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It's been a week since Melissa met Abby and she hasn't really been feeling all that well. Lately she's been feeling sick to her stomach but She never actually gets sick. And she's been rather exhausted lately during the day.

"Melissa, Sweetie are you alright?" Carly questioned her as she sat up on her couch.

Melissa yawned and stretched her legs,"I'm fine just a bit tired."

"Are you sure that's all it is? Sweetie, you've been sleeping a lot during the day and you've barely been eating." Carly pointed out.

Melissa placed a hand on Carlys and smiled at her,"I'm fine. Stop worrying so much."

Carly sighed and leaned forward to place a kiss on her forehead,"I'm always going to worry about you, Sweetie. You're family."

Melissa smiles at her,"Thank yo-" the sudden urge to throw up over took her and before she could register it she'd jumped up and ran into the bathroom, puking up this morning's breakfast.

She felt Carly holding her hair back and rubbing circles in her back as she kept her head over the toilet,"I think you should let Patrick take a look at you. Somethings wrong." Carly voiced.

Melissa only nodded. If she even opened her mouth she felt she would get sick again and she didn't want that. She HATED getting sick.

"I'll call Michael and let him know -"

"Please don't." She pleads,"I don't want to cause him to worry when it could simply be the flu or a cold."

"What if it's more than that?"

"Then we can call him. I just don't want him worrying about me unnecessarily." She says.

Carly sighed but agreed,"Fine but if it's anything other than a cold or have to let Michael know." Carly says.

Melissa nods,"Deal."

FF------------> to #GH

Melissa sat waiting for the results of her test with Carly sitting in front of her,"How do they know what to test for?" She asked.

"They base it off your symptoms." Carly explained.

"So why do they need to test for pregnancy? I haven't been getting sick besides today, I haven't been eating not has smells intensified. The only pregnancy symptom was the sleeping but that's only during the day." Says Melissa.
Carly reached out and places a hand on her knee,"It's a precaution so that they know what medication they can and can't give you."

Melissa takes a deep breath and sighs,"I really wish they would hurry up."She says just as a knock sounded at her room door.

"Come in." She says just as Carly says,"Just in time."

"Melissa, I have your results back." Patrick says as he shuts her room door.

"Okay, Patrick what seems to be the problem with Melissa?" Carly questioned as he took a seat in the chair beside the bed.

Patrick looked nervous and a bit sad with pity in his eyes. That scared Melissa.

"Patrick, What is it? What's wrong with me?" She asked him.

Patrick glances at Carly before meeting Melissa's gaze once again,"Melissa, I - I don't know how to tell you this but..."

"What? Patrick please, spit it out."

"I ran every test that I could think of and it came back positive for one thing." He says,"I had it ran two more times just to be sure there wasn't a mistake and there wasn't." He rambled on.

"Patrick!" Melissa cried out with nerves.

"You're pregnancy test came back positive." He finally states,"You're pregnant. And according to the test we're about two to three weeks long."

Melissa sat frozen to the bed.


No! She couldn't be pregnant. She was with Michael. They are suppose to be together and start a family one day. She CAN'T be pregnant with another man's baby.

Carly finally grew feeling in her legs and stood up, moving towards a shocked Melissa,"What do you want me to do? Whatever you need just tell me." She says.

Melissa lifts her gaze to meet Carlys and just like that the tears came. She broke down and cried,"Oh, Sweetie." Carly cried, pulling her into her arms, kissing her hair.

"I'll leave you, two." Patrick says exiting the room.

"Nooooo! No! No! No! No!!!" She cried into Carlys shirt,"I can't be pregnant! This can't be happening to me right now!" She cried harder.

She pulled away and gazed up at Carly year stained face with red eyes,"I can't lose him, Mrs. C. I can't lose Michael, I can't live without him!" She cried,"When he finds out he's not going to want me anymore!" Her tears came faster as Carly pulled her back into an embrace.

"Oh, honey, Michael loves you. He will NOT walk away from you just because you're pregnant." She says, caressing her hair.

"He's not going to want to take care of another man's baby! He's going look at me and not see me anymore."

Carly takes a deep breath and let's it out, tightening her hold on Melissa,"It's okay. We're going to make it through this together." She kisses her hair,"You're family and family takes care of family."

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