Jason Knows

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It's been a week since Melissa got out of the hospital and everyday since she's been having nightmares about those two thugs raping her. She doesn't understand why she's having them. Her own family raped and abused her and never has she had nightmares.

"No!" She screamed, shooting up in her bed.

Jason and Sam burst into her room not long after hearing her scream,"Melissa!?" Sam cried out once she entered the room.

Melissa glanced up at Jason and Sam before bursting out in tears,"I'm sorry." she sobbed.

Jason rushed forward, sat on the edge of the bed and took her in his arms,"Oh sweetie." Sam says leaning down and kissing her hair.

Melissa held onto Jason as she buried her face into his shirt,"They won't stop. I've never had them before and now they won't stop." She cried out.

"What won't stop?" Jason questioned.

"The nightmares. They won't stop. It's all happened before and I've never had them and now they just - I want them to stop."

Jason just held her as he thought about what she'd just said. He hoped to God that what he KNEW had happened to Michael while in prison had not happened to Melissa but all the signs were there. She a bit jumpy, she didn't allow others to touch her and she was having nightmares. Michael has been going through the same thing.

"I know it's a lot for me to ask but...could I sleep with you and mom?" Melissa questioned, looking up at him with tears in her eyes.

"Of course you can sleep with us." Sam says stroking her hair,"It's not a lot to ask."

Without a word, Jason scooped her up in his arms, bridal style, and carried her out of her room, down the hall and into their room. He watched as Sam rushed to the other side of the bed just as he gently played Melissa into the middle of their bed. Jason and Sam climbed into bed on either side of her and she placed a kiss on both their cheeks before she found herself snuggled up against Jason with Sam behind her, her arm wrapped over her middle, taking her hand in her own before kissing her hair,"Get some sleep, sweetie."

"I love you, both, so much. Thank You." Melissa says.

Jason leans over and kisses her hair,"We love you, too." He says.

That morning Jason had woke up to find Melissa snuggled up with Sam, her head on her chest and Sam's arms wrapped around her. He couldn't help the smile that crept on his face even if he wanted to.

As quickly as the smile had come it was gone. He couldn't help but to think about last night and the sound of her screaming. The last time he'd heard someone scream out like that was Michaels first night home from prison. He'd been having nightmares ever day since. Well, until Melissa came into his life. Everyone has taken noticed that Michael hasn't been having nightmares, he's not as jumpy nor angry. And that's all thanks to Melissa.

Now, here he stood outside his door hesitating to go inside where he knew Melissa and Sam, maybe even Michael, would be. After taking a shower and getting dressed, Jason left the apartment and went in search of Melissa's foster parents. When he found them he immediately began questioning them about Melissa and how they treated her. After a few punches and a threat with his gun, Jason was able to get the male figure of the house to admit that they all physically and sexually abused Melissa.

He couldn't push himself to go inside his own home. If he went inside he'd have to face Melissa and he couldn't do that right now. She was like a daughter to him and to find out that your daughter has been physically and sexually abused by an entire family for years broke something inside him.


He turned around to find Carly staring at him in confusion,"Are you alright?" she questioned with concern.

He cleared his throat and nodded,"I'm fine." He says before reaching out and opening the door.

"Hey, where have you been?" Sam questioned, moving towards him, before kissing him.

"I had to take care of something." He says, his gaze drifting towards Melissa who sat on the couch talking to Michael.

"Hey, Sam." Carly says, embracing her.


"Hey you two. What have you two been up to?" she questioned.

Melissa smiles over at Carly before her and Michael got to their feet,"Nothing much. We've just been having some fun."

Carly raised a brow,"What KIND of fun?"

Melissa blushed and so did Micheal,"Mom." He groaned.

Carly held her hands up as if to surrender,"Hey, I just want to make sure you're  being safe. I'm not ready to be a grandmother yet." She says.

Melissa chuckle,"Don't worry, Mrs. Conrinthos, you have nothing to worry about. Michael and I are...waiting." she says, blushing once again.

Carly smiles,"Great idea."

Sam chuckles,"Instead of talking about safe sex why don't we all head to the carnival that's in town." Sam suggested, wrapping her arm around Jason's middle.

"That sound like a great idea." Michael says looking down at Melissa,"Care to be my date?"

Melissa smiles up at him,"I would love to." She says before he lowers his lips to hers.

Jason takes a deep breath and sighs. He wanted to speak to Melissa about what he'd found out but she looked so happy and he didn't, he wouldn't, ruin that for her. She was finally happy and safe from that horrific family and he would do whatever he had to in order to meetings that way, even if that meant keeping it from Sam and everyone else. He wouldn't say anything until she was ready.

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