michael had been walking around Port Charles for the last fourty minutes. He was still angry with what he did back at the hotel three days ago. Kandi was only trying to help and he freaked out when she touched him. He'd left school for his free period. He hated that school. Everyone looked at him like he was some emotionless monster. They talked and whispered about him. Some even tried to pick fights with him.

Suddenly, his phone went off. "Hey mom."

"Michael, where are you?"

"I'm at the docks."

"Michael, why are you not at school?"

"It's my free period, mom. Don't worry, I'm heading back now." He reassures her.

"Okay. I'll see you later. I love you." She says.

"I love you, too." He says before hanging up and heading back to school.

Lunch: Outside Deck:

"Come on, Corinthos! You've killed before. I know you can fight back!" Laughed Tyler Milton the basketball jock.

Michael tried to walk away but Tylers friends and a few other students wouldn't let him. He was doing his best to ignore them but they kept pushing him. Everyone was pointing nad laughing at him and it was seriously pissing him off.

Melissa Harris was on her way to the library when she noticed everyone surrounding the Corinthos kid. She'd heard about him. He'd killed a woman to protect his little sister nad his mother after she kidnapped them. Though it was in self-defense he was still convicted. Ever since he got out everyone has been giving him a hard time. Talking and whispering about him, pointing at him and picking fights with him. She felt for him. 

She noticed that he was about ready to explode so she made a quick decision before walking out onto the deck, pushing her way through the crowd of nosey high schoolers. 

"Why don't you back off, Tyler." She snapped, glaring at him with hatred.

Tyler met her gaze and smiled. "What's the matter, Melissa? We're just having some fun. Right, Corinthos?"

Michael glaredat him. He was ready to hit the kid. Melissa noticed.

"No. You and all of your dumb, bullying friends are picking as always! Why don't all of you get a life!" She snapped.

Michael had not turned around to see who it was that was defending him. He was all to ready to punch Tyler if he kept up with his actions of trying to fight.

Tyler smiled at Melissa. "This had nothing to do with you." He says.

She glares at him, "Nor with you!" She snapped before reaching out, taking Michaels hand and pulling him away, through the crowd of students and back into the building. As he was being pulled away all Michael could see was the back of the girls head. She was about five foor eight, long black hair with mocha skin. 

They suddenly came to a stop in the halway. Her turning around, Michael was met by a pair of piercing green eyes. She was breathtaking. She had full pink lips, a small nose, piercing green eyes and a strong jaw line. Never has he seen someone so beautiful.

"I'm sorry about Tyler and the rest of those jerks. They have nothing better to do than to make peoples lives a living hell." She says.

Michael just looked at her. "Um, I have to get to class but...I'll see you around." She says before walking away before he could ask her her name.

Later that day, Michael found himself still thinking about that girl. She was beautiful. She was beautiful and she'd stood up for him without even knowing him.

"Michael. Is something wrong?" Jason had a look of concern on his face as he looked at Michael.

Michael shook his head. "What's on your mind?" Jason asked as he took a seat on the couch beside him.

Sighing, Michael sat back on the couch staring at the tv before meeting Jason's gaze, "I met this girl today." He confesses.

Jason raised a brow, "Is - that a bad thing?" He questioned.

"No. It's a good thing. Well, it would be if I knew her name." He groaned getting to his feet.


"Today at lunch a bunch of guys were trying to pick a fight with me. I ignored them the best I could but they kept pushing and pushing." He started, "I was five seconds away from hitting one of them when this girl showed up and started defending me." Michael turned towards Jason, "Jason, she defended me without knowing a thing about me."

"Did you not want her to defend you?"

He scratched the back of his neck, "I don't know. After she yelled at them, she pulled me into the building and apologized for their actions. She then walked away before I could even get her name." He groans.

"Did you not ask?"

"No. I was to busy staring at her to form any words." He says flopping down onto the couch, burying his face in his hands.

Jason sighed before moving to sit beside him, "Do you WANT to get to know her or is this about something else?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. I want to know her name. I want to thank her.."


"I don't want to at the same time. She defended me without knowing a thing about me. Jason, I'm messed up in the head. I'm not normal. She never should have defended me and yet she did."

"Michael, you're not -"

"What happened to me in prison messed me up. I'll never have a normal life. I don't need to bring anyone into this. I don't need to take anyone down with me."

Jason couldn't do anything but stare at the kid he called his own for a year. He hated seeing Michael hurt but Michael was like Carly. Stubborn. He was going to continue to tare himself down no matter what he or anyone else says.

"If you want to know her then get to know her. But if you want to keep your distance then it's your choice." He says.

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