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Melissa sat across from Michael eating her first burger in seventeen months and boy was it the most delicious thing she'd ever tasted. "Holy Captain Crunch this is good!" she squealed as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

Michael smiles over at her, "Really?" he says.

"Yes. I haven't tasted anything this good in a long time." she says with a smile.

Michael shakes his head but smiles as he leans forward on the table, "Well, I'm glad you're here with me." he says, "Nothing was ever the same with you not around."

Melissa reaches over and takes his hand, lacing their fingers together,"Even though I wasn't awake, I still missed you. You mean a lot to me, Michael, more than any one ever has." she says.

Michael gently squeezed her hand and held her gaze,"I feel the same way about you, Melissa." he says.

"Awwwww! You guys are so cute together!" Molly's voice carried towards them.

"Hey, Molly." Michael says.

"Hello, Michael, Melissa." she says before hugging Melissa,"I'm so glad that you're alright. I was so worried." she says.

Melissa returned the hug,"So am I and I apologize for worrying you." she says.

Molly pulls away and gazes at her, "I'm just so happy you're awake. I don't think I've.ever seen Michael so sad before. He never left your side." she says.

Melissa smiles and glances over at Michael,"I'm here now and I'm going to make it up to him." she says before turning her attention back to Molly, "I Your cousin means a lot to me and I will always be here for him like he was for me."

Molly smiles,"I know." she says before turning towards Michael,"So, are the two of you like...together? I only ask because you were holding hands." she says.

Michael smiles at her, "Uh, Molly-"

"We're taking things slow right now." Melissa states.

A wide smile formed on her lips, "Oh, that's so awesome!" she squealed.

Melissa chuckles at her behavior, "It is, isn't it?"

Later :

Melissa and Michael were making their way out onto the dock, "Molly seems very happy about the thought of us getting together." Melissa says with a soft chuckle.

"She nearly broke the door down to run and tell her mom." Michael laughed.

Melissa chuckled as they stood at the edge of the dock,"I don't think anything will make her more happy than the two of us getting together." she says.

Michael nods,"I agree with you." he says,"I've never seen her so giddy about something." She says.

Michael just stands there staring at her with a smile,"That would just be a dream come tru for her." he says.

Melissa nods in agreement,"I can't blame her though. She only wants to see you happy." she says folding her arms over her chest.

"And according to her and everyone else in Port Charles, I'm my happiest with you." he states.

"Well, I AM pretty awesome." she chuckles.

Michael shakes his head and takes a step in her direction,"I don't believe there is a word to describe how TRULY amazing you really are." he says

Melissa smiles up at him,"I could say the same about you." she says

Michael glances down at the dock before meeting her gaze,"I really am the luckiest guy in the world to have you as my friend." he says.

A serious looks crosses over Melissa's face As she takes a few steps towards him,"If you're the luckiest guy in the world then I'm the luckiest girl in the world." she says before wrapping her arms around his middle and resting her head on his chest. Michael wrapped his arms around her and held her to him as if he let her go then she would fly away.

"We'll, if it isn't Michael Corinthise Jr." came a sudden voice.

Melissa and Michael turn around to find two thugs dressed in black standing behind them. Quickly, Michael pushed Melissa behind him,"Michael, what are you doing!" she hissed. She didn't want him putting himself in harms way. His parents would never forgive her.

"I'm not letting them hurt you." he says, never taking his eyes off of The two thugs before them.

"Isn't that nice. He Wants to protect his sister -"

"I'm his GIRLFRIEND!" she snapped, causing Michaels heart to burst and his stomach to fill with butterflies?

"Ooooo, she's a feisty one." the thug with sandy blond hair and brown eyes says.

"What do you want from us?" Michael spat, pushing Melissa further behind him.

"What do you think, Sonny Jr.? We want to teach your father a lesson and what other way that than through his son." the other dark haired one says as they move towards them.

Michael made a swing at the sandy blond haired man and hit I'm in the jaw, knocking him to the ground. The dark haired man launched forward and punched Michael, knocking him down.

"Michael!" Melissa rushed towards him and fell to her knees,"Are you alright?" she asked him.

"Get out of here, Melissa." he says.

She shakes her head,"No, I'm not leaving you." she says.

Just then the dark haired one grabbed Melissa by her hair and pulled her to her feet,"Let her go!" Michael yelled jumping to his feet.

Melissa threw her elbow back and hit him in the nose before turning around and punching him in the jaw,"Bitch!" he cried out.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. I wouldn't try anything else, fire cracker." the sandy blond one says pointing a gun at her.

"Put the gun down!" Jason's voice sounded out of nowhere.

The sandy blond guy quickly grabbed Melissa and held the gun at her side,"Jason Morgan. I had a feeling you would magically appear." he laughed.

Jason moved towards Michael who would not take his eyes off Melissa who was also holding his gaze,"Let her go." he says.

"I can't do that. If I do you're just going to kill the both of us and I don't know about him but I'm not ready to die just yet." he says.

"Yeah, so you're going to let us go or we're going to kill her before you take us out." the dark haired one says once he was finally on his feet.

Jason cocked his gun,"Either way you're both going to end up dead." am he says.

They began to back away from Jason and Michael,"Mind as well go out with a bang, right?" the dark haired one asked.

Melissa, already knowing how this would end, met Michaels gaze,"Michael, I-"

He shakes his head,"No, Melissa, don't you dare say goodbye to me!"

She forces back her tears,"Okay then, I guess I'll see you later." she says before meeting Jason's gaze,"I love you, Dad and please tell mom I love her." she says. For the first time since they've met, Melissa saw tears in Jason's eyes,"And tell Sonny and Carly I love them, too...and Molly." she says.

"We'll find you, Melissa, I promise you that!" Michael says taking a step torwards her but is stopped by Jason,"I won't lose you again."

Melissa smiles at him,"I know you will." she says before looking at Jason,"I love you, dad."

He held her gaze,"I love you, too."

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