No Going Back

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Jason spent the two and a half weeks searching for Melissa and he's come to a dead end every time. He was beyond livid and everyone could see just how much of a toll this was on him.

"Jason, we will get her back." Sam says placing a hand on his arm.

"I have to get her back. Not just for me but for Michael too." He says,"He's not handling her absence at all. It's far worse than the last time. He feels like he could have done more to help her." he says as he stands by the window, glancing up at the night sky,"I've never seen him like this before. It's a lot worse than the last time."

Sam sighs before moving in behind him and wrapping her arms around his middle and resting her chin on his back,"We are GOING to find her and bring her him." she says softly,"We are GOING to bring our little girl home and NOTHING nor ANYONE is going to stop us." she says sternly.

Jason sighs,"I have to find her before it's too late."

Three Weeks Later:

Melissa began trying to free her wrists from the rope they'd used to tie her to a chair and was able loosen them up enough so that when the time was right, she could free herself ," Let me go!" she hissed, glaring at one of the men that had taken her from Michael and Jason.

The kidnapper smiles before moving towards her and wrapping his fingers around her throat,"Now, why would I do that?" he began running his hand down her neck, passed her collarbone and towards her chest,"We've been having so much fun these last several days." he says.

Melissa, rather quickly, lifted her leg and kicked him right in the family jewels, knocking him to the floor in pain,"Fuck! You bitch!" he groaned right before she kicked him in the side of the head, knocking him out.

Quickly, she pulled her wrist free and got to her feet as she frantically looked around for something to defend herself with when she saw a gun on a table behind her. She quickly picked it up before her eyes then fell into the unconscious kidnapper. Calmly, she moved towards his body and searched him for the gun she was sure he had. After she took his gun she quickly placed the other gun in her waistband before calmly moving towards the door of the warehouse they'd been holding her at.

"...yeah, I'm heading inside now...not really, she's not talking...if Morgan finds her we're dead...where should we stash the body then...Okay, I'll give you a call once it's done."

Melissa rushed to hide behind the door just as he walked through it,"Nick, the boss just called - What the hell!" he gaped once he saw his partner laying on the floor unconscious and no Melissa,"Shit!" he snapped as he began looking around for her.

"Looking for me?" Melissa moved from behind the door with the gun raised and pointed at him,"You should really learn how to tie a harder knot." She spat.

He smiled but raised his arms," You're not going to shoot me."

"Are you sure about that?" She says as she cocked the gun before aiming it at the ceiling and firing,"I wouldn't test me."

"You don't take for the type of girl who'd shoot anyone let alone an unarmed man." He says lowering his arms.


"You bitch!" He hissed as he nursed his arm.

"That was a warning shot NOT to take another step. I have every right to shoot and kill you if you do." she hissed.

He glares at her with hatred,"You will pay for this." He spat.

Shaking her head, Melissa gazed directly into his eyes,"I won't let you hurt another woman or child just to make yourself feel empowered. You are going to prison for what you have done to both are." she says.

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