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Another five months has passed and Michael is trying to keep hope that she will wake up but it's getting very hard to do so.

"I don't- I don't know what to do anymore. She's not waking up and...I- I love her so much but I know I can't stay frozen like this." he says meeting Jason's gaze.

"She wouldn't blame you, Michael, if you moved on with your life. I think she'd want you to move on." Jason responded back.

Michael scratched the back of his neck,"She'd bite my head off if she knew I've been at her bedside everyday all day for the last thirteen months."

"She wants you to live your life."

Michael looked over at Jason and sighed,"How do I do that without her? How do I live my life when she's in that bed?"

Later That Day:

Michael was at Kelly's when Kandi walked in and spotted him,"Michael?" he glanced up and met her gaze.


She smiled and moved to stand before him,"Actually, my names Abby." she states.

He smiles,"I'm sorry. Abby."

"You're fine. Anyway, what are you doing here?" she questioned, taking a seat across from him.

He shrugged,"Nothing really. Just thinking."

"Mind if I ask about what or who?"

He looked at her before sighing,"Her name's Melissa. She and I use to come here every day and talk about any and everything."

"You said use to." she pointed out.

"She was attacked thirteen months ago. She's been a coma ever since." he looked down at his fingers.

"I'm so sorry. You two sounded close."

He nodded his head,"I could tell her anything without being judged," he glances around the diner,"I guess that's why I come here everyday. It reminds me that she was real. I feel closer to her." he admitted.

"Sounds like a great girl."

He smiles,"She is."

"I hope she wakes up. I can see that it's hurting you that she hasn't woken up."

"I miss her. She's the only person I could talk about any and everything with. I didn't feel pressured or forced to talk to her."

Abby smiles at him,"I'm sure she'll wake up soon. She has to."

Michael glanced down at her hand for a a minute or so before taking hers in his and giving it a gentle squeeze.

Abby was a nice girl. She wasn't judging him, making him talk to her or trying to change him. It's been three weeks since they talked at Kelly's and they've been spending time together ever since. She wasn't Melissa but she helped him to realize that Melissa wasn't gone and that she will wake up one day.

Michael and Abby were standing on the deck talking about random things when Abby leaned in and kissed him. He was shocked at first. He didn't know how to respond to that but when he looked at her he couldn't help but want to kiss her back. So, he did. As her fingers combed through his hair and his arms encircled her waist he began to enjoy kissing her. Her lips were soft, her body was warm and she smelled like honey.  As the kiss continued Michael suddenly began to think about Melissa. The way she looked, the way she smelled, the way she walked, everything about her flooded his mind. He didn't like it. He didn't like the fact that while kissing another woman, kissing Abby, made him think of Melissa, the one person no one would ever compare to.

So, pulling away from Abby he met her confused eyes,"I'm sorry but I can't do this." he states.

"Did I do something wrong?"

He shook his head,"No, it''s my fault. I'm just - I'm not ready for this." he ran his fingers through his hair,"It wouldn't be fair to you if I started something that I am not one hundred percent ready for. You deserve better than that." he finishes.

Abby lets out a low breath before moving a bit closer to him,"It's her isn't it." It wasn't a question. She knew that Michael cared for Melissa she just didn't know how deeply he felt for her until now.

Michael lifted his gaze and met hers,"I'm sorry. I like you, Abby, I do I just-"

"You like Melissa more." she clarified.

"Abby, I'm so sorry." he says again.

She shook her head,"There's nothing to apologize for, Michael. We aren't together or anything. We've just been hanging out, as friends. I shouldn't have kissed you."

"Abby -"

She shook her head,"It's alright, Michael, really. Melissa, she's a lucky girl to have you to wake up to." she states with a smile.

"I wish I could believe that." he says, turning away from her.

Abby moved to stand in front of him,"You don't believe that you're good enough for her?" she questioned.

Michael avoided her gaze. "Michael, look at me." he kept his head down.

Lifting her hand, she cupped his cheek and forced his head up,"Look at me Michael." he finally met her gaze, "You are a good man and Melissa would be lucky to have you in her life. Whatever you are thinking that makes you feel like you aren't enough...stop because you are." she says.

Michael nodded his head,"Okay."

"Thank you." she says while taking a step back,"I have to get to work so, I'll see you around."

He nods,"Be careful."

She smiles,"Always." she says before walking away from him.

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