What's Next?

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Melissa stood watching Michael as he paced back and forth in front of her as he ran his fingers through his hair. He hadn't said a word since she told him about her being raped and now pregnant. She was totally freaking out.

'What if he doesn't want me anymore? What if he never wants to see me again? I can't lose him but how can I ask him to stay? How can I ask him to stay and be a father to a child that isn't his?"

"Listen, Michael, I understand if you can't do this anymore." She states, taking a few steps forward,"I know this is a lot to take in and that this isn't what you signed up for. So, if you want to go then I completely understand."

Michael stops placing and turns to look at her. She was so beautiful. She's everything he could ever want and or need in a woman. He loved her so much and to see her hurting broke his heart but what broke his heart more was the fact that she thought he'd leave her, "Do you want me to go?" he asked her, taking a few steps in her direction.

Melissa shakes her head,"Of course I don't want you to go but, Michael, I can't stand here as ask you to be a father to my baby." She says, placing a hand on her flat stomach,"That's not fair to you."

"What if I want to?" He asked.

"Want to what?" She questioned.

He takes a few steps closer to her,"What if I WANT to be there for you and the baby?" He asked,"What if I want to be a father to your - your child?"

Melissa held his gaze for a few seconds, "Michael, I can't let you do that." She finally says.

"Why not?" He questioned.

"You're young, Michael. You have your entire life ahead of you. You don't need a baby, that's not even your own, holding you back." She says softly, despite it hurting her to say it,"I won't let you throw away you life's hopes and dreams."

Michael took a few steps closer to her and cups her cheeks, gazing down directly into her eyes,"I love you, okay? I love you so much that even thinking about you makes me feel like I've been given everything I could ever want in the World." He says,"So, when I say I want to be a father to your child - to OUR child - I mean it. I don't look at this as a hopes and dreams killer but as an opportunity to love and care for a child who will grow to love and care for me."

She shakes her head,"Michael I -"

"I want to do this, I want a life and a family with you. I don't care that I'm not the baby's biological father, I will love them as I would my own." He says, striking her cheek,"Just as my father loves me."

Melissa gazed into his eyes and saw nothing but truth to his words. He meant what he was saying and it swelled her heart. He was willing to love her child, a child not biologically his, as if they were his own,"Are you sure about this, Michael?" She asked,"I don't want you to wake up one day and regr-"

Michael lowered his lips to her to shut her up. He wrapped his arms around her middle and pulled her into him while she wrapped her arms around his neck,"I will never regret our family, ever." He says once he pulled away.

"Are you su-"

"I'm sure. You have nothing to worry about Melissa. I love you and our baby, already, more than anything in this world. Nothing could ever make me feel anything else."

Melissa smiles up at him as tears fall,"I love you, so much."

"I love you, too." He says before placing a hand on her flat belly,"So, What are we going to name this little girl?" He asked.

Melissa raised a brow,"You think it's a girl?"

"I hope it's a girl. She'll look just like her mother." He says with a smile.

"Maybe it's a boy and as he gets older he'll start to look more like you." She says with hope.

Michael hugged her to his chest,"Everything is going to be alright, I promise." He says.

"With you everything is always alright. Perfect."

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